I won 3000€ at the weekend in the Yugibet Casino and wanted to ask if anyone has experience with the casino.
I am trying to verify myself there for days...
Today came again the mail
Thank you for your messages and for providing us with your documents.
Unfortunately, the document you provided for the Verification of your address cannot be accepted due to the fact that it is not a monthly bank statement.
In order for your address to be verified, the following documents are required:
A photograph of the whole page of a proof of address, issued in your name, within the last 3 months.
Tthe accepted documents are monthly bank/card statements and utility bills (electricity, water, landline, gas, heat, and phone bills).
The documents should be clear and in PDF form or a photograph of a physical document. Screenshots are not accepted, as well as, scanned or cropped images.
All the documents should be uploaded to your gaming account. To upload your documents please click on your Icon -> My profile - > Documents tab -> Select the type of the document -> Choose file -> Verify.
The funny thing is that on the PDF from my bank is no address on it. I sent the anyway and 3 other letters with my address on it.
I'm curious what comes next.
I think this will go on for a few days but I'm kind of glad that it is MGA licensed....
CaNna09 wrote on 20.05.2023 at 14:29: @ Hidaruma this does not help me unfortunately
Stands meanwhile with 4000€ ^^
According to your post it is only about the Verification of your address. Since I would not necessarily take a document from my bank.
Telephone Provider, electricity / gas provider I have always taken at such casinos. PDF and zack good it was usually.
Keep your fingers still now, because of the credit.
As a last Tip, I would simply put the crypto casinos to your heart. No headaches at all. They are just as less legal as MGA casinos and it's more fun because you don't have to worry.
Have now sent the several address proofs and none is accepted
@Caro @ Sabine do you have contacts there?
Unfortunately no, we never had the page listed. I can't even find it on Google with a German IP.
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Former Member
Experience with Yugibet Casino?
21st May. 2023, at 05:53 pm CEST#7
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CaNna09 wrote on 05/21/2023 at 10:45: Moin!
I think the money thing is over-.-
It comes over and over again the same mail.
Have now sent the several address proofs and none is accepted
@Caro @ Sabine do you have contacts there?
What exactly are you sending? As mentioned above, either electricity Provider or telephone provider or you go to the registration office and get a certificate of registration
Acc was veri and more and more documents are requested
Uploaded documents
Proof of identity
Other payment methods
Proof of identity
Proof of identity
Other document
Other document
Proof of address
Amazon Address Proof.pdf
Proof of address
Klarna Bill.pdf
Other document
Birthday Certificate.pdf
Proof of address
Bill Address Proof No9.pdf
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof AOK Letter.pdf
Proof of address
Proof Address ID Card.pdf
Account statement
Proof of address
Bank statement
Proof of identity
ID back.jpg
Proof of identity
ID front.jpg
Proof of address
Give you what I have already sent them everything !Today they came with Mifinity and I think next phone veri etc etc etc
I hereby expressly warn to play in any L.C.S limited casino! Malta or not these are pure scam casinos that make your life difficult!
I hope this helps at least
Dear xxx,
We have received your complaint (2482068963 ) and forwarded your submission to the operator, who now has two weeks to submit a response.
Please be advised that according to Sec. 2.a) of our Rules of Procedure, operators are not obliged to respond to cases from outside the EU.
Please also note that according to our Rule of Procedure (https://madre-online.eu/rules-of-procedure/) MADRE does not investigate the facts of the dispute and is under no obligation to request additional documents or evidence unless essential information is missing to decide the case. Information provided by the Consumer after the opening of the case may not be considered and follow up emails will not be responded to as a matter of policy to the interest of resourceful case management. Therefore, please verify once again that you have submitted all information that supports your claim and that you have exhausted the operator's complaint procedure, so that we may decide the case on that basis. No additional information sent henceforth can be considered without reference to the case number statet above.
Should you settle the case with the operator in the meantime, please let us know.
We will keep you updated.
