The casinos have a T&C, so they are secured.
However, if players are too lazy to read the terms and conditions, that is not the fault of the casinos.
In the bonus conditions seht everything in it.
You should stop seeing the players like little children...these are grown people.
They transfer real money abroad, then they should be able to protect themselves as best as possible.
And that includes reading the terms and conditions.
Of course, you can also introduce supervised play.
And I am not talking about fraudulent casinos that do not want to pay out the money, even if you have behaved correctly.
Must give you here only partially right. Except for completely unserious companies I can always rely on the terms and conditions that
these are not used against me. If I am a young person, and there relatively unbedarft, I fall full on the
The terms and conditions of casinos are undeniably designed to the negative of the player. Except for a few casinos that already
Locks what, for example, the amount of the stake, have built
Basically, there is nothing to defend. Almost every AGB is designed not to have to pay out as soon as someone makes a mistake
makes a mistake. As soon as Amazon would have written in a 300-page AGB that all purchased items must be returned after 2 weeks
without compensation, the scream would be great. Hardly anyone looks through 300 pages of terms and conditions.
nevertheless, I can rely on the fact that they do not cheat me!
Many terms and conditions of casinos, I am convinced, would not hold before German courts, because they are simply unserious,
are not formulated correctly, or are simply immoral
Therefore, one should basically have more leniency when gamblers something like that happens!
With such a lousy scam hardly expects a new gambler
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Forum posts:65Member has been banned
Arrogant attitude of many players
16th Jul. 2019, at 01:55 pm CEST#32
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Dbac79 wrote on 15.07.2019 at 15:15: the only thing casinos or game manufacturers do that could be considered cheating is withholding information, however it is not cheating as long as no one asks for such information and if someone does ask they will surely get the information
You must mean such a mega sensible post!
Sorry, that was too high for me!
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Former Member
Arrogant attitude of many players
16th Jul. 2019, at 02:37 pm CEST#33
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upola wrote on 07/16/2019 10:58 AM
Why should casinos hedge their bets perfectly?
The casinos have a T&C, so they are secured.
However, if players are too lazy to read the terms and conditions, that is not the fault of the casinos.
In the bonus conditions seht everything in it.
You should stop seeing the players like little children...these are grown people.
They transfer real money abroad, then they should be able to protect themselves as best as possible.
And that includes reading the terms and conditions.
Of course, you can also introduce supervised play.
And I am not talking about fraudulent casinos that do not want to pay out the money, even if you have behaved correctly.
Do you really not get that we demand fair behavior from a casino? No more and no less. Should you seriously justify yourself for that?
Where do you come up with supervised gambling? Do you think you're funny? Has anyone mentioned any of this?
You contradict yourself, by the way. Because who behaves correctly, determines the casino just with the terms and conditions. There are cases where a bonus was simply played down smartly and the casino did not pay out. Why not? Because there are clauses that prohibit the unfair use of advantages. What is meant by this, no one knows. But hey, maybe your supervised gaming will help
biqbozz77 wrote on 07/16/2019 2:37 PM
Do you really not get that we are asking for fair behavior from a casino? Nothing more, nothing less. Are you seriously supposed to justify that?
Where do you come up with supervised gambling? Do you think you're funny? Has anyone mentioned any of this?
You contradict yourself, by the way. Because who behaves correctly, determines the casino just with the terms and conditions. There are cases where a bonus was simply played down smartly and the casino did not pay out. Why not? Because there are clauses that prohibit the unfair use of advantages. What is meant by this, no one knows. But hey, maybe your supervised gaming will help
Oh, you know, I don't need supervised play...I can manage quite well on my own.
I can read and understand what I read, which helps immensely.
Whether you demand fair behavior from the casinos or not, the casinos are not interested.
As long as enough players refuse to read the terms and conditions, as long as nothing will change.
all right, I'll be happy to explain it to you, so I do not have to be employed in a company to notice that information is withheld from me. I can already conclude quite well myself
capriz wrote on 07/14/2019 at 22:04: I'm writing this post because I've been observing for quite some time how other players are being sold for stupid and are being blamed for many things for which they actually can't do anything.
I don't know what happened here in this forum, but everywhere they shit on Player protection, declare someone stupid for noticing irregularities.
