He has already, he has also communicated this in the stream and he always informs about the current state of things. To date, he has not yet received a response from IBAS.
________________________________________________ Let's summarize the facts:
Where are bots used here and where does your video prove that bots are used here? Your accusation is not proven here. OnlineCasinosTube played at Quasargaming with Fakemoney: https://gyazo.com/62d4fc456d3ff9a6fe076b3c179bcd04
The picture does not prove anything and is in extremely bad quality. How easy it is to manipulate images with the simplest means programs without any knowledge in image editing, I have already proven. But that is not necessary here. Your image is in poor quality and proves nothing. I have already said that he has credited the credit of his commissions. If you want I create you a picture in the QUalität in you have uploaded it and write you there also gladly: Royal777 Streamerbonus of 100,000 € and I do with Paint image processing then for you. I have already proven how easy it is to do this.
But 1. he deposited live in front of more than 200 spectators, 2. he can prove the Deposit and has already. That there is 0 at deposits is because the filter is set to 30 days and the deposit is already 2 months ago. If it makes you happy I ask him if he makes a screenshot with the 80 € deposit.
OCT threatens families and children with violence https://www.gamblejoe.com/forum/online-casinos/allgemeines/beim-nachsten-livestream-oct-auffliegen-lassen--2866/5/ Whereby one must say here that the corresponding screens were removed due to personal data.
Is clear as I have already mentioned and you also admit... That you want to harm OCT! That your sole intention is maximum use or onlinecasinotube to harm - you see here again an insinuation, which you have made up or at least can not prove, because allegedly the images were deleted for privacy reasons... is clear
OCT played in EU licensed casinos with so-called real money, although registrations & deposits from Asia are not possible
1. Of course deposits from many countries in Asia are possible, Asia is bigger than you think there is more than just rice fields and China. Also, he is currently streaming from Germany and not from Asia so unnecessary your comment you apparently have 0 idea.
OCT has deleted all his repeats from May, generally only a handful of repeats are visible.
If you are familiar with Twitch you would know that replays are either A. deleted because of music playing in the background for copyright reasons or B. automatically deleted by Twitch after a certain time.
I don't want to comment further on you, because with your dubious statements you only harm yourself. As it Silince already wrote " Own goals shoot belongs to their strongest characteristic ", actually it is no longer necessary to react to your comments.
Thanks for responding anyway. Everything you write is based on the background which you have publicly admitted here: THAT YOU ONLY WANT TO HARM OCT. Besides, each of the points you listed proves nothing.
LOL... OCT is really so poor to use ViewBots?!
Ca 50 users in chat but 180 watching?! What a poor guy...
But good, who wants to watch the humbug
He comes too late anyway. The offer is now just too good for him to be competitive.
I had a peek over the weekend and he was using the standard new signup Bonuses at Leovegas. Can not be too far with the fame of Diggies, Brudis and gönnenden Ehrenmänmerz 😂
Where are bots used here and where does your video prove that bots are used here? Your accusation is not proven here.
You can't be serious? Do I have to teach you how to count and that the red number is the number of viewers.
OnlineCasinosTube played at Quasargaming with Fakemoney: https://gyazo.com/62d4fc456d3ff9a6fe076b3c179bcd04
The picture proves nothing and is in addition still in extremely bad quality. How easily you can manipulate images with the simplest means programs without any knowledge in image editing, I have already proven. But that is not necessary here. Your picture is in poor quality and proves nothing. I have already said that he has credited the credit of his commissions. If you want I create you a picture in the QUalität in you have uploaded it and write you there also gladly: Royal777 Streamerbonus of 100,000 € there and I do with Paint image processing then for you. How easy soetwas possible I have already proven.
First you complain that the image is too small and now because of the zoom about the image quality Actually, you have proven to us that only you are willing to back up your lies with fakes.
Besides, it is not possible that the commissions are credited to the casino account and secondly, the settlement takes place at the end of the month and not daily.
But 1. he deposited live in front of more than 200 spectators, 2. he can prove the Deposit and has already. That there at deposits 0 is because the filter is set to 30 days and the deposit is already 2 months ago. If it makes you happy I ask him if he makes a screenshot with the 80€ deposit t.