Yours sincerely,
MADRE - Malta Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity
operated by RGOAL LIMITED
San Michel Building,
110, St. George's Road
St. Julians's STJ 3203, Malta www.madre-online.eu
CaNna09 wrote on 25.05.2023 at 18:46: I'll get back to you then
Acc has been veri and more and more documents are being requested
Uploaded documents
Proof of identity
Other payment methods
Proof of identity
Proof of identity
Other document
Other document
Proof of address
Amazon Address Proof.pdf
Proof of address
Klarna Bill.pdf
Other document
Birthday Certificate.pdf
Proof of address
Bill Address Proof No9.pdf
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof AOK Letter.pdf
Proof of address
Proof Address ID Card.pdf
Account statement
Proof of address
Bank statement
Proof of identity
ID back.jpg
Proof of identity
ID front.jpg
Proof of address
Give you what I have already sent them everything !Today they came with Mifinity and I think next phone veri etc etc etc
I hereby warn EXPRESSLY to play in any L.C.S limited casino! Malta or not these are pure scam casinos that make your life difficult!
I hope this helps at least
Dear xxx,
We have received your complaint (2482068963 ) and forwarded your submission to the operator, who now has two weeks to submit a response.
Please be advised that according to Sec. 2.a) of our Rules of Procedure, operators are not obliged to respond to cases from outside the EU.
Please also note that according to our Rule of Procedure (https://madre-online.eu/rules-of-procedure/) MADRE does not investigate the facts of the dispute and is under no obligation to request additional documents or evidence unless essential information is missing to decide the case. Information provided by the Consumer after the opening of the case may not be considered and follow up emails will not be responded to as a matter of policy to the interest of resourceful case management. Therefore, please verify once again that you have submitted all information that supports your claim and that you have exhausted the operator's complaint procedure, so that we may decide the case on that basis. No additional information sent henceforth can be considered without reference to the case number statet above.
Should you settle the case with the operator in the meantime, please let us know.
We will keep you updated.
Yours sincerely,
MADRE - Malta Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity
operated by RGOAL LIMITED
San Michel Building,
110, St. George's Road
St. Julians's STJ 3203, Malta www.madre-online.eu
"Insiders" or better said players who have been there for years, know that this casino group is the last dirt and unserious. That with the demands of always new documents is known. Nevertheless, hard to believe that this casino group can hold for years, actually something should get around but ignorant are their victims. There are also Affiliate sites that also advertise with coupons for this dirt and the MGA probably does not care about their practices at all. Rather do without the coal, because you will not receive it (most likely), they will wear you down to infinity. You can see from the documents you have already uploaded, it goes on and on like this
Write to them that you now have everything and other casinos have already accepted this several times. Then stop playing there in any case. They see you continue to play and hope that you gamble away everything again.
You have to be a bit more explorers. Friendly but determined.
Point out that there are other casinos that will gladly take your money and you are not dependent on the win. This shows that you have patience, you seem nervous and shaky they let you wait because you gamble it all away again.
Tell them that you came to this casino through a referral and are starting to get disappointed that they are giving you so much trouble. That you did not expect this from a reputable casino. And last but not least that you are sorry that you can't recommend the casino but rather have to write a negative article.
This combination used at the right moment has worked for me several times when constantly new calls came.
CaNna09 wrote on 25.05.2023 at 18:46: I'll get back to you then
Acc has been veri and more and more documents are being requested
Uploaded documents
Proof of identity
Other payment methods
Proof of identity
Proof of identity
Other document
Other document
Proof of address
Amazon Address Proof.pdf
Proof of address
Klarna Bill.pdf
Other document
Birthday Certificate.pdf
Proof of address
Bill Address Proof No9.pdf
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof AOK Letter.pdf
Proof of address
Proof Address ID Card.pdf
Account statement
Proof of address
Bank statement
Proof of identity
ID back.jpg
Proof of identity
ID front.jpg
Proof of address
Give you what I have already sent them everything !Today they came with Mifinity and I think next phone veri etc etc etc
I hereby warn EXPRESSLY to play in any L.C.S limited casino! Malta or not these are pure scam casinos that make your life difficult!
I hope this helps at least
Dear xxx,
We have received your complaint (2482068963 ) and forwarded your submission to the operator, who now has two weeks to submit a response.
Please be advised that according to Sec. 2.a) of our Rules of Procedure, operators are not obliged to respond to cases from outside the EU.
Please also note that according to our Rule of Procedure (https://madre-online.eu/rules-of-procedure/) MADRE does not investigate the facts of the dispute and is under no obligation to request additional documents or evidence unless essential information is missing to decide the case. Information provided by the Consumer after the opening of the case may not be considered and follow up emails will not be responded to as a matter of policy to the interest of resourceful case management. Therefore, please verify once again that you have submitted all information that supports your claim and that you have exhausted the operator's complaint procedure, so that we may decide the case on that basis. No additional information sent henceforth can be considered without reference to the case number statet above.
