Matthlign wrote on 07/29/2021 at 9:51 pm
I can only tell you one thing, as someone who is heavily involved in the matter - stay away from it
You can't stream from Germany, in a casino without a (future) DE license if you don't have at least on paper a registered office in Malta
Then not only the German state throws an eye on you, also TWITCH itself - the whole gambling section is under scrutiny right now - it has been for a while but the H3 stream with a total of over 120K viewers about 1 week ago, when he openly argued with Trainwreck, one of the biggest international gambling streamers about the issue, fueled the whole thing again
In addition, as a small Streamer you don't get any deals from casinos and you can't generate any Twitch revenue, because you would have to be at least a TWITCH Affiliate for that. You can't become an affiliate as a gambling streamer anyway
You have no idea about Twitch, hardly any insight into the affiliate landscape of the casinos and no idea how it looks legally in Germany etc.. - this is not meant in a bad way, hands off.
Exactly one month later it looks like this for me;
You have to say, I also stream Deutschrap Reactions and there the viewer numbers are really not too good, but as soon as I stream Casino I have 40-50 viewers, and I have over 150 Euronen on it and play more than 40 cents, then I also have around 70-80 viewers, highlight was 106 viewers
Currently, DIRECT advertising for casinos on Twitch is not allowed, linking to a landing page, from which you then come to a page with bonus offers is allowed
I have already received Paysafe cards worth 250 euros, and had already landed a big hit on stream even and cashed out what, with which I have expanded my streaming equipment.
Since 4 days I have a Koorperationspartner me layout, range and now and then also Fuffi Spielgeld rübersendet, which has contact to many casinos and is someone who gets people ran make the advertising for casinos, have talked to a few viewers of Twitch who know some Streamer, and I was confirmed there that the deal for someone who is just 3 weeks, really a good thing, besides, I also get a lot of private feedback via PNs on Twitch, where people tell me I'm on a good path, and if I pull through then there can already seen a lot.
I'm still skeptical that people really sign up at the casino just because they watch my stream, but we'll see, if you're up for it I'll keep you up to date.
but we'll see, if you guys are up for it I'll keep you posted.
... so I would be interested, even if I am convinced that someday the day will come when you may no longer write what you would like to write or / and the readers here will simply no longer believe you...
Anyway, it's something different than this permanent crying here and a nice "adventure story"
DieWunderharke5000 wrote on 26.08.2021 at 19:45: If you have not moved your residence by now I can only repeat it again: Leave it. No seriously, don't!
Read the gambling treaty with special attention to §5 advertising and §28a administrative offenses
And which specific points should be relevant for me? I have partnerships with other streamers who have been doing this for a long time, ALSO from Germany
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Former Member
Casino stream on Twitch
27th Aug. 2021, at 04:13 am CEST#35
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GamblerK795 wrote on 08/27/2021 at 03:43 PM
And what specific points are supposed to be relevant for me there? I do have partnerships with other streamers who have been doing this for a long time, ALSO from Germany
Presumably he means page 11 in the PDF, everything under advertising.
There are significant differences between advertising and affiliate marketing. Also, streaming gambling from Germany is allowed
Casino stream on Twitch
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Exactly one month later it looks like this for me;
You have to say, I also stream Deutschrap Reactions and there the viewer numbers are really not too good, but as soon as I stream Casino I have 40-50 viewers, and I have over 150 Euronen on it and play more than 40 cents, then I also have around 70-80 viewers, highlight was 106 viewers
Currently, DIRECT advertising for casinos on Twitch is not allowed, linking to a landing page, from which you then come to a page with bonus offers is allowed
I have already received Paysafe cards worth 250 euros, and had already landed a big hit on stream even and cashed out what, with which I have expanded my streaming equipment.
Since 4 days I have a Koorperationspartner me layout, range and now and then also Fuffi Spielgeld rübersendet, which has contact to many casinos and is someone who gets people ran make the advertising for casinos, have talked to a few viewers of Twitch who know some Streamer, and I was confirmed there that the deal for someone who is just 3 weeks, really a good thing, besides, I also get a lot of private feedback via PNs on Twitch, where people tell me I'm on a good path, and if I pull through then there can already seen a lot.
I'm still skeptical that people really sign up at the casino just because they watch my stream, but we'll see, if you're up for it I'll keep you up to date.
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Casino stream on Twitch
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... so I would be interested, even if I am convinced that someday the day will come when you may no longer write what you would like to write or / and the readers here will simply no longer believe you...
Anyway, it's something different than this permanent crying here and a nice "adventure story"
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Casino stream on Twitch
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Read the State Treaty on Gambling with special attention to §5 Advertising and §28a Administrative Offenses
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Casino stream on Twitch
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And which specific points should be relevant for me? I have partnerships with other streamers who have been doing this for a long time, ALSO from Germany
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Casino stream on Twitch
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Presumably he means page 11 in the PDF, everything under advertising.
There are significant differences between advertising and affiliate marketing. Also, streaming gambling from Germany is allowed
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Casino stream on Twitch
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and where should that be?
And why has Twitch not banned me when they checked me, now already 3 times?
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Casino stream on Twitch
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Why would Twitch ban you? I told you that streaming is allowed.
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Casino stream on Twitch
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oh, sorry, misread a bit hahaha
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Casino stream on Twitch
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Meanwhile, there are already numerous articles that you can find on Google Nes, on 18.10 the cut should take place
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Casino stream on Twitch
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This is interesting
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