I mean what do players rely on? Who seriously independently controls Online Casinos?
With Slot machines you at least have the chance to see if something is being manipulated, but with online casinos? Are we supposed to trust the mga? How is this association financed?
The whole non-transparent bonus regulations lead to players losing their wins and the mga also points out that you should read the agbs, which are pages long and sometimes so badly translated that you don't understand anything yourself.
Then there are again the members here, who still write you self blame.
I am really stunned about how the whole online casino industry is developing and nobody wants to regulate it here. It is still a gray area in Germany. Wins can be frozen simply by stating that they are slot winnings.
I am curious about your reaction
The bonus is only there to keep you longer at the slot. Why do you accept it? Calculate but times through: 10s deposited + 10s bonus, must be converted about 25 - 50 times. Means to get 10€ bonus, you have to play for 250€ - 500€. Before that you can't withdraw any wins. If you directly Deposit the Zwanni, you do not have to bet an extra 500€ after a win just to be able to withdraw. The bonus is in my eyes now something like the Insurance of the casino that the deposited money also remains on their account
BtW, before accepting the Bouns times briefly skim the AGB's after turnover conditions is now also no witchcraft. On something I would also want to invoke instead of the casino in case of doubt. Goes here after all about seeeehr much money
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Arrogant attitude of many players
17th Jul. 2019, at 11:55 am CEST#37
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tEquilA wrote on 07/17/2019 11:37 AM
The bonus is just to keep you in the slot longer. Why are you taking that one? Do the math: 10s deposited + 10s bonus, must be converted approx, 25 - 50 times. Means to get 10€ bonus, you have to play for 250€ - 500€. Before that you can't withdraw any wins. If you Deposit the Zwanni directly, you don't have to bet an extra 500€ after a win just to be able to withdraw. The bonus is in my eyes now something like the Insurance of the casino that the deposited money also remains on their account
BtW, before accepting the Bouns times briefly skim the AGB's after turnover conditions is now also no witchcraft. On something I would also want to invoke instead of the casino in case of doubt. Goes here after all about seeeehr much money.
Because you have a greater probability of landing a good hit through a deposit bonus. More credit = greater probability or more attempts
The casino secures itself already by a MAX Bet bonus that it does not come to a big win and that the probability remains small by mostly x35 convert, however the player is nevertheless cheated by any obscure clauses (in these plays the play with bonus is forbidden, in others the betting line may not amount to 0,50, on the other side the well-known problem which technically no problem represents that a use of more than 5€ is permitted)
So I deliberately put my gold watch on the counter on the street and if someone takes it, I invoke my T&Cs.
I'm not necessarily talking about cases where players do this on purpose either. There have been several 10 thousand wins raked in by players because they clicked 1x on more than 5€ spin. <- they had not even had any wins with the spin. It is sometimes not even that hard to confuse the normal SPIN button with the MAX Spin button.
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Arrogant attitude of many players
17th Jul. 2019, at 12:07 pm CEST#38
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tEquilA wrote on 07/17/2019 11:37 AM
The bonus is just to keep you in the slot longer. Why are you taking that one? Do the math: 10s deposited + 10s bonus, must be converted approx, 25 - 50 times. Means to get 10€ bonus, you have to play for 250€ - 500€. Before that you can't withdraw any wins. If you directly Deposit the Zwanni, you do not have to bet an extra 500€ after a win just to be able to withdraw. The bonus is in my eyes now something like the Insurance of the casino that the deposited money also remains on their account
BtW, before accepting the Bouns times briefly skim the AGB's after turnover conditions is now also no witchcraft. On something I would also want to invoke instead of the casino in case of doubt. Goes here after all about seeeehr much money.
Of course, there must be terms and conditions to have a legally secure handle in case of doubt. But read the terms and conditions of
Casinos through. Terms and conditions are there to be able to sue for my right in case of need. That's where the laughs start!
If I read the terms and conditions of, for example, quite normal service companies through, then I read there from rights and obligations of the user.
I have duties, but of course also rights.
In casinos I am only threatened somewhere. I am not allowed to do that, otherwise the money is gone. Higher stakes not allowed, the English version
counts.....ultimately a management decision is final, and cannot be appealed.....the following games may not be
be played....endless list of threats.
