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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
28th Jul. 2024, at 12:06 am CEST#363
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frapi07 wrote on 27.07.2024 at 10:19 am:
I'm in TV-L and this is a classic TV-L position. You have to keep a few things in mind:
1.) Requirement profile is high because you are already classified high in the pay scale. For this position you are A10. A15Ü is the highest. Just for reference, which positions are classified as A15Ü
In any case, you can think of the table as a hierarchy. A1-4, for example, is for the "simple service". These are employees who have no training or academic degree, e.g. employees at the canteen or student assistants.
The difference is that everyone with the same qualification earns the same amount. Of course you can be promoted etc., but the minimum salary for academics is currently 3.5k gross. This is not always the case in the private sector. You can bargain for your salary, but not in the ÖD.
2.) TV-L is worse than TVöD. Pay worse, union worse. In principle, you have to make minor concessions in the federal states. There is also a shortage of staff because of this, but this also affects the TVöD area. TV-L, however, significantly more.
3.) The problem with training is present everywhere, not just in the substitute positions. As already mentioned due to the lack of staff. TVöD and the private sector are simply more attractive. The pregnant/ soon to be mother will not be able to do the induction herself, but one of her colleagues will. Of course, it's not iDEAL if the person I have to temporarily replace doesn't train me. It will be a few weeks before I'm invited, then a decision has to be made internally. If you're lucky enough to be accepted, the only thing left to do is for the staff council to approve the appointment. That also takes time. Only then do you get some documents that you have to sign, some of which you have to obtain (certificate of good conduct). Back then, I received a big folder with an equally big pile of paper. I don't know how many times I signed it. Easily 6 times Then you have to swear an oath. It took me 3 months and that's a position in the "simple service". Just so you have a comparison: we advertised a position in the "higher service" (E13 or higher). We have been looking for the right candidate for 2 years. There were several interviews and "aptitude tests". Some would have been accepted, but then dropped out. Others were simply unsuitable (personally or professionally). But you can't compare that with this position, as they are looking for a replacement. We once had someone who was newly recruited. After a week, this person realized that he wasn't suited to the job. He took a week's sick leave and then handed in his notice.
I wouldn't apply for a job there. It's only for one year and who knows whether the contract will be extended. Maybe the position has already been filled internally, who knows. I also noticed this passage: "Applications from women are expressly welcome." A clear indication, if you ask me
no, that completely misses everything i meant. although the rather unexpected turn to a lesson on TV-L and TVöD is quite funny. you can see once again how different the things are that occupy you (without judgment, you always automatically assume that the others are thinking/stumbling about the same things or that the interlocutor needs a little tutoring in public service. the ends of the parable)
briefly on your points: i think work should generally be well paid, it doesn't matter to me who gets paid how much.
women's quota: this attempt to achieve equal rights didn't come out of nowhere and has perfectly understandable reasons. whether the way in which it was implemented was successful is another matter. but I wouldn't want to discuss that here now. with so many - sorry, but extremely harsh and extremely stupid - prejudices and statements and an exemplary stereotype service (i'm referring here to the sum of the last speeches, not just yours), it seems completely pointless and futile to me. is this really 2024?...
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Former Member
Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
28th Jul. 2024, at 12:10 am CEST#364
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back to the job advertisement.
these are the core tasks:
own investigations and research into whether unauthorized public gambling is being offered
Carrying out test games/test purchases under a legend (also camouflage identity) in accordance with Section 9 (2a) GlüStV 2021
Documentation of the investigation results
preparation of administrative rulings ready for signature
Monitoring of administrative proceedings and coordination
Examination of the initiation of fine proceedings
this is the requirement profile
successfully completed higher education (Bachelor, Diploma or equivalent according to §§ 1, 18 HRG) in the fields of public administration, administrative economics or comparable courses of study
desired skills and abilities
Digitalization skills and willingness to undergo further training accordingly
independent working style and a high level of diligence,
Initiative and flexibility,
good teamwork and cooperation skills,
above-average ability to work under pressure
Knowledge of English is desirable
Willingness to familiarize yourself with gambling-related IT issues
the whole thing is limited to just over a year
(which makes the claim in the job advertisement that a "future-proof job" is being offered here completely absurd, but that's just as an aside).
so. and now come the crucial questions for me:
since when does a bachelor's degree in public administration or administrative economics qualify you to work as an undercover agent in matters of gambling? where do you get the knowledge and experience to be able to assess and evaluate the overall situation and, in this context, above all the Risk to your own person? and to be able to counteract this in case of doubt? keyword Gambling addiction?
