Topic created on 02nd Oct. 2018 | Page: 2 of 8 | Answers: 77 | Views: 17,913
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Development of the forum
3rd Oct. 2018, at 02:21 am CEST#11
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Regugges Welcome! All pure no problem
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Development of the forum
3rd Oct. 2018, at 02:46 am CEST#12
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I would be interested to know what the suggestions were, I have not been able to read any and would be grateful for a few links. I'm also not long here, so I'm probably not really part of the community and can not really assess the whole situation.
I am seriously wondering though what would need to change? There is freedom of speech with a lot of freedom, and everyone would agree that just because you are Stammi does not have to be treated preferentially. In my opinion, the case with strkie is out of hand, why did he get such a harsh punishment (permanent exclusion) and others with whom he had discussed and have already summoned his ban were allowed to let off freely on him. Especially the trampling of a user, that was worth a warning? His "letter of apology" consisted of him simply repeating his opinion with the difference that at the beginning of three words to apologize - the rest of the text has made it clear that he thinks the same way and he has used the post to subliminally step on it again.
Sometimes I wish the one faster durchgreift with users who sabotage a thread or new users stupid anmeckern, but there many have a different opinion than me. Sure it comes funny that someone had a win and now e.g. Wunderino, Rizk, ... a four-digit or five-digit amount does not pay out or very long for the Verification needs. But I find it perfectly normal from the perspective of the new user to then register here to ask for help. Here, almost everyone without exception who is new tries to be called a "fake" and they deliberately try to scare the person away quickly. Just that annoys me here too, especially make it the Stammis who are already a few months more here and have "settled in". They try to defend a territory that does not belong to them. I say it freely out, I sometimes have the feeling that a part of the Stammis do not want any growth of the community and prefer to have it so that here are fewer people and you as a single user again has the high value as before (because there is no more growth and therefore each departure means permanent loss and thus you are important again by scarcity). This might have been good for a while, but you can't expect GJ to contain the growth and stay in standstill forever - whoever doesn't change and grow will eventually become redundant again and die.
To solve this problem you could create "private areas" in the forum, i.e. allow groupings (possibly a new function) and then you have as a group of X people a separate forum section for themselves that other users can not read. This idea can also be expanded very well, but would take some time for the development - but overall it should be no problem for the GJ team to get this up and running within 1-2 months.
The other thing that was mentioned was that GJ is constantly busy, I would like to see a community update thread every month where one of the Gamblejoe team informs about the status of things - so you know what you are working on. This doesn't have to be a huge post, but in keywords it could roughly look like this:
- We are planning to add three new casinos to the overview [Read more]
- Next draw will have 25 winners instead of 20!
- Winning pictures without registered winning factor were corrected
- Pictures can now be integrated directly into posts by attachments
- You can now ignore users*
- Mathias overdid it again in the last Highroll session and got 40x free spins at Extra Chilli... [Link to video]
*Ignoring a user will collapse all posts of the ignored user
Before someone says something that you can better integrate images was suggested by someone else and also the user ignore was suggested by someone. This is now only an example, as I can imagine an improvement. But I would be very pleased about a lively exchange here, no matter what opinion, and I am curious what is still coming.
Yes knochen started with this shit and then it went back and forth again like in kindergarten that's stupid.
In such cases, someone should be immediately available who says BACK TO TOPIC, which is not feasible because you can not be online around the clock.
So I said goodbye, all good ?
I did not. Started probably Danielowitch who already became political in his initial post. Since I know his political views from other threads and do not support I went into it. And honestly, "Stammi" or not - I don't know if the guy was once quite okay, but how you can give such a bunch of steaming shit from himself and find recognition for it is beyond me?! So Daniel's win was fake, Julian pretends to be a Jackpot winner, Daniel and Matthias lead a fat bigwig life at our expense and we pay for it all?
