Have a question ... I have at Drückglück in October at the Social Media freeroll first place occupied. The prize was a treadmill. My messages to Drückglück how to get my prize all remain unanswered ... anyone ever experienced a similar situation ? I hope you have advice on how I can proceed ... Thanks in advance
Seldaja wrote on 01.11.2021 at 19:47: Have a question ... I have at Drückglück in October at the Social Media freeroll first place occupied . The prize was a treadmill. My messages to Drückglück how to get my prize all remain unanswered ... anyone ever experienced a similar situation ? I hope you have advice on how I can proceed... Thanks in advance
DrückGlück is listed here. Write to Caro or Julian ( scroll all the way down ). They will help you for sure.
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Former Member
Drückglück freeroll social media no win received
1st Nov. 2021, at 08:33 pm CET#3
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Seldaja wrote on 01.11.2021 at 19:47: Have a question ... I have at Drückglück in October at the Social Media freeroll first place occupied . The prize was a treadmill. My messages to Drückglück how to get my prize all remain unanswered ... anyone ever experienced a similar situation ? I hope you have advice on how I can proceed ... Thanks in advance
If you are already verified, then such prizes will be sent to you automatically, the shipping can take up to 8 weeks.
In what way do your requests remain unanswered? You will surely be informed of something in response to your request
Thanks for replying, I received a reply from the Live Chat that I need to contact the Facebook page of DrückGlück to claim the win. I did that too, but did not get an answer from them. Have then yesterday again in the casino chat written that the Facebook do not answer me, luckily had a nice lady in the chat who now assured me that she will take care of it .
Drückglück freeroll social media no win received
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Drückglück freeroll social media no win received
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DrückGlück is listed here. Write to Caro or Julian ( scroll all the way down ). They will help you for sure.
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Drückglück freeroll social media no win received
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If you are already verified, then such prizes will be sent to you automatically, the shipping can take up to 8 weeks.
In what way do your requests remain unanswered? You will surely be informed of something in response to your request
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Drückglück freeroll social media no win received
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Drückglück freeroll social media no win received
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