what's the point anyway? whether a Provider is operating illegally or not is clear with a glance at the whitelist. with two clicks and within 2 minutes, this can be confirmed on the www. if more "evidence" is actually required for legal reasons, surely they can't send someone who has probably never come into contact with the matter before to bet and slot?
the job profile calls for a meticulous administrative graduate who knows what documentation is. a clerk.
what they're really doing is putting someone in the casino right away who is supposed to gamble with a false identity and then initiate fine proceedings.
in high german: a trained administrative fine collector who asks illegal casinos to pay up. this is not about fighting gambling, it's about handing out fines that flush money into the coffers. and for this purpose, someone is officially employed and paid who, in case of doubt, gives their own identity under a false identity (WTF!). and may find themselves somewhere else after a year.
everything about it stinks. it's all so wrong and dishonest and absolutely the last thing.
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Former Member
Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
28th Jul. 2024, at 12:25 am CEST#365
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so if someone from the team could take pity on me, i just failed to format the text properly, as you can see.
nobody can read it like that. but somehow it was not possible (for me) to adjust the enumerations etc. in a sensible way.
in any case, i would be grateful for some editing.(i also tried again with a new post, but it looked the same... (facepalm) so i deleted it again
no, that completely misses everything i meant. although the rather unexpected turn to the lesson on TV-L and TVöD is quite funny. you can see once again how different the things that occupy you are (without evaluation, one always automatically assumes that the others think/stumble about the same things or that the interlocutor needs a little tutoring in public service. the ends of the parable)
briefly on your points: i think work should generally be well paid, it doesn't matter to me who gets paid how much.
women's quota: this attempt to achieve equal rights didn't come out of nowhere and has perfectly understandable reasons. whether the way it was implemented was successful is another matter. i wouldn't want to discuss that here. with so many - sorry, but extremely harsh and extremely stupid - prejudices and statements and an exemplary stereotype service (i'm referring here to the sum of the last speeches, not just yours), it seems completely pointless and futile to me. is this really 2024?...
Then I'm sorry that I misunderstood. You were shocked by the tasks and not the job itself. That's also understandable.
Yes, work should always pay well, but it's not so fairly regulated in the private sector. Many people I know had a very low starting salary - despite having an academic degree. I'm talking about €1.9-2,000 net. But with the state you get at least 2.3k net (with at least 3.5k gross), then 6 weeks vacation (yes some companies still only give 4 weeks), 13th month salary etc. One of my previous employers did not give a corona bonus. Instead, everyone was put on short-time work and after the pandemic another company (which was in the same industry) was bought out. At the state, all employees have the same rights, i.e. vacation/Christmas bonus, etc. As a working student, for example, I had no vacation and when I fell ill the only time in 2 years (medically certified) there was not even continued pay. But that's not the topic here xD
Of course there's a reason for it, and I understand that you don't want to discuss it here because it might attract negative comments. So it's all good. I don't think it's bad in itself, but you've hit the nail on the head: it's poorly implemented.
dazzle_tea wrote on 28.07.2024 at 00:10: back to the job posting.
these are the core tasks:
own investigations and research into whether unauthorized public gambling is being offered
Conducting test games/test purchases under a legend (also camouflage identity) in accordance with Section 9 (2a) GlüStV 2021
Documentation of the investigation results
preparation of administrative rulings ready for signature
Monitoring of administrative proceedings and coordination
Examination of the initiation of fine proceedings
this is the requirement profile
successfully completed higher education (Bachelor, Diploma or equivalent according to §§ 1, 18 HRG) in the fields of public administration, administrative economics or comparable courses of study
desired skills and abilities
Digitalization skills and willingness to undergo further training accordingly
independent working style and a high level of diligence,
Initiative and flexibility,
good teamwork and cooperation skills,
above-average ability to work under pressure
Knowledge of English is desirable
Willingness to familiarize yourself with gambling-related IT issues
the whole thing is limited to just over a year
(which makes the claim in the job advertisement that a "future-proof job" is being offered here completely absurd, but that's just as an aside).
so. and now come the crucial questions for me:
since when does a bachelor's degree in public administration or administrative economics qualify you to work as an undercover agent in matters of gambling? where do you get the knowledge and experience to be able to assess and evaluate the overall situation and, in this context, above all the Risk to your own person? and to be able to counteract this in case of doubt? keyword Gambling addiction?