This is simply all bullshit, and really all bullshit. The only remotely true point in his post was the one about slots trying to trigger the player to keep playing. The rest was really muddled stuff, far from any truth
I did not start with the political discussion, I mentioned it briefly, whereupon I was accused of distributing teddy bears at the train station and welcoming refugees, I responded very obviously ironic and did not expand the topic, whereupon again something was written about "system Merkel and because of guys like me it works"
So please, who wants to accuse me of doing this politically? I keep myself out of 90% of the political debates in this forum for a long time - I am left, believe in state socialism and would find the communist utopia after Marx a desirable goal. I probably wouldn't get a foot on the ground here so I mostly leave it alone
Personally, I would just wish that it is more about gambling here. It is important that the seriousness of the individual casinos is discussed here, as well as the bonus rules, the loyalty points, the terms and conditions and everything that could be a trap for players. It is also quite normal and natural in a forum that other topics such as politics are discussed. But primarily it should be about playing itself. This works to some extent when it comes to Roulette or Blackjack, even in the NoDeposit thread but more and more is just "scam!" without valid arguments. If a player has a problem with a casino there is a public complaint thread which is probably the most important one on this forum. Then it should be tried to help the player there, instead of again rauszuhauen how crappy casinos are and how the mafia pushes away the third book. Otherwise, it would be nice to read something that has to do with gaming itself. However, such threads usually get little attention. Everyone here can actively shape the forum by opening threads and participating in them. The development is 100% in our own hands. None of us can control what others create for threads and how others respond to them, but everyone can decide to contribute something to the quality of the forum
Bones wrote on 10/03/2018 at 11:25 am
I didn't. Started probably Danielowitch who already got political in his initial post. Knowing his political views from other threads and not supporting them I went for it. And honestly, "Stammi" or not - I don't know if the guy was once quite okay, but how you can give such a pile of steaming shit from and find recognition for it is beyond me?! So Daniel's win was fake, Julian pretends to be a Jackpot winner, Daniel and Matthias lead a fat bigwig life at our expense and we pay for it all?
This is simply all bullshit, and really all bullshit. The only remotely true point in his post was the one about slots trying to trigger the player to keep playing. The rest was really muddled stuff, far from any truth
I did not start with the political discussion, I mentioned it briefly, whereupon I was accused of distributing teddy bears at the train station and welcoming refugees, I responded very obviously ironic and did not expand the topic, whereupon again something was written about "system Merkel and because of guys like me it works"
So please, who wants to accuse me of doing this politically? I keep myself out of 90% of the political debates in this forum - I am left, believe in state socialism and would find the communist utopia after Marx a desirable goal. I probably wouldn't get a foot on the ground here so I mostly leave it alone.
You keep out of political discussions after all.... Ahja... But when the TE wrote that he is friends with a politician, you had to rush right back against the Afd Your logic is not comprehensible to me. Do not put yourself now as a poor victim who did not want these discussions. Have me then never interfered in your and skries political discussions and found the then out of place here, but you can simply leave it ne, to agitate against others. Let that be in the future but just completely. That you are tight left and what views to have, no one should have escaped. And now is also good with the topic..
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Former Member
Development of the forum
3rd Oct. 2018, at 12:34 pm CEST#16
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Howl quietly now Let's be honest...what about you?
I would be happy if it's here again only about the one thing, about gambling!
I'm the whining, the conspiracy theories and the like really too much.
Open an extra forum if you think that's so important, where you can argue and tease!
Yes, this is a gamer forum, but it should still be possible to talk about other things.
Otherwise it can quickly become boring.
In each special forum are also always talked about other things.
If a forum can not stand it, it can immediately close the gates.
Why should one not talk about politics, provided it runs gesittet off.Was not mean however that one can discuss also times controversially.
There is also a Bundesliga betting game, which also has nothing to do with gambling.
So what's wrong with exchanging ideas about other things?
Let's be honest, it's almost always the same people who post here.
Many only come out of their holes when there is something to lottery.
That's logical that you also times zofft.Some you also find unsympathetic, why also always, It is simply so
It bothers me when here just comes a round about blow, in which everything is made bad.
