Topic created on 02nd Jul. 2021 | Page: 3 of 5 | Answers: 46 | Views: 13,760
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5th Jul. 2021, at 07:50 pm CEST#21
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Julian wrote on 05.07.2021 at 19:21
For banks, theoretically, anything can be a reason to cancel your account, even if they just don't like your nose.
eXACTLY. Since 01.07 nothing has changed in this regard, because there are currently neither legal nor illegal casinos, rather, we are still in the gray area, from which we will not get out again so quickly. Each bank can decide for itself whether it tolerates payments to the casinos or not
And no, Catherine, the bank advisors do not register in the 500 different casinos to check whether the 5 sec rule is observed or not, in order to determine the legality or illegality of the individual casinos. They still don't make any distinctions.
Catherine2 wrote on 05/07/2021 at 17:46
No one is disputing that, including me. This is about the real situation
-- part of message removed due to provocation / offtopic conversations --
Well the real situation is just this
100.000 people gamble on their account with 5 happens what and with the rest not I understand quite what you mean but as a real situation it would be for me only when 50% of the people +/- a few % are affected everything else is pure speculation because do you think seriously the banks do not know where the money goes?
unicorn wrote on 05/07/2021 at 19:50
exactly. Since 01.07 nothing has changed in this regard, because there are currently neither legal nor illegal casinos, rather we are still in the gray area, from which we will not get out again so quickly. Each bank can decide for itself whether it tolerates payments to the casinos or not
And no, Catherine, the bank advisors do not register in the 500 different casinos to check whether the 5 sec rule is observed or not, in order to determine the legality or illegality of the individual casinos. They still don't make any distinctions.
But that is not entirely true. There are still illegal casinos. Not every junk joint with two dice tables without a license is "not an illegal casino". Otherwise, the criminal offense of participating in illegal gambling would not exist
Don't nail me down on this, I can't see my way through it either, but since there is no German license yet, the European freedom to provide services should actually still apply, which is why casinos licensed within the EU should still be part of the notorious gray area, right?
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5th Jul. 2021, at 08:33 pm CEST#25
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Bones wrote on 05.07.2021 at 20:11
That's not entirely true either. There are still illegal casinos. Not every junk joint with two dice tables without a license is "not an illegal casino". Otherwise, the criminal offense of participating in illegal gambling would not exist
Don't nail me down on this, I can't see my way through it either, but since there is no German license yet, the European freedom to provide services should actually still apply, which is why casinos licensed within the EU should still be part of the notorious gray area, right?
The way you put it, that's what I meant. In order to avoid the criminal offense of illegal gambling in the first place, a license is required, which the Malta casinos have. That there are still illegal Hintlerwälder casinos without any license is also clear and these are also illegal without any argument. But most Malta casinos with MGA license still invoke their freedom of services, which puts them at least in a gray area. Even if some courts have now rejected this freedom of service, banks still decide for themselves how to deal with such payments, according to the knowledge of the respective advisors. The fact that not all of them are legally trained and have the same level of knowledge should not be held against them
For banks, theoretically, anything can be a reason to cancel your account, even if they just don't like your nose.
If I remember correctly, there were already individual cases in 2015-2016 of players whose banks closed the player's account. Whether it was always just about gambling, or whether that was just used as a pretext in some cases, because there was something else going on, remains to be seen.
I think Nick1895 has addressed it pretty well, it just ultimately depends on the bank and the respective consultant, how they generally deal with the issue.
With my account in Germany, for example, there have never been any problems with it in all the years, even when I had called there one day to note for safety's sake that a somewhat larger sum from an online casino will soon arrive, there was only the answer from my advisor that it was completely okay and I should not worry.
Therefore, as I said, it is also somewhat difficult to properly address this issue, because you can not say in general how the individual banks or consultants react to something like that.
Well, banks no longer get interest for the money, but are now subject to minus interest. One has lately increasingly read here that the ING Bank has closed accounts of players. Now also came in all the media that this bank with balances from 50 000 euros on current or call money accounts this minus interest to their customers. Since now actually a very rough wind blows with the banks and I believe Casino bookings are therefore taken as a pretext, so that one or other customer somehow gets rid of. With Corona and the trillion sums of the ECB, I also no longer exclude it that soon a bank death begins. The best customers are those who do not park money, but rather those who have debts to banks. Because is earned only by their interest payments on the Debt and on the account management fees. Earlier, many years ago, the banks earned well on the savings of customers and this important sector is now at least with us in Germany turned into the opposite. But there are also still a few EU countries where banks continue to earn something from the parked money, for example Italy
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5th Jul. 2021, at 09:38 pm CEST#27
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Falko wrote on 05.07.2021 at 20:56
Well, banks no longer get interest for the money, but are now occupied with minus interest. One has lately increasingly read here that the ING Bank has closed accounts of players. Now also came in all the media that this bank with balances from 50 000 euros on Giro or Tagesgeld accounts this minus interest to their customers on. There blows now actually a very rough wind with the banks and I believe Casino bookings are taken therefore as pretext, so that one gets the one or other customer somehow loose. With Corona and the trillion sums of the ECB, I also no longer exclude it that soon a bank death begins. The best customers are those who do not park money, but rather those who have debts to banks. Because is earned only by their interest payments on the Debt and on the account management fees. Earlier, many years ago, the banks earned well on the savings of customers and this important sector is now at least with us in Germany turned into the opposite. However, there are still a few EU countries where banks continue to earn something from the parked money, for example Italy.