what's the point anyway? whether a Provider is operating illegally or not is clear with a glance at the whitelist. with two clicks and within 2 minutes, this can be confirmed on the www. if more "evidence" is actually required for legal reasons, surely they can't send someone who has probably never come into contact with the matter before to bet and slot?
the job profile calls for a meticulous administrative graduate who knows what documentation is. a clerk.
what they're really doing is putting someone in the casino right away who is supposed to gamble with a false identity and then initiate fine proceedings.
in high german: a trained administrative fine collector who asks illegal casinos to pay up. this is not about fighting gambling, it's about handing out fines that flush money into the coffers. and for this purpose, someone is officially employed and paid who, in case of doubt, gives their own identity under a false identity (WTF!). and may find themselves somewhere else after a year.
everything about it stinks. it's all so wrong and dishonest and absolutely the last thing.
To your questions: everything is fixed. You have to have certain qualifications for certain tasks and responsibilities. Monitoring and coordinating administrative tasks, for example, is not something a student assistant can do, nor can a clerk. Of course, the position also has tasks that a clerk could do, but also others where this is not the case. It's not that people who only have an apprenticeship are too stupid for it, but that these tasks have been assigned higher up in the hierarchy. I can guarantee that even students could do this if they were trained properly. Apprentices tend not to, as they lack a certain maturity (I mean, if you think about how some people are after secondary school, then I would also be careful). Students have at least a little more maturity (usually), as they are at least a little more mature as a result of obtaining a university entrance qualification (general or subject-specific).
I can't answer your second question as I don't know how they work there. However, a lot more evidence is probably required, as everything has to be correct for it to be legally valid. It certainly can't be done in two minutes.
I can understand that you take a critical view of the task of investigating online with a false identity. But basically it's nothing new. I mean, police officers also go undercover or are in civilian clothes. In theory, it's also dishonest and wrong. Just like speed cameras. Some traps are so perfidious and they always try to lure drivers into them. Once there were fixed speed cameras, then there were mobile speed cameras and now speed cameras are hidden in vans.
Blubbo33 wrote on 27.07.2024 at 21:57: So what you two are pulling off here is really borderline!
Assumptions without evidence, of course everyone wants to get pregnant and so ... man Frapi !!!
Was probably one champagne too many for your birthday, by the way, congratulations.
And there are disabled people who insist on it and admit it openly! And enjoy the benefits!
And that "of course" Langhans also has a story about it was clear and of course as boss under him it doesn't work!
Rarely have I read such rubbish, maybe you should watch less comedy, then the truth will also work!
First of all, thanks for the congratulations No, I don't drink champagne I didn't actually drink anything yesterday because it's too humid for it at the moment. I'd rather drink something sweet^^
Regarding the assumptions without proof: the company had few employees. Let me do a quick count... 9 women were employed. Well, if 5 of those 9 women are on maternity leave at the same time, then it's very noticeable, don't you think? I was a little more familiar with a colleague and she was so angry about the spa work, you wouldn't believe it. Not just because she was losing money, but because the boss had demanded the same performance for fewer hours. It's also conspicuous when the substitute's replacement also becomes pregnant. As I said, no hate or envy towards them, it was a sap store anyway and the boss ripped everyone off as best he could.
And I don't know if you've ever had this experience, but try working in a department that mainly employs women. That can be exhausting. In my case, the women didn't bitch at each other, but at other people who weren't in the department. I was an intern at the time and had to put up with it (I didn't feel like choosing something new), but I was glad when I had to change departments (yes, I had to, because it became so toxic that I was bullied out by an over-50 lady...) Reason: soccer (Euro 2012 - maybe Germany - Italy means something to you).
Sorry for the OT, but just wanted to say something about it or explain it to you better. I can understand if 5-10% of the female employees had been pregnant - then I would have exaggerated, but over 50% is a bit suspicious in my opinion.