I know forums there it is much worse to.Da is blocked at the smallest criticism immediately.Seldom seen a forum where you can practice so much criticism of the operator.Everyone can / may register here voluntarily, and everyone may / can also log out again if it no longer pleases him.
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Forum posts:688Member has been banned
Development of the forum
3rd Oct. 2018, at 01:21 pm CEST#19
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upola wrote on 03/10/2018 at 13:12: Yes, this is a gamer forum, but it should still be possible to talk about other things.
Otherwise it can quickly become boring.
In each special forum are also always talked about other things.
If a forum can not stand it, it can immediately close the gates.
Why should one not talk about politics, provided it runs gesittet off.Was not mean however that one can discuss also times controversially.
There is also a Bundesliga betting game, which also has nothing to do with gambling.
So what's wrong with exchanging ideas about other things?
Let's be honest, it's almost always the same people who post here.
Many only come out of their holes when there is something to lottery.
That's logical that you also times zofft.Some you also find unsympathetic, why also always, It is simply so
It bothers me when here just comes a round about blow, in which everything is made bad.
I know forums there it is much worse to.Da is blocked at the smallest criticism immediately.Seldom seen a forum where you can practice so much criticism of the operator.Everyone can / may register here voluntarily, and everyone may / can also log out again if it no longer pleases him.
Because it was here, as has been shown, not about politics but about inhuman agitation.
Even without the right-wing populists to right-wing extremists here, political issues could quickly lead to escalating disputes.
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Forum posts:64Member has been banned
Development of the forum
3rd Oct. 2018, at 01:28 pm CEST#20
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Yes, the right-wingers always. They simply can't integrate. Learning Arabic is not that difficult.
Development of the forum
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Development of the forum
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I am seriously wondering though what would need to change? There is freedom of speech with a lot of freedom, and everyone would agree that just because you are Stammi does not have to be treated preferentially. In my opinion, the case with strkie is out of hand, why did he get such a harsh punishment (permanent exclusion) and others with whom he had discussed and have already summoned his ban were allowed to let off freely on him. Especially the trampling of a user, that was worth a warning? His "letter of apology" consisted of him simply repeating his opinion with the difference that at the beginning of three words to apologize - the rest of the text has made it clear that he thinks the same way and he has used the post to subliminally step on it again.
Sometimes I wish the one faster durchgreift with users who sabotage a thread or new users stupid anmeckern, but there many have a different opinion than me. Sure it comes funny that someone had a win and now e.g. Wunderino, Rizk, ... a four-digit or five-digit amount does not pay out or very long for the Verification needs. But I find it perfectly normal from the perspective of the new user to then register here to ask for help. Here, almost everyone without exception who is new tries to be called a "fake" and they deliberately try to scare the person away quickly. Just that annoys me here too, especially make it the Stammis who are already a few months more here and have "settled in". They try to defend a territory that does not belong to them. I say it freely out, I sometimes have the feeling that a part of the Stammis do not want any growth of the community and prefer to have it so that here are fewer people and you as a single user again has the high value as before (because there is no more growth and therefore each departure means permanent loss and thus you are important again by scarcity). This might have been good for a while, but you can't expect GJ to contain the growth and stay in standstill forever - whoever doesn't change and grow will eventually become redundant again and die.
To solve this problem you could create "private areas" in the forum, i.e. allow groupings (possibly a new function) and then you have as a group of X people a separate forum section for themselves that other users can not read. This idea can also be expanded very well, but would take some time for the development - but overall it should be no problem for the GJ team to get this up and running within 1-2 months.
The other thing that was mentioned was that GJ is constantly busy, I would like to see a community update thread every month where one of the Gamblejoe team informs about the status of things - so you know what you are working on. This doesn't have to be a huge post, but in keywords it could roughly look like this:
- Next draw will have 25 winners instead of 20!
