Servus guys, after some time times again online and today I see Jörg/Calvin is back? Has streamed + Youtubevideo + new logo. Think he is now 18 hopefully he says at least what was the matter and does not ignore us or his community.
Yes so I've only seen that the gentleman has streamed probably 3Std and wanted to know if here vlc someone has watched there? Would also like to know if Lapalingo times nen statement of itself has given regarding Supporten a minor. There were enough Meetups with Calvin + lawyers etc.. and you knew what's what! There are certainly still those here who watch there.
casinotest 24 is not worth writing about him. He lied to all of us (viewers and also loyal fans). I do not finance him and do not support him.
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Former Member
Casinotest 24 back?
22nd Aug. 2018, at 01:53 am CEST#6
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Twitch is free of charge. You can watch on it for free. There is no obligation to donate money, this was not possible before.
And when it comes to lying and cheating, I seriously wonder why you write here in the forum?
In addition, I can not understand that you are on the side of the casino.
The majority of followers are happy that he is back !
Man that was a great comeback! And today's 15k hit was absolutely deserved!
Great, how the people the whole giveaways Absahnen with him but then about him Lästern What is written here for a bullshit goes on no cow skin. Where is the evidence now? Where is the accusation? Probably nothing but hot air and next one plunges into a senseless argumentation
"Yes, Jörg is now in Malta, they do not deliver, so the topic is eaten" BlahBlahBlah
Attack, the fan boys are coming It's hard to watch how you adore your (child) "star"....
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Forum posts:961Member has been banned
Casinotest 24 back?
22nd Aug. 2018, at 10:10 am CEST#8
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Ronny1982 wrote on 08/21/2018 at 22:32: Whoever looks at this lying wretch again now and finances his life with it must have completely lost control of his own life....
how right you are !!!
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Forum posts:961Member has been banned
Casinotest 24 back?
22nd Aug. 2018, at 10:15 am CEST#9
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Royal777 wrote on 08/22/2018 at 01:53: @Tropper
Twitch is FREE of charge. You can watch on it for FREE. It is not a compulsion to donate money, this was not possible before.
And when it comes to lying and cheating, I seriously wonder why you write here in the forum?
In addition, I can not understand that you are on the side of the casino.
The majority of followers are happy that he is back !
Man that was a great comeback! And today's 15k hit was absolutely deserved!
Great how the people the whole giveaways Absahnen with him but then about him Lästern What is written here for a bullshit goes on no cow skin. Where is the evidence now? Where is the accusation? Probably nothing but hot air and next one plunges into a senseless argumentation
"Yes, Jörg is now in Malta, they do not deliver, so the topic is eaten" BlahBlahBlah
blah blah ... yes clear who stands on fakes and surreales, for him this is of course the most beautiful moment in his life ...:-P
and then immediately a comeback with 15k you write ...Hammer we have all been waiting for ...finally someone who shows the casinos where it goes ...I laugh my head off about so much naivety on your part ...who needs it ?
uhh 15k, what a comeback, I just got locked on speedycasino because except nen cashout of € 80 I just put in and the compulsion was always huge because I could not restrain myself. I want my full screen explorers, I think that never comes!
And he plays once 3 std on twitch and gets nen 15k hit. Of course!
You can tell me what you want, I think the affiliates (shirox, and what are they all called) have a higher rtp. I watch him sometimes or watch the replays (click through) he gets his money back in most cases or he is at thousands of euro 's and he is just wagering.
Casinotest 24 back?
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Casinotest 24 back?
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Casinotest 24 back?
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Casinotest 24 back?
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Casinotest 24 back?
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Casinotest 24 back?
Nobody has liked this post so far
Twitch is free of charge. You can watch on it for free. There is no obligation to donate money, this was not possible before.
And when it comes to lying and cheating, I seriously wonder why you write here in the forum?
In addition, I can not understand that you are on the side of the casino.
The majority of followers are happy that he is back !
Man that was a great comeback! And today's 15k hit was absolutely deserved!
Great, how the people the whole giveaways Absahnen with him but then about him Lästern What is written here for a bullshit goes on no cow skin. Where is the evidence now? Where is the accusation? Probably nothing but hot air and next one plunges into a senseless argumentation
"Yes, Jörg is now in Malta, they do not deliver, so the topic is eaten" BlahBlahBlah
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Casinotest 24 back?
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GibMaFuffi, s****e
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Casinotest 24 back?
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how right you are !!!
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Casinotest 24 back?
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blah blah ... yes clear who stands on fakes and surreales, for him this is of course the most beautiful moment in his life ...:-P
and then immediately a comeback with 15k you write ...Hammer we have all been waiting for ...finally someone who shows the casinos where it goes ...I laugh my head off about so much naivety on your part ...who needs it ?
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Casinotest 24 back?
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And he plays once 3 std on twitch and gets nen 15k hit. Of course!
You can tell me what you want, I think the affiliates (shirox, and what are they all called) have a higher rtp. I watch him sometimes or watch the replays (click through) he gets his money back in most cases or he is at thousands of euro 's and he is just wagering.
Sorry but I can dumb myself down with RTL.
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