One threat after another. Only duties, the rights I give away completely. The only half right that I have: they allow me,
to call in the MGA in case of disagreement. An institution that is financed by the casinos. Wow.
One already gives away any fairness when signing up. For this, the terms and conditions are not intended. And should you have circumnavigated the Bonus terms and conditions,
comes the Verification hurdle.
Of course, you can not transfer this to all casinos, and of course you can play without a bonus!
You still give away the rights. If a casino does not pay out, you can not do anything.
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Arrogant attitude of many players
20th Jul. 2019, at 10:54 am CEST#39
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biqbozz77 wrote on 07/16/2019 00:51 PM
Very good post .
Try to steal an iphone. It's hard because the seller uses anti-theft devices to protect himself
Try to violate bonus agb. The casinos could protect themselves PERFECTLY by taking away the player's ability to play higher. But they don't.
I really don't understand this "self blame" thinking. There are really good casinos that are already at the level of the T&Cs to a balance between casino and customers. So it works!
And here, confused T&C regulations are always taken into protection with the "self-inflicted guilt" argument.
Did you know that stores do not have to take back products that you bought in the store?
The one make it, the other not OBWOHL it is possible.... Rip-off.... or ? No, but you can read about it
Should the cashier now always say "This product can no longer return" when you shop ?
I mean, nevertheless, everything is Schwammig. Stands on no store door, that you may not return the should it not suit you
Basically, the complaint here is that money given for Deposit is conditional.
I have ALWAYS read the Wagering requirements with bonus at EVERY new casino I wanted to use. This takes 3 minutes
And who needs ne "parental control" for the max bet, must be soon senile
You already know the rules by heart. Do you play with bonus >
- Max 50 cents per line
- Max 5 euro per spin
- do not gamble
- Casino Table games give less or nothing to the bonus
That a breach of terms and conditions, the loss of money has to follow is and remains the player's own fault
Certainly not always fair, but who gives away money without hacking?
Danny94 wrote on 07/20/2019 10:54 AM
Did you know that stores don't have to take back products you bought in the store ?
Some do, some don't OBWHILE it's possible.... Rip-off.... or ? No, but you can read about it
Should the cashier now always say "This product can no longer return" when you shop ?
I mean, nevertheless, everything is Schwammig. Stands on no store door, that you may not return the should it not suit you
Basically, the complaint here is that money given for Deposit is conditional.
I have ALWAYS read the Wagering requirements with bonus at EVERY new casino I wanted to use. This takes 3 minutes
And who needs ne "parental control" for the max bet, must be soon senile
You already know the rules by heart. Do you play with bonus >
- Max 50 cents per line
- Max 5 euro per spin
- do not gamble
- Casino Table games give less or nothing to the bonus
That a breach of terms and conditions, the loss of money has to follow is and remains the player's own fault
Certainly not always fair, but who gives away money without hacking?
There you fight against windmills.
Some think that you don't have to read the terms and conditions and that's it.
But may complain afterwards, because they have not read the terms and conditions and get here from some still right.
Arrogant attitude of many players
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Must give you here only partially right. Except for completely unserious companies I can always rely on the terms and conditions that
these are not used against me. If I am a young person, and there relatively unbedarft, I fall full on the
The terms and conditions of casinos are undeniably designed to the negative of the player. Except for a few casinos that already
Locks what, for example, the amount of the stake, have built
Basically, there is nothing to defend. Almost every AGB is designed not to have to pay out as soon as someone makes a mistake
makes a mistake. As soon as Amazon would have written in a 300-page AGB that all purchased items must be returned after 2 weeks
without compensation, the scream would be great. Hardly anyone looks through 300 pages of terms and conditions.
nevertheless, I can rely on the fact that they do not cheat me!
Many terms and conditions of casinos, I am convinced, would not hold before German courts, because they are simply unserious,
are not formulated correctly, or are simply immoral
Therefore, one should basically have more leniency when gamblers something like that happens!
With such a lousy scam hardly expects a new gambler
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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You must mean such a mega sensible post!
Sorry, that was too high for me!
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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Do you really not get that we demand fair behavior from a casino? No more and no less. Should you seriously justify yourself for that?
Where do you come up with supervised gambling? Do you think you're funny? Has anyone mentioned any of this?