You probably mean 50 viewers and various bots.
After all, you might be right about the filter, yet he played with the 200% bonus. Possibly there are restrictions because of that. By the way, we are still waiting for all your evidence that the other streamers are playing with fake money.
If the suspicions had been corroborated, then one would withdraw the casino the MGA license. Therefore it is to be stated here that it concerns a Seriöses Casino. And before you misinterpret everything here again, reputable does not mean good
Is clear as I already mentioned and you also admits... that you want to harm OCT! That your sole intention is maximum use or onlinecasinotube to harm - can be seen here again an insinuation, which you have made up or at least can not prove, because allegedly the images were deleted for privacy reasons... is clear
This comment is also a prime example of your non-existent intellect. It confirms your limited thinking ability, moreover you provoke me again to commit a rule offence, by which I should publish the photos again.
It is absolutely unacceptable that you accuse both me and the owner of the forum of slander .
OCT played in EU licensed casinos with so called real money, although registrations&deposits from Asia are not possible
1. Of course, deposits from many countries in Asia are possible, Asia is bigger than you think there are more than just rice fields and China. Also, he is currently streaming from Germany and not from Asia so unnecessary your comment you apparently have 0 idea.
Already mentioned before, your comprehension is miserable
OCT has deleted all his repeats from May, generally only a handful of repeats are visible.
If you are familiar with Twitch you would know that replays are either A. deleted because of music playing in the background for copyright reasons or B. automatically deleted by Twitch after a certain time
To A.
Due to copyright law, the scenes in question are muted
To B.
This is really depressing and shameful for me. Hey Tolga, the streams are not automatically deleted by Twitch after a few days. The replays can be available on the channel for several years.
Yes I admit I want to hurt OCT.
You took that out of context beautifully
You fail miserably at yourself, it is simply pathetic how you behave here. That you humiliate yourself here in public like this must humiliate you. Please do not start barking again, because even a dog has more pride than you.
does anyone here get percentages for trying so vehemently to put the Streamer in a better light? or is it even the streamer himself who is speaking out here?
who actually invented this internet? lol, the answers get longer and longer with every post here --> even if i had the time i would only read it briefly (you must really have a lot of time --> sense?)
i (maybe most of the others as well) don't care if a streamer has bots, if he is paid with millions of real money or by the oc with monopoly money --> only the show is interesting or not and there he failed unfortunately.
Well, that may be. Nevertheless, there are also people for whom a certain degree of authenticity is important. For me, for example
And in the end, that's exactly what people are talking about
He already has, he has also communicated this in the stream and he always informs about the current status of things. Until now he has no answer from IBAS.
In which then ? Whenever I zapp purely runs there nen VOD as a continuous loop. Maybe it's just coincidence but I see every time only VOD of sometime ...
Where are bots used here and where does your video prove that bots are used here? Your accusation is not proven here.
You don't need any proof for that, if the chat activity doesn't match the number of viewers. A functioning brain is enough to see that.
That you want to harm OCT! That your sole intention is to harm maximum use or onlinecasinotube
Well, I don't want to harm him, but I would be happy if I can keep other people who might believe this brazen advertising event from falling for this pathetic event
1. Of course deposits are possible from many countries in Asia, Asia is bigger than you think, there are more than just rice fields and China. Also, he is currently streaming from Germany and not from Asia so unnecessary your comment you seem to have 0 idea.
Does this also apply to the said Deposit which led to the compliant at Askgamblers or was he in Asia at that time ? In this respect it has relevance...
If you were familiar with Twitch you would know that replays are either A. deleted because of music that was playing in the background for copyright reasons or B. automatically deleted by Twitch after a certain time.
And if you were familiar with Twitch, you would know that the copyright issue was only problematic for clips - earlier streams were also muted before the copyright issue and were not objected to at all.
OnlineCasinoTube.com owns and supports several Youtube accounts with the same video material which it underlays with advertising.
Where is the problem now? It's not illegal. And what does this have to do with our discussion?
