Royal777 wrote on 11/11/2022 at 11:57 am
:D On the other hand, in the Risk ladder you risk the amount of 84€ you gambled up before.
However, answer (b) with 10% cannot be correct, because 10% of 1€ would be 0.10 cents.
Answer (a) with 0% can't be correct either, otherwise you could gamble every win without exception, although the AQ as well as the RTP must be reached, at least in a defined period of time.
I find this topic very interesting. Where can you find out how this is really calculated?
sceret_85 wrote on 11/11/2022 at 11:57 AM
Where on earth did you come up with b???
Hitting a 10 with a spin on 1 euro equals 1000% not just 10% as 100% already equals 1 euro win
oops ... 😁🥴
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11th Nov. 2022, at 12:14 pm CET#32
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Max_Bet wrote on 11/11/2022 at 12:07 PM
Find this topic very interesting. Where can you find out how this is really calculated?
Just Google the three terms "RTP RNG Slot", then you will find numerous articles. To my knowledge, there is no clearly defined calculation.
Royal777 wrote on 11/11/2022 at 12:14 PM
Just google the three terms "RTP RNG Slot" and you will find numerous articles. To my knowledge there is no clear defined calculation.
I once someone who worked for a while at the laughing sun as a programmer said it is already fixed how far the amount goes no matter whether you press card or ladder means so you have the choice do you take the 10 cents or look how far he goes but if you squeeze it is still counted as a win because you could have taken it and thus in theory had profit XY
I must say that I trust this person but in the statements only to 70% for I had too little to do with him to be able to give a full 100%
In my opinion, ladder and card Risk have nothing to do with chance and certainly nothing to do with ability
My theory is that the machine must fulfill a quota in the long term
It gives a line win of for example 5 euros. If you take the it is booked as its loss and flows into the quota with.
If you take the 5€ on the ladder, it books it as its win and it goes into the odds.
If you get to 140 on the ladder, for example, he books it as his loss and gives less or bad free spins (wins) further down the line. In no case he gives more than necessary to fulfill the quota.
This would mean that the machine in the moment of the money insertion already calculates whether he eats the sum or whether he makes more out. The only thing that would have to do with luck would be that I plug the right machine at the right time.
I also think that the wins on the card/ladder Risk are already determined beforehand. In general, there is in my opinion no skill to influence the machine game. I have a different opinion on the odds, because in my opinion the AQ is money that is actually paid out of the machine***. Therefore, I do not believe that the wins in the slot have a direct effect on the AQ... The question I ask myself, at what point is the win already determined? When the spin is confirmed? When the game is selected? Does the bet level play a significant role for the X-factor as well as for the AQ? When inserting money? Possibly even depending on how much you put in? Are there fixed time windows? If yes, then it would be impossible to win at any time and would be illegal in my opinion. ***What happens if I put in a 50€ bill and get 40€ change, since a maximum of 10€ can be loaded, at least in the arcades. How is the 40€ change calculated?
Royal777 wrote on 11/12/2022 at 11:24 AM
I also think that the wins on card/ladder Risk are predetermined. In general, I don't think there is a skill to be able to influence the slot game.
I have a different opinion on the odds, because in my opinion the AQ is money that is actually paid out of the machine***. Therefore, I don't believe that the wins in the slot have a direct effect on the AQ...
Sounds logical. Maybe the machine works with 2 odds running in parallel. One theoretical and one real? The machine can also classify you based on your playing style (bet size, risk tolerance, etc.) and include it in its payout behavior
Remember the sticker on the boxes that the AQ is not fixed, but can be influenced by the player's playing style...
Sounds logical. Maybe the machine works with 2 odds running in parallel. One theoretical and one real? The machine can also classify you based on your playing style (bet size, Risk tolerance, etc.) and include it in its payout behavior
Remember the sticker on the boxes that the AQ is not fixed, but can be influenced by the player's playing style...
what is a theoretical odds that can run in a machine
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12th Nov. 2022, at 12:41 pm CET#39
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Max_Bet wrote on 12/11/2022 at 12:33 PM
Sounds logical. Maybe the machine works with 2 odds running in parallel. One theoretical and one real? The machine can also classify you based on your playing style (bet size, Risk tolerance, etc.) and include it in its payout behavior
Quite plausible that there are different odds. Apparently, it is also possible to influence the algorithm, because as you said, there is the hint with the player's playing style.