You contradict yourself, by the way. Because who behaves correctly, determines the casino just with the terms and conditions. There are cases where a bonus was simply played down smartly and the casino did not pay out. Why not? Because there are clauses that prohibit the unfair use of advantages. What is meant by this, no one knows. But hey, maybe your supervised gaming will help
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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Oh, you know, I don't need supervised play...I can manage quite well on my own.
I can read and understand what I read, which helps immensely.
Whether you demand fair behavior from the casinos or not, the casinos are not interested.
As long as enough players refuse to read the terms and conditions, as long as nothing will change.
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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all right, I'll be happy to explain it to you, so I do not have to be employed in a company to notice that information is withheld from me. I can already conclude quite well myself
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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The bonus is only there to keep you longer at the slot. Why do you accept it? Calculate but times through: 10s deposited + 10s bonus, must be converted about 25 - 50 times. Means to get 10€ bonus, you have to play for 250€ - 500€. Before that you can't withdraw any wins. If you directly Deposit the Zwanni, you do not have to bet an extra 500€ after a win just to be able to withdraw. The bonus is in my eyes now something like the Insurance of the casino that the deposited money also remains on their account
BtW, before accepting the Bouns times briefly skim the AGB's after turnover conditions is now also no witchcraft. On something I would also want to invoke instead of the casino in case of doubt. Goes here after all about seeeehr much money
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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Because you have a greater probability of landing a good hit through a deposit bonus. More credit = greater probability or more attempts
The casino secures itself already by a MAX Bet bonus that it does not come to a big win and that the probability remains small by mostly x35 convert, however the player is nevertheless cheated by any obscure clauses (in these plays the play with bonus is forbidden, in others the betting line may not amount to 0,50, on the other side the well-known problem which technically no problem represents that a use of more than 5€ is permitted)
So I deliberately put my gold watch on the counter on the street and if someone takes it, I invoke my T&Cs.
I'm not necessarily talking about cases where players do this on purpose either. There have been several 10 thousand wins raked in by players because they clicked 1x on more than 5€ spin. <- they had not even had any wins with the spin. It is sometimes not even that hard to confuse the normal SPIN button with the MAX Spin button.
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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Of course, there must be terms and conditions to have a legally secure handle in case of doubt. But read the terms and conditions of
Casinos through. Terms and conditions are there to be able to sue for my right in case of need. That's where the laughs start!
If I read the terms and conditions of, for example, quite normal service companies through, then I read there from rights and obligations of the user.
I have duties, but of course also rights.
In casinos I am only threatened somewhere. I am not allowed to do that, otherwise the money is gone. Higher stakes not allowed, the English version
counts.....ultimately a management decision is final, and cannot be appealed.....the following games may not be
be played....endless list of threats.
One threat after another. Only duties, the rights I give away completely. The only half right that I have: they allow me,
to call in the MGA in case of disagreement. An institution that is financed by the casinos. Wow.
One already gives away any fairness when signing up. For this, the terms and conditions are not intended. And should you have circumnavigated the Bonus terms and conditions,
comes the Verification hurdle.
Of course, you can not transfer this to all casinos, and of course you can play without a bonus!
You still give away the rights. If a casino does not pay out, you can not do anything.
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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Did you know that stores do not have to take back products that you bought in the store?
The one make it, the other not OBWOHL it is possible.... Rip-off.... or ? No, but you can read about it
Should the cashier now always say "This product can no longer return" when you shop ?
I mean, nevertheless, everything is Schwammig. Stands on no store door, that you may not return the should it not suit you
Basically, the complaint here is that money given for Deposit is conditional.
I have ALWAYS read the Wagering requirements with bonus at EVERY new casino I wanted to use. This takes 3 minutes
And who needs ne "parental control" for the max bet, must be soon senile
You already know the rules by heart. Do you play with bonus >
- Max 50 cents per line
- Max 5 euro per spin
- do not gamble
- Casino Table games give less or nothing to the bonus
That a breach of terms and conditions, the loss of money has to follow is and remains the player's own fault
Certainly not always fair, but who gives away money without hacking?
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Arrogant attitude of many players
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There you fight against windmills.
Some think that you don't have to read the terms and conditions and that's it.
But may complain afterwards, because they have not read the terms and conditions and get here from some still right.
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