Right, it is not forbidden. However, you dump a huge pile of garbage into the net in the hope that one or the other fish gets stuck. Real content creators make it about quality (or at least try to deliver something halfway acceptable) - and that has insofar to do with this discussion that also this gebaren typical for the species "Bauernfänger" like you is.
Thank you for responding anyway. Everything you write is based on the background which you have publicly admitted here: THAT YOU ONLY WANT TO HARM OCT. Besides, each of the points you listed proves absolutely nothing.
Then you could write that you only want to harm Royal, or to cast doubt on his credibility. With evidence that's a thing, but with enough circumstantial evidence you can also do without you - is worldwide at the courts quite common.
For me, for example, there is enough evidence to believe that you and Max are in cahoots and that you're just out to somehow get a little attention from morons whom you can foist your affilinks - (oh no that was the ingenious SEO plan to get on top of Google).... and that without any evidence
A 1000€ Slottyvegas Bonushunt has become a meme of the English slot streamers and means nothing else than fake. This is not said so openly because you probably do not want to harm the industry, but so some streamers have given clear signs how this is to be understood.
Interestingly, I found in the context that the same streamers who made fun of it then 1000 € Raw Bullets had LeoVegas in the program. I mean can be, but several of the larger streamers .... all ne 1000€ Bullet .?.. all zocken your Rawbullet at LeoVegas ? Mysterious stuff Coincidence ? Questions about questions and no answers ;-D
Still, yes, there are people who care about a certain level of authenticity. For me for example
I see it that way too - honest small streamers are worth more to me than the whole gang with any kind of casino allowance. Even money given would be okay for me if it is also said so in the stream.
only interested in the show or not and there he failed unfortunately.
Even electric blanket salesmen who transport pensioners hundreds of kilometers by bus and want to dupe you deliver a show. Call-in TV on Sport1 is also a show - the problem is: when is it entertainment and when is it rip-off?...
I still know, earlier, at the times of AggroGold, Mabuse and Co (some I know personally), what went on in this business
Ultimately, the whole biz was just about making money, ripping off, satisfying your own addiction
Very rarely I got something from Mabuse, which also worked. But always as one of the last. Nevertheless, thank you for it.
And today it's no different, the coating just has to be more serious through the facecam on Twitch. But in the end, of course, it's still about the coals. And people still dish it out behind the scenes
I can understand Royal, in his forward movement and one can only thank Latino and Royal, for all interested a look behind the scenes to have made possible. 👍
My Tip though would be to let it go now. Anyone with a bit of brain should have the sufficient level of intelligence to put this puzzle together
And there's nothing wrong with that either.
That's why I still enjoy watching streams with good content
But when you're in your mid-30s, you're out of this adolescent fuss.
And another PS to Royal
I think your clarification is great, but you should protect yourself more. You can be easily "identified" based on your info... At least that's what I think. Greetings ✌
I'm at work will be after you Latino times a statement whether it dirch interested or not it is really weak again what arguments you pull out of your sleeves and think up with all the means here to make ramba zamba
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9th Jul. 2020, at 10:24 am CEST#120
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Tolga wrote on 09.07.2020 at 10:12 clock: I'm at work after you Latino times make a statement whether it dirch interested or not it is really weak again what arguments you pull out of your sleeves and think up with all means to make ramba zamba here
And I like to remind again your screenshot... if this is not ramba zamba, I do not know any better
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Nothing has been refuted, instead we all reinforce our statements with evidence.
Apparently you have no GUTS and are desperate to become Max's favorite
Look here:
There you will find all the necessary information about "24 Bettle Casino". The guys and gals from Askgamblers can't do anything, instead he has to report to the indicated arbitration board. This is in the case the "IBAS".
He has already, he has also communicated this in the stream and he always informs about the current state of things. To date, he has not yet received a response from IBAS.
Let's summarize the facts:
OnlineCasinosTube uses bots - https://gyazo.com/5a31bacb446b10d5b7fa24b7289aac2b
Where are bots used here and where does your video prove that bots are used here? Your accusation is not proven here.