Should you settle the case with the operator in the meantime, please let us know.
We will keep you updated.
Yours sincerely,
MADRE - Malta Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity
operated by RGOAL LIMITED
San Michel Building,
110, St. George's Road
St. Julians's STJ 3203, Malta www.madre-online.eu
CaNna09 wrote on 25.05.2023 at 18:46: I'll get back to you then
Acc has been veri and more and more documents are being requested
Uploaded documents
Proof of identity
Other payment methods
Proof of identity
Proof of identity
Other document
Other document
Proof of address
Amazon Address Proof.pdf
Proof of address
Klarna Bill.pdf
Other document
Birthday Certificate.pdf
Proof of address
Bill Address Proof No9.pdf
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof of address
Proof AOK Letter.pdf
Proof of address
Proof Address ID Card.pdf
Account statement
Proof of address
Bank statement
Proof of identity
ID back.jpg
Proof of identity
ID front.jpg
Proof of address
Give you what I have already sent them everything !Today they came with Mifinity and I think next phone veri etc etc etc
I hereby expressly warn to play in any L.C.S limited casino! Malta or not these are pure scam casinos that make your life difficult!
I hope this helps at least
Dear xxx,
We have received your complaint (2482068963 ) and forwarded your submission to the operator, who now has two weeks to submit a response.
Please be advised that according to Sec. 2.a) of our Rules of Procedure, operators are not obliged to respond to cases from outside the EU.
Please also note that according to our Rule of Procedure (https://madre-online.eu/rules-of-procedure/) MADRE does not investigate the facts of the dispute and is under no obligation to request additional documents or evidence unless essential information is missing to decide the case. Information provided by the Consumer after the opening of the case may not be considered and follow up emails will not be responded to as a matter of policy to the interest of resourceful case management. Therefore, please verify once again that you have submitted all information that supports your claim and that you have exhausted the operator's complaint procedure, so that we may decide the case on that basis. No additional information sent henceforth can be considered without reference to the case number statet above.
Should you settle the case with the operator in the meantime, please let us know.
We will keep you updated.
Yours sincerely,
MADRE - Malta Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity
operated by RGOAL LIMITED
San Michel Building,
110, St. George's Road
St. Julians's STJ 3203, Malta www.madre-online.eu
just sent your whole life there. next thing you know, they'll demand that you have a baby picture of yourself with your current nickname on it
just sent your whole life there. next thing you know, they'll demand that you have a baby picture of yourself with your current nickname on it
I may also add birth certificate, organ donor card and vaccination book. No honestly that is the very last of them, always watch out where you play. The Condor Group (24 Bettle, Casino Sieger, etc.) used to be very good at delaying everything ad infinitum. Have had many years ago at one of the LCS casinos also times 500 € on the clock, after I had made myself smart about the I have never logged in again and let it be good. Maybe it helps to submit complaints to all known sites and also to this MGA arbitration board, but I forgot the name
Sven Play belongs to this group had at that time sone action there gabs every week free spins have the also once gewagert but the money never received. Been fully verified yet ned paid out it also let be but only about 40 € or so.
Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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I won 3000€ at the weekend in the Yugibet Casino and wanted to ask if anyone has experience with the casino.
I am trying to verify myself there for days...
Today came again the mail
Thank you for your messages and for providing us with your documents.
Unfortunately, the document you provided for the Verification of your address cannot be accepted due to the fact that it is not a monthly bank statement.
In order for your address to be verified, the following documents are required:
A photograph of the whole page of a proof of address, issued in your name, within the last 3 months.
The documents should be clear and in PDF form or a photograph of a physical document. Screenshots are not accepted, as well as, scanned or cropped images.
All the documents should be uploaded to your gaming account. To upload your documents please click on your Icon -> My profile - > Documents tab -> Select the type of the document -> Choose file -> Verify.
The funny thing is that on the PDF from my bank is no address on it. I sent the anyway and 3 other letters with my address on it.
I'm curious what comes next.
I think this will go on for a few days but I'm kind of glad that it is MGA licensed....
