thisisultimo wrote on 21/09/2022 at 14:24
Top, thanks for the info. But I don't need to save for a few extensions, I charge them as business expenses via my company. ;D
With a proper financial plan you might be able to fulfill your dreams. Citizen's Income is coming soon dude. ;D
Extensions is not that, is ne hair transplants, know a few who have done it
The only bad thing is the procedure but who wants to be beautiful.... ^^
My dreams with citizen money finance mhh why not, how much will it be the? 10000 net? Otherwise it will be nothing with träumchen
Would like to travel so 10 years on quite cool through the world and check out everything times
:'D...Banks are all about landing "customers". The employees collect fat Bonuses for concluded contracts, no matter what kind. Whether it's an Insurance, a building society contract, ne financing or a Dispo...they earn even on the Knax account what. Of course, what I'm talking about here are extreme situations, but 99% of all "customers" let everything happen to them because they're afraid
Can I just nciht longer to see how everyone is screwed
And then comes son comment from 0815 with Legal Illegal shit and would like to give his input. :'D
You are not meant gamble1, dont worry.:D Do not take any shit from the club and if necessary you just make a new neutral account with N26 or Revolut
However, Peace & long hair Brudi
Well with me always plays the tone a big role if it is rather a well-intentioned advice I'm happy to accept the times but if you think you have to me there stupid anpflaumen and almost command it also stops times just with banks that earn enough on us
Account overdrawn money for the bank
Account in plus money for the bank
Transfer money for the bank
Debit note money for the bank
Credit money for the bank
Saving money for the bank
Actually the only sense to use a bank is that you don't have to give your money personally in cash to the electricity Provider in all other scenarios no matter if you give them or take from them you have 0,0 of it
Big luck, big payoff
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Top, thanks for the info. Save but I do not need for a few extensions, I account as advertising costs through my company. ;D
With a proper financial plan you can possibly fulfill your dreams. Citizen's Income is coming soon dude. ;D
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Big luck, big payoff
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Extensions is not that, is ne hair transplants, know a few who have done it
The only bad thing is the procedure but who wants to be beautiful.... ^^
My dreams with citizen money finance mhh why not, how much will it be the? 10000 net? Otherwise it will be nothing with träumchen
Would like to travel so 10 years on quite cool through the world and check out everything times
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Big luck, big payoff
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Well with me always plays the tone a big role if it is rather a well-intentioned advice I'm happy to accept the times but if you think you have to me there stupid anpflaumen and almost command it also stops times just with banks that earn enough on us
Account overdrawn money for the bank
Account in plus money for the bank
Transfer money for the bank
Debit note money for the bank
Credit money for the bank
Saving money for the bank
Actually the only sense to use a bank is that you don't have to give your money personally in cash to the electricity Provider in all other scenarios no matter if you give them or take from them you have 0,0 of it
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