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Former Member
Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
28th Jul. 2024, at 06:35 am CEST#368
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so first of all, all the best from me too. completely missed it.
on the subject: man frapi, either we have a fundamental communication problem here or the argumentation is really a bit crazy (that you find it suspicious that women get pregnant, btw. - yes, i understood that you were concerned about the 50% - but they didn't paint a child on their belly or fake an angina. apart from that, all-male groups can also be toxic, basically you can really attribute that to any form of homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture of any kind. anyway, let's just leave it at that)
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Former Member
Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
28th Jul. 2024, at 06:38 am CEST#369
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frapi07 wrote on 28.07.2024 at 01:24:
To your questions: Everything is regulated. You have to have certain qualifications for certain tasks or responsibilities. Monitoring and coordinating administrative tasks, for example, is not something a student assistant can do, nor can a clerk. Of course, the position also has tasks that a clerk could do, but also others where this is not the case. It's not that people who only have an apprenticeship are too stupid for it, but that these tasks have been assigned higher up in the hierarchy. I can guarantee that even students could do this if they were trained properly. Apprentices tend not to, as they lack a certain maturity (I mean, if you think about how some people are after secondary school, then I would also be careful). Students have at least a little more maturity (usually), as they are at least a little more mature as a result of obtaining a university entrance qualification (general or subject-specific).
I can't answer your second question as I don't know how they work there. However, a lot more evidence is probably required, as everything has to be correct for it to be legally valid. It certainly can't be done in two minutes.
I can understand that you take a critical view of the task of investigating online with a false identity. But basically it's nothing new. I mean, police officers also go undercover or are in civilian clothes. In theory, it's also dishonest and wrong. Just like speed cameras. Some traps are so perfidious and they always try to lure drivers into them. Once there were fixed speed cameras, then there were mobile speed cameras and now speed cameras are also hidden in vans.
my questions were of a rhetorical nature to illustrate the madness that is going on. this is in no way about any hierarchically regulated distribution of tasks or authority structures - that is all completely irrelevant. it is also absolutely irrelevant whether you are a student or an unskilled worker or a sex worker or actually deep down an obstructed einstein with a serial killer gene.
the point is that the GGL, which wants to combat illegal gambling - and above all wants to do so in a morally impeccable manner with the justification of wanting to protect the population - is willing to
1. a temporary representative who has actually studied administration and
2. is NOT a police officer trained for such tasks and
3. possibly also never played a Slot machine in her life
to simply send her to gamble in an illegal casino without further ado. where - apart from everything else - the paternalism of licensed casinos, which is supposed to protect citizens and prevent addiction, is NOT implemented. will she get therapy after a year if the number unfortunately went wrong by mistake or how does it work (attention, rhetorical question)?
how crazy is that, please? how absurd? how absolutely double-standard-insane?
and what's the point? (rhetoric)
to create a documented basis for the collection of fines. no more and no less. this is only about parking tickets, not about actually combating anything. that would have to be enforced somewhere else (and that would be possible if you wanted to, but then the damn Gauselmann companies would have to go too, and nobody wants that)
they are making such a fool of themselves that it's unbearable and in my opinion the whole thing is so absolutely awesome that it makes me want to puke.
dazzle_tea wrote on 28.07.2024 at 06:35: so first of all, all the best from me too. completely missed.
on the subject: man frapi, either we have a fundamental communication problem here or the argumentation is really a bit crazy (that you find it suspicious that women get pregnant, btw. - yes, i understood that you were concerned about the 50% - but they didn't paint a child on their belly or fake an angina. apart from that, all-male groups can also be toxic, basically you can really attribute that to any form of homogeneous or heterogeneous mixing of any kind. anyway, let's just leave it at that)
Thank you for the congratulations, but no, it's not your fault you missed it. I didn't enter it here in the forum and only mentioned it in another thread. So you must have noticed it by accident ^^
Yes, I was concerned with the quota. Were 10 women btw, had forgotten one. 5/10 women get pregnant within 12 months. It just happened to be the right time. You misunderstood me. I didn't think it was bad at all. On the contrary, I felt schadenfreude that the boss had to continue paying the salary for the employees without receiving the corresponding work performance. I've already explained the reasons why I felt this schadenfreude. He had completely exploited the temporary legal situation (and much more, but to tell you all about it is too much GUTS).