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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I think this will go on for a few more days but I'm kind of glad it's MGA licensed....
This is one of the reasons why the Verification is such a nonsense.
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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Stands meanwhile at 4000€ ^^
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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According to your post it is only about the Verification of your address. Since I would not necessarily take a document from my bank.
Telephone Provider, electricity / gas provider I have always taken at such casinos. PDF and zack good it was usually.
Keep your fingers still now, because of the credit.
As a last Tip, I would simply put the crypto casinos to your heart. No headaches at all. They are just as less legal as MGA casinos and it's more fun because you don't have to worry.
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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I think that with the money is done -
It comes over and over again the same mail.
Have now sent the several address proofs and none is accepted
@Caro @ Sabine do you have contacts there?
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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Unfortunately no, we never had the page listed. I can't even find it on Google with a German IP.
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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What exactly are you sending? As mentioned above, either electricity Provider or telephone provider or you go to the registration office and get a certificate of registration
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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Acc was veri and more and more documents are requested
Uploaded documents
Give you what I have already sent them everything !Today they came with Mifinity and I think next phone veri etc etc etc
I hereby expressly warn to play in any L.C.S limited casino! Malta or not these are pure scam casinos that make your life difficult!
I hope this helps at least
Dear xxx,
We have received your complaint (2482068963 ) and forwarded your submission to the operator, who now has two weeks to submit a response.
Please be advised that according to Sec. 2.a) of our Rules of Procedure, operators are not obliged to respond to cases from outside the EU.
Please also note that according to our Rule of Procedure (https://madre-online.eu/rules-of-procedure/) MADRE does not investigate the facts of the dispute and is under no obligation to request additional documents or evidence unless essential information is missing to decide the case. Information provided by the Consumer after the opening of the case may not be considered and follow up emails will not be responded to as a matter of policy to the interest of resourceful case management.
Therefore, please verify once again that you have submitted all information that supports your claim and that you have exhausted the operator's complaint procedure, so that we may decide the case on that basis. No additional information sent henceforth can be considered without reference to the case number statet above.
Should you settle the case with the operator in the meantime, please let us know.
We will keep you updated.
Yours sincerely,
MADRE - Malta Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity
operated by RGOAL LIMITED
San Michel Building,
110, St. George's Road
St. Julians's STJ 3203, Malta
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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"Insiders" or better said players who have been there for years, know that this casino group is the last dirt and unserious. That with the demands of always new documents is known. Nevertheless, hard to believe that this casino group can hold for years, actually something should get around but ignorant are their victims. There are also Affiliate sites that also advertise with coupons for this dirt and the MGA probably does not care about their practices at all. Rather do without the coal, because you will not receive it (most likely), they will wear you down to infinity. You can see from the documents you have already uploaded, it goes on and on like this
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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Write to them that you now have everything and other casinos have already accepted this several times. Then stop playing there in any case. They see you continue to play and hope that you gamble away everything again.
You have to be a bit more explorers. Friendly but determined.
Point out that there are other casinos that will gladly take your money and you are not dependent on the win. This shows that you have patience, you seem nervous and shaky they let you wait because you gamble it all away again.
Tell them that you came to this casino through a referral and are starting to get disappointed that they are giving you so much trouble. That you did not expect this from a reputable casino. And last but not least that you are sorry that you can't recommend the casino but rather have to write a negative article.
This combination used at the right moment has worked for me several times when constantly new calls came.
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
Liked this post: Anonym,
just sent your whole life there. next thing you know, they'll demand that you have a baby picture of yourself with your current nickname on it
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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I may also add birth certificate, organ donor card and vaccination book. No honestly that is the very last of them, always watch out where you play. The Condor Group (24 Bettle, Casino Sieger, etc.) used to be very good at delaying everything ad infinitum. Have had many years ago at one of the LCS casinos also times 500 € on the clock, after I had made myself smart about the I have never logged in again and let it be good. Maybe it helps to submit complaints to all known sites and also to this MGA arbitration board, but I forgot the name
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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Experience with Yugibet Casino?
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That would be great hahahaha
I told them I'll send them another shit and wait for Madre.
Will take months but that does not bother me....
I just wonder WHY these casinos have a MGA license.
Vllt should Gamblejoe or some big site times write an article and ask the MGA to speak out.
Public pressure is the best thing you can do.
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