We know from Google that there is personalized advertising. If you explicitly search for articles ABC, the corresponding advertisements as well as videos on Youtube, Amazon etc. are displayed.
I consider it possible that the automats analyzes the play ways of the customers. So to speak, there is an AI that captures player profiles and "adapts" to the player, with the goal that it comes to no payout
what is a theoretical quota,that can run in a vending machine
The first one is the one that the machine provides without taking into account the player's way of playing. For example, if the machine gives me 50 cents line win
But if I squeeze it on the ladder or push it up, odds 2 will take effect
Quote 1 would have simply been 50 cent win for the player.
Quote 2 is what he pays out in Euros, the result so to speak. Quasi the net quota
I don't know how else to describe it. Is also only my theory 🥴
Royal777 wrote on 12/11/2022 at 12:41 PM
I think it is POSSIBLE that the vending machines analyze the playing styles of the customers. So to say there is an AI that captures player profiles and "adapts" to the player, with the goal of no payout
Maximaleinsatz has shown in his game videos for a while that he fools the machine into changing players by paying out completely and paying in again
I think there is something to it, that the machine pays you based on the game sometimes good or less good... Sometimes Risk is rewarded. Sometimes not...
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I find this topic very interesting. Where can you find out how this is really calculated?
oops ... 😁🥴
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Deployment-dependent or not?
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Just Google the three terms "RTP RNG Slot", then you will find numerous articles. To my knowledge, there is no clearly defined calculation.
To the RNG there is also on GJ a small explanation
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Oh with Google too much is orakelt to me. No one knows how it works, but everyone wants to be able to explain it ...
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Let's ask the Endorphina employee
I once someone who worked for a while at the laughing sun as a programmer said it is already fixed how far the amount goes no matter whether you press card or ladder means so you have the choice do you take the 10 cents or look how far he goes but if you squeeze it is still counted as a win because you could have taken it and thus in theory had profit XY
I must say that I trust this person but in the statements only to 70% for I had too little to do with him to be able to give a full 100%
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My theory is that the machine must fulfill a quota in the long term
It gives a line win of for example 5 euros. If you take the it is booked as its loss and flows into the quota with.
If you take the 5€ on the ladder, it books it as its win and it goes into the odds.
If you get to 140 on the ladder, for example, he books it as his loss and gives less or bad free spins (wins) further down the line. In no case he gives more than necessary to fulfill the quota.
This would mean that the machine in the moment of the money insertion already calculates whether he eats the sum or whether he makes more out. The only thing that would have to do with luck would be that I plug the right machine at the right time.
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Deployment-dependent or not?
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Deployment-dependent or not?
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Sounds logical. Maybe the machine works with 2 odds running in parallel. One theoretical and one real? The machine can also classify you based on your playing style (bet size, risk tolerance, etc.) and include it in its payout behavior
Remember the sticker on the boxes that the AQ is not fixed, but can be influenced by the player's playing style...
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what is a theoretical odds that can run in a machine
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Quite plausible that there are different odds. Apparently, it is also possible to influence the algorithm, because as you said, there is the hint with the player's playing style.
We know from Google that there is personalized advertising. If you explicitly search for articles ABC, the corresponding advertisements as well as videos on Youtube, Amazon etc. are displayed.
I consider it possible that the automats analyzes the play ways of the customers. So to speak, there is an AI that captures player profiles and "adapts" to the player, with the goal that it comes to no payout
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The first one is the one that the machine provides without taking into account the player's way of playing. For example, if the machine gives me 50 cents line win
But if I squeeze it on the ladder or push it up, odds 2 will take effect
Quote 1 would have simply been 50 cent win for the player.
Quote 2 is what he pays out in Euros, the result so to speak. Quasi the net quota
I don't know how else to describe it. Is also only my theory 🥴
Maximaleinsatz has shown in his game videos for a while that he fools the machine into changing players by paying out completely and paying in again
I think there is something to it, that the machine pays you based on the game sometimes good or less good... Sometimes Risk is rewarded. Sometimes not...
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