Yes, that's true. A group of men can also be toxic. My team is currently mixed, but in the positions (1st level) we are actually all male and I also experience an (albeit small) toxic environment from time to time. But I'm good at ignoring or deflecting it because it's just very small jabs.
dazzle_tea wrote on 28.07.2024 at 06:38:
my questions were rhetorical in nature to illustrate the madness that is going on. this is in no way about any hierarchically regulated distribution of tasks or authority structures - it's all completely beside the point. also, whether you're a student or an unskilled worker or a sex worker or actually deep down a thwarted einstein with a serial killer gene is absolutely irrelevant.
the point is that the GGL, which wants to combat illegal gambling - and above all wants to do so in a morally impeccable manner with the justification of wanting to protect the population - is willing to
1. a temporary representative who has actually studied administration and
2. is NOT a police officer trained for such tasks and
3. possibly also never played a Slot machine in her life
to simply send her to gamble in an illegal casino without further ado. where - apart from everything else - the paternalism of licensed casinos, which is supposed to protect citizens and prevent addiction, is NOT implemented. will she get therapy after a year if the number unfortunately went wrong by mistake or how does it work (attention, rhetorical question)?
how crazy is that, please? how absurd? how absolutely double-standard-insane?
and what's the point? (rhetoric)
to create a documented basis for the collection of fines. no more and no less. this is only about parking tickets, not about actually combating anything. that would have to be enforced somewhere else (and that would be possible if you wanted to, but then the damn Gauselmann companies would have to go too, and nobody wants that)
they are making such a fool of themselves that it's unbearable and in my opinion the whole thing is so absolutely awesome that it makes me want to puke.
I couldn't read the rhetoric. It wasn't so obvious and I don't know you personally that I know that's what you meant.
Morality? The state has never been moral. How does the state try to reduce tobacco consumption? By increasing the price of tobacco products. Is that seriously supposed to be a fight? Of course there are some people who will stop because they find it too expensive, but then there are people (my father, for example) who would pay €20 for a packet. That's the majority and the politicians know that.
If you really still believe in morality, then you really have the wrong idea about the German state. Is this offer supposed to be the fight against illegal gambling? An offer where the RTP values are a pure rip-off? No question, every game of chance has a negative expected value (it's supposed to be profitable), but 88% or even 84% are pure scam and fraud. I'll even accept the penalties, as it's cheaper than playing on such machines.
The state has never been concerned with prevention and player protection. You would think that in a regulated market you would be better off. The opposite is the case here. You always lose out in the German market. Why is that? Because the state wants to make money and redirect all these costs. The stupid one is always the end consumer.
dazzle_tea wrote on 28.07.2024 at 06:38:
my questions were of a rhetorical nature to illustrate the madness that is going on. this is in no way about any hierarchically regulated distribution of tasks or authority structures - that is all completely irrelevant. also whether studied or auxiliary worker or sex worker or actually deep inside prevented einstein with serial killer gene, is absolutely irrelevant.
the point is that the GGL, which wants to combat illegal gambling - and above all wants to do so in a morally impeccable manner with the justification of wanting to protect the population - is willing to
1. a temporary representative who has actually studied administration and
2. is NOT a police officer trained for such tasks and
3. possibly also never played a Slot machine in her life
to simply send her to gamble in an illegal casino without further ado. where - apart from everything else - the paternalism of licensed casinos, which is supposed to protect citizens and prevent addiction, is NOT implemented. will she get therapy after a year if the number unfortunately went wrong by mistake or how does that work (attention, rhetorical question)?
how crazy is that, please? how absurd? how absolutely double-standard-insane?
and what's the point? (rhetoric)
to create a documented basis for the collection of fines. no more and no less. this is only about parking tickets, not about actually combating anything. that would have to be enforced somewhere else (and that would be possible if you wanted to, but then the damn Gauselmann companies would have to go too, and nobody wants that)
they are making such a fool of themselves that it's unbearable and in my opinion the whole thing is so absolutely awesome that it makes me want to puke.
Sorry for the double post, I forgot something.
This post is just the Tip of the iceberg. I'd just love to know how much taxpayers' money is being spent on "combating illegal gambling on the internet" and whether it makes sense. We know that most cases end with no or a small fine. So many resources and working hours are wasted that it can't be financially worthwhile. And for what? For nothing.
For what? Punish a few, educate hundreds. Works like almost everything else where it is used. Although the addiction factor should not be underestimated here. (Rhetorical remark)
Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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no, that completely misses everything i meant. although the rather unexpected turn to a lesson on TV-L and TVöD is quite funny. you can see once again how different the things are that occupy you (without judgment, you always automatically assume that the others are thinking/stumbling about the same things or that the interlocutor needs a little tutoring in public service. the ends of the parable)
briefly on your points: i think work should generally be well paid, it doesn't matter to me who gets paid how much.
women's quota: this attempt to achieve equal rights didn't come out of nowhere and has perfectly understandable reasons. whether the way in which it was implemented was successful is another matter. but I wouldn't want to discuss that here now. with so many - sorry, but extremely harsh and extremely stupid - prejudices and statements and an exemplary stereotype service (i'm referring here to the sum of the last speeches, not just yours), it seems completely pointless and futile to me. is this really 2024?...