- Winning pictures without registered winning factor were corrected
- Pictures can now be integrated directly into posts by attachments
- You can now ignore users*
- Mathias overdid it again in the last Highroll session and got 40x free spins at Extra Chilli... [Link to video]
*Ignoring a user will collapse all posts of the ignored user
Before someone says something that you can better integrate images was suggested by someone else and also the user ignore was suggested by someone. This is now only an example, as I can imagine an improvement. But I would be very pleased about a lively exchange here, no matter what opinion, and I am curious what is still coming.
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Development of the forum
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I did not. Started probably Danielowitch who already became political in his initial post. Since I know his political views from other threads and do not support I went into it. And honestly, "Stammi" or not - I don't know if the guy was once quite okay, but how you can give such a bunch of steaming shit from himself and find recognition for it is beyond me?! So Daniel's win was fake, Julian pretends to be a Jackpot winner, Daniel and Matthias lead a fat bigwig life at our expense and we pay for it all?
This is simply all bullshit, and really all bullshit. The only remotely true point in his post was the one about slots trying to trigger the player to keep playing. The rest was really muddled stuff, far from any truth
I did not start with the political discussion, I mentioned it briefly, whereupon I was accused of distributing teddy bears at the train station and welcoming refugees, I responded very obviously ironic and did not expand the topic, whereupon again something was written about "system Merkel and because of guys like me it works"
So please, who wants to accuse me of doing this politically? I keep myself out of 90% of the political debates in this forum for a long time - I am left, believe in state socialism and would find the communist utopia after Marx a desirable goal. I probably wouldn't get a foot on the ground here so I mostly leave it alone
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Development of the forum
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Personally, I would just wish that it is more about gambling here. It is important that the seriousness of the individual casinos is discussed here, as well as the bonus rules, the loyalty points, the terms and conditions and everything that could be a trap for players. It is also quite normal and natural in a forum that other topics such as politics are discussed. But primarily it should be about playing itself. This works to some extent when it comes to Roulette or Blackjack, even in the NoDeposit thread but more and more is just "scam!" without valid arguments. If a player has a problem with a casino there is a public complaint thread which is probably the most important one on this forum. Then it should be tried to help the player there, instead of again rauszuhauen how crappy casinos are and how the mafia pushes away the third book. Otherwise, it would be nice to read something that has to do with gaming itself. However, such threads usually get little attention. Everyone here can actively shape the forum by opening threads and participating in them. The development is 100% in our own hands. None of us can control what others create for threads and how others respond to them, but everyone can decide to contribute something to the quality of the forum
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Development of the forum
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You keep out of political discussions after all.... Ahja... But when the TE wrote that he is friends with a politician, you had to rush right back against the Afd Your logic is not comprehensible to me. Do not put yourself now as a poor victim who did not want these discussions. Have me then never interfered in your and skries political discussions and found the then out of place here, but you can simply leave it ne, to agitate against others. Let that be in the future but just completely. That you are tight left and what views to have, no one should have escaped. And now is also good with the topic..
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Development of the forum
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Development of the forum
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I'm the whining, the conspiracy theories and the like really too much.
Open an extra forum if you think that's so important, where you can argue and tease!
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Development of the forum
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Otherwise it can quickly become boring.
In each special forum are also always talked about other things.
If a forum can not stand it, it can immediately close the gates.
Why should one not talk about politics, provided it runs gesittet off.Was not mean however that one can discuss also times controversially.
There is also a Bundesliga betting game, which also has nothing to do with gambling.
So what's wrong with exchanging ideas about other things?
Let's be honest, it's almost always the same people who post here.
Many only come out of their holes when there is something to lottery.
That's logical that you also times zofft.Some you also find unsympathetic, why also always, It is simply so
It bothers me when here just comes a round about blow, in which everything is made bad.
I know forums there it is much worse to.Da is blocked at the smallest criticism immediately.Seldom seen a forum where you can practice so much criticism of the operator.Everyone can / may register here voluntarily, and everyone may / can also log out again if it no longer pleases him.
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Development of the forum
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Because it was here, as has been shown, not about politics but about inhuman agitation.
Even without the right-wing populists to right-wing extremists here, political issues could quickly lead to escalating disputes.
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Development of the forum
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