How is that to be understood banks get no more interest for the money but are meanwhile occupied with minus interest? The only one who pays minus interest to the bank is the private customer who exceeds a certain exemption amount, which is between 50,000 and 100,000
unicorn wrote on 05.07.2021 at 21:38
How is this to be understood banks no longer get interest on money but are now charged minus interest? The only one who pays minus interest to the bank is the private customer who exceeds a certain exemption amount, which is something like 50,000 to 100,000.
Yes, that is true; we are talking about demand deposits, i.e. credit balances on accounts, without a fixed term; the bank must invest this money in accordance with the term (possibility 1: ECB, takes penalty interest for short-term deposits / possibility 2: interbank loans: Reference interest rates EURIBOR and LIBOR also negative... etc.).
So, strictly speaking, banks have the same problem as they do retail customers: If they have more liquid funds than they can lend out again in the form of loans or other investments, then it will also be expensive for the banks
And as long as the markets continue to be flooded with cheap money without any discreet attempt to reduce the money supply again, and the whole thing is garnished with a zero prime rate, this situation will remain the same and the next financial crisis is sure to come - and it will be brutal
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6th Jul. 2021, at 06:34 am CEST#29
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That is but very strange.Why raise the casinos now already taxes, if still no German licenses are awarded?Where are the tax money now?We as players must now already 5.3% taxes to the casinos, and no one has a German license.I would like to get but please times explained.
Because the casinos have to pay taxes. What kind of - sorry - stupid question is that?
Tax liability has nothing to do with licenses, and various providers have already paid taxes before, because in Germany you also have to pay taxes on illegal income.
Example: If you are caught with a KG of coke, you will not only get a criminal complaint, but also a tax assessment.
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eXACTLY. Since 01.07 nothing has changed in this regard, because there are currently neither legal nor illegal casinos, rather, we are still in the gray area, from which we will not get out again so quickly. Each bank can decide for itself whether it tolerates payments to the casinos or not
And no, Catherine, the bank advisors do not register in the 500 different casinos to check whether the 5 sec rule is observed or not, in order to determine the legality or illegality of the individual casinos. They still don't make any distinctions.
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Well the real situation is just this
100.000 people gamble on their account with 5 happens what and with the rest not I understand quite what you mean but as a real situation it would be for me only when 50% of the people +/- a few % are affected everything else is pure speculation because do you think seriously the banks do not know where the money goes?
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But that is not entirely true. There are still illegal casinos. Not every junk joint with two dice tables without a license is "not an illegal casino". Otherwise, the criminal offense of participating in illegal gambling would not exist
Don't nail me down on this, I can't see my way through it either, but since there is no German license yet, the European freedom to provide services should actually still apply, which is why casinos licensed within the EU should still be part of the notorious gray area, right?
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The way you put it, that's what I meant. In order to avoid the criminal offense of illegal gambling in the first place, a license is required, which the Malta casinos have. That there are still illegal Hintlerwälder casinos without any license is also clear and these are also illegal without any argument. But most Malta casinos with MGA license still invoke their freedom of services, which puts them at least in a gray area. Even if some courts have now rejected this freedom of service, banks still decide for themselves how to deal with such payments, according to the knowledge of the respective advisors. The fact that not all of them are legally trained and have the same level of knowledge should not be held against them
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Well, banks no longer get interest for the money, but are now subject to minus interest. One has lately increasingly read here that the ING Bank has closed accounts of players. Now also came in all the media that this bank with balances from 50 000 euros on current or call money accounts this minus interest to their customers. Since now actually a very rough wind blows with the banks and I believe Casino bookings are therefore taken as a pretext, so that one or other customer somehow gets rid of. With Corona and the trillion sums of the ECB, I also no longer exclude it that soon a bank death begins. The best customers are those who do not park money, but rather those who have debts to banks. Because is earned only by their interest payments on the Debt and on the account management fees. Earlier, many years ago, the banks earned well on the savings of customers and this important sector is now at least with us in Germany turned into the opposite. But there are also still a few EU countries where banks continue to earn something from the parked money, for example Italy
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How is that to be understood banks get no more interest for the money but are meanwhile occupied with minus interest? The only one who pays minus interest to the bank is the private customer who exceeds a certain exemption amount, which is between 50,000 and 100,000
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Yes, that is true; we are talking about demand deposits, i.e. credit balances on accounts, without a fixed term; the bank must invest this money in accordance with the term (possibility 1: ECB, takes penalty interest for short-term deposits / possibility 2: interbank loans: Reference interest rates EURIBOR and LIBOR also negative... etc.).
So, strictly speaking, banks have the same problem as they do retail customers: If they have more liquid funds than they can lend out again in the form of loans or other investments, then it will also be expensive for the banks
And as long as the markets continue to be flooded with cheap money without any discreet attempt to reduce the money supply again, and the whole thing is garnished with a zero prime rate, this situation will remain the same and the next financial crisis is sure to come - and it will be brutal
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Tax liability has nothing to do with licenses, and various providers have already paid taxes before, because in Germany you also have to pay taxes on illegal income.
Example: If you are caught with a KG of coke, you will not only get a criminal complaint, but also a tax assessment.
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