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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these are the core tasks:
this is the requirement profile
desired skills and abilities
the whole thing is limited to just over a year
(which makes the claim in the job advertisement that a "future-proof job" is being offered here completely absurd, but that's just as an aside).
so. and now come the crucial questions for me:
the job profile calls for a meticulous administrative graduate who knows what documentation is. a clerk.
what they're really doing is putting someone in the casino right away who is supposed to gamble with a false identity and then initiate fine proceedings.
in high german: a trained administrative fine collector who asks illegal casinos to pay up. this is not about fighting gambling, it's about handing out fines that flush money into the coffers. and for this purpose, someone is officially employed and paid who, in case of doubt, gives their own identity under a false identity (WTF!). and may find themselves somewhere else after a year.
everything about it stinks. it's all so wrong and dishonest and absolutely the last thing.
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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nobody can read it like that. but somehow it was not possible (for me) to adjust the enumerations etc. in a sensible way.
in any case, i would be grateful for some editing.(i also tried again with a new post, but it looked the same... (facepalm) so i deleted it again
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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Then I'm sorry that I misunderstood. You were shocked by the tasks and not the job itself. That's also understandable.
Yes, work should always pay well, but it's not so fairly regulated in the private sector. Many people I know had a very low starting salary - despite having an academic degree. I'm talking about €1.9-2,000 net. But with the state you get at least 2.3k net (with at least 3.5k gross), then 6 weeks vacation (yes some companies still only give 4 weeks), 13th month salary etc. One of my previous employers did not give a corona bonus. Instead, everyone was put on short-time work and after the pandemic another company (which was in the same industry) was bought out. At the state, all employees have the same rights, i.e. vacation/Christmas bonus, etc. As a working student, for example, I had no vacation and when I fell ill the only time in 2 years (medically certified) there was not even continued pay. But that's not the topic here xD
Of course there's a reason for it, and I understand that you don't want to discuss it here because it might attract negative comments. So it's all good. I don't think it's bad in itself, but you've hit the nail on the head: it's poorly implemented.
To your questions: everything is fixed. You have to have certain qualifications for certain tasks and responsibilities. Monitoring and coordinating administrative tasks, for example, is not something a student assistant can do, nor can a clerk. Of course, the position also has tasks that a clerk could do, but also others where this is not the case. It's not that people who only have an apprenticeship are too stupid for it, but that these tasks have been assigned higher up in the hierarchy. I can guarantee that even students could do this if they were trained properly. Apprentices tend not to, as they lack a certain maturity (I mean, if you think about how some people are after secondary school, then I would also be careful). Students have at least a little more maturity (usually), as they are at least a little more mature as a result of obtaining a university entrance qualification (general or subject-specific).
I can't answer your second question as I don't know how they work there. However, a lot more evidence is probably required, as everything has to be correct for it to be legally valid. It certainly can't be done in two minutes.
I can understand that you take a critical view of the task of investigating online with a false identity. But basically it's nothing new. I mean, police officers also go undercover or are in civilian clothes. In theory, it's also dishonest and wrong. Just like speed cameras. Some traps are so perfidious and they always try to lure drivers into them. Once there were fixed speed cameras, then there were mobile speed cameras and now speed cameras are hidden in vans.
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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First of all, thanks for the congratulations No, I don't drink champagne I didn't actually drink anything yesterday because it's too humid for it at the moment. I'd rather drink something sweet^^
Regarding the assumptions without proof: the company had few employees. Let me do a quick count... 9 women were employed. Well, if 5 of those 9 women are on maternity leave at the same time, then it's very noticeable, don't you think? I was a little more familiar with a colleague and she was so angry about the spa work, you wouldn't believe it. Not just because she was losing money, but because the boss had demanded the same performance for fewer hours. It's also conspicuous when the substitute's replacement also becomes pregnant. As I said, no hate or envy towards them, it was a sap store anyway and the boss ripped everyone off as best he could.
