At the weekend me and my neighbor played together at LeoVegas and won (1400€). I made the Deposit via SOFORT from my account. The LeoVegas account is in my neighbor's name, address is identical because same house. Now we wanted to pay out to the bank account of my neighbor, as this is also identical to the LeoVegas account and the noted data. Now LeoVegas also wants to have the Verification documents from my account, despite multiple explanations there are difficulties, even if we have uploaded the documents from my account.
My question
Can LeoVegas refuse to pay out in this case? Or is it a problem if you deposit via another account, as it is the case with me/us?
capriz wrote on 04/24/2019 at 4:28 pm: Yes, can refuse to pay
Leo Vegas is really a very reputable casino though and might turn a blind eye.
Oh man. I hope so. Possibly have more experience with this and can describe what
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Former Member
LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
24th Apr. 2019, at 04:33 pm CEST#4
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SimonHell wrote on 04/24/2019 at 4:30 pm
Oh man... I hope so. Maybe more have experience with this and can describe something.
Best, if there is demand or they refuse just write a friendly email and the. Problem explain.
You must hope for goodwill
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Former Member
LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
24th Apr. 2019, at 04:43 pm CEST#5
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Of course, the casino can refuse the withdrawal and that's the right thing to do! Imagine your account is hacked and it is deposited from your account and paid out to someone else's account.
Verify both of you inclv. the deposit/withdrawal methods. Even a written confirmation could be required by the casino in this case
It's your own fault: it's written in bold letters in the terms and conditions of every casino.
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Former Member
LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
24th Apr. 2019, at 05:55 pm CEST#8
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upola wrote on 04/24/2019 at 16:47: They pay out within a few minutes(Neteller),if you are verified.
I was able to verify before,how it is now I don't know.
Recently received a payout on a Saturday at 10pm via echtgeldueberweisung
LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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Hello people,
At the weekend me and my neighbor played together at LeoVegas and won (1400€). I made the Deposit via SOFORT from my account. The LeoVegas account is in my neighbor's name, address is identical because same house. Now we wanted to pay out to the bank account of my neighbor, as this is also identical to the LeoVegas account and the noted data. Now LeoVegas also wants to have the Verification documents from my account, despite multiple explanations there are difficulties, even if we have uploaded the documents from my account.
My question
Can LeoVegas refuse to pay out in this case? Or is it a problem if you deposit via another account, as it is the case with me/us?
Thanks for your answers!
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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However, Leo Vegas is really a very reputable casino and could turn a blind eye
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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Oh man. I hope so. Possibly have more experience with this and can describe what
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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Best, if there is demand or they refuse just write a friendly email and the. Problem explain.
You must hope for goodwill
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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Verify both of you inclv. the deposit/withdrawal methods. Even a written confirmation could be required by the casino in this case
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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I could verify before, how it is now I do not know.
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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Recently received a payout on a Saturday at 10pm via echtgeldueberweisung
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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LeoVegas Withdrawal from outside account
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What was in it exactly help the TE's problem again? I do not really understand right now.
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