And I don't know if you've ever had this experience, but try working in a department that mainly employs women. That can be exhausting. In my case, the women didn't bitch at each other, but at other people who weren't in the department. I was an intern at the time and had to put up with it (I didn't feel like choosing something new), but I was glad when I had to change departments (yes, I had to, because it became so toxic that I was bullied out by an over-50 lady...) Reason: soccer (Euro 2012 - maybe Germany - Italy means something to you).
Sorry for the OT, but just wanted to say something about it or explain it to you better. I can understand if 5-10% of the female employees had been pregnant - then I would have exaggerated, but over 50% is a bit suspicious in my opinion.
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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on the subject: man frapi, either we have a fundamental communication problem here or the argumentation is really a bit crazy (that you find it suspicious that women get pregnant, btw. - yes, i understood that you were concerned about the 50% - but they didn't paint a child on their belly or fake an angina. apart from that, all-male groups can also be toxic, basically you can really attribute that to any form of homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture of any kind. anyway, let's just leave it at that)
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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my questions were of a rhetorical nature to illustrate the madness that is going on. this is in no way about any hierarchically regulated distribution of tasks or authority structures - that is all completely irrelevant. it is also absolutely irrelevant whether you are a student or an unskilled worker or a sex worker or actually deep down an obstructed einstein with a serial killer gene.
the point is that the GGL, which wants to combat illegal gambling - and above all wants to do so in a morally impeccable manner with the justification of wanting to protect the population - is willing to
1. a temporary representative who has actually studied administration and
2. is NOT a police officer trained for such tasks and
3. possibly also never played a Slot machine in her life
to simply send her to gamble in an illegal casino without further ado. where - apart from everything else - the paternalism of licensed casinos, which is supposed to protect citizens and prevent addiction, is NOT implemented. will she get therapy after a year if the number unfortunately went wrong by mistake or how does it work (attention, rhetorical question)?
how crazy is that, please? how absurd? how absolutely double-standard-insane?
and what's the point? (rhetoric)
to create a documented basis for the collection of fines. no more and no less. this is only about parking tickets, not about actually combating anything. that would have to be enforced somewhere else (and that would be possible if you wanted to, but then the damn Gauselmann companies would have to go too, and nobody wants that)
they are making such a fool of themselves that it's unbearable and in my opinion the whole thing is so absolutely awesome that it makes me want to puke.
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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Thank you for the congratulations, but no, it's not your fault you missed it. I didn't enter it here in the forum and only mentioned it in another thread. So you must have noticed it by accident ^^
Yes, I was concerned with the quota. Were 10 women btw, had forgotten one. 5/10 women get pregnant within 12 months. It just happened to be the right time. You misunderstood me. I didn't think it was bad at all. On the contrary, I felt schadenfreude that the boss had to continue paying the salary for the employees without receiving the corresponding work performance. I've already explained the reasons why I felt this schadenfreude. He had completely exploited the temporary legal situation (and much more, but to tell you all about it is too much GUTS).
Yes, that's true. A group of men can also be toxic. My team is currently mixed, but in the positions (1st level) we are actually all male and I also experience an (albeit small) toxic environment from time to time. But I'm good at ignoring or deflecting it because it's just very small jabs.
I couldn't read the rhetoric. It wasn't so obvious and I don't know you personally that I know that's what you meant.
Morality? The state has never been moral. How does the state try to reduce tobacco consumption? By increasing the price of tobacco products. Is that seriously supposed to be a fight? Of course there are some people who will stop because they find it too expensive, but then there are people (my father, for example) who would pay €20 for a packet. That's the majority and the politicians know that.
If you really still believe in morality, then you really have the wrong idea about the German state. Is this offer supposed to be the fight against illegal gambling? An offer where the RTP values are a pure rip-off? No question, every game of chance has a negative expected value (it's supposed to be profitable), but 88% or even 84% are pure scam and fraud. I'll even accept the penalties, as it's cheaper than playing on such machines.
The state has never been concerned with prevention and player protection. You would think that in a regulated market you would be better off. The opposite is the case here. You always lose out in the German market. Why is that? Because the state wants to make money and redirect all these costs. The stupid one is always the end consumer.
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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Sorry for the double post, I forgot something.
This post is just the Tip of the iceberg. I'd just love to know how much taxpayers' money is being spent on "combating illegal gambling on the internet" and whether it makes sense. We know that most cases end with no or a small fine. So many resources and working hours are wasted that it can't be financially worthwhile. And for what? For nothing.
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Charge of unauthorized gambling ( 285 StGB)
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