OnlineCasinosTube played at Quasargaming with Fakemoney: https://gyazo.com/62d4fc456d3ff9a6fe076b3c179bcd04
The picture does not prove anything and is in extremely bad quality. How easy it is to manipulate images with the simplest means programs without any knowledge in image editing, I have already proven. But that is not necessary here. Your image is in poor quality and proves nothing. I have already said that he has credited the credit of his commissions. If you want I create you a picture in the QUalität in you have uploaded it and write you there also gladly: Royal777 Streamerbonus of 100,000 € and I do with Paint image processing then for you. I have already proven how easy it is to do this.
OnlineCasinosTube can not prove deposits at "24 Bettle Casino": https://gyazo.com/fc4457c0f7de6e632dca6a6705f3bfbe
But 1. he deposited live in front of more than 200 spectators, 2. he can prove the Deposit and has already. That there is 0 at deposits is because the filter is set to 30 days and the deposit is already 2 months ago. If it makes you happy I ask him if he makes a screenshot with the 80 € deposit.
"AskGambler" and "24 Bettle Casinos" are currently not responding publicly to the complaint, although the deadline has long expired: https://www.askgamblers.com/casino-complaints/24bettle-casino-delayed-verification-and-withdrawal-problems
That is apparently with this dubious casino group frequently the case, look nevertheless times all complaints over the Condor Casino group where 24bettle casino belongs in addition here even on gamblejoe.com gibts in addition a current contribution: https://www.gamblejoe.com/forum/casinobeschwerden/sonstige/rembrandt-casino-auszahlung-fehlt-80089/
OnlineCasinoTube.com owns and supports several Youtube accounts with the same video material which it underlays with advertisement.
Where is the problem now? It's not illegal. And what does this have to do with our discussion?
OCT threatens families and children with violence https://www.gamblejoe.com/forum/online-casinos/allgemeines/beim-nachsten-livestream-oct-auffliegen-lassen--2866/5/
Whereby one must say here that the corresponding screens were removed due to personal data.
Is clear as I have already mentioned and you also admit... That you want to harm OCT! That your sole intention is maximum use or onlinecasinotube to harm - you see here again an insinuation, which you have made up or at least can not prove, because allegedly the images were deleted for privacy reasons... is clear
OCT played in EU licensed casinos with so-called real money, although registrations & deposits from Asia are not possible
1. Of course deposits from many countries in Asia are possible, Asia is bigger than you think there is more than just rice fields and China. Also, he is currently streaming from Germany and not from Asia so unnecessary your comment you apparently have 0 idea.
OCT has deleted all his repeats from May, generally only a handful of repeats are visible.
If you are familiar with Twitch you would know that replays are either A. deleted because of music playing in the background for copyright reasons or B. automatically deleted by Twitch after a certain time.
I don't want to comment further on you, because with your dubious statements you only harm yourself. As it Silince already wrote " Own goals shoot belongs to their strongest characteristic ", actually it is no longer necessary to react to your comments.
Thanks for responding anyway. Everything you write is based on the background which you have publicly admitted here: THAT YOU ONLY WANT TO HARM OCT. Besides, each of the points you listed proves nothing.
Yes I admit that I want to harm OCT.
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Ca 50 users in chat but 180 watching?! What a poor guy...
But good, who wants to watch the humbug
He comes too late anyway. The offer is now just too good for him to be competitive.
I had a peek over the weekend and he was using the standard new signup Bonuses at Leovegas. Can not be too far with the fame of Diggies, Brudis and gönnenden Ehrenmänmerz 😂
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You can't be serious? Do I have to teach you how to count and that the red number is the number of viewers.
First you complain that the image is too small and now because of the zoom about the image quality
Actually, you have proven to us that only you are willing to back up your lies with fakes.
Besides, it is not possible that the commissions are credited to the casino account and secondly, the settlement takes place at the end of the month and not daily.
You probably mean 50 viewers and various bots.
After all, you might be right about the filter, yet he played with the 200% bonus. Possibly there are restrictions because of that. By the way, we are still waiting for all your evidence that the other streamers are playing with fake money.
If the suspicions had been corroborated, then one would withdraw the casino the MGA license. Therefore it is to be stated here that it concerns a Seriöses Casino. And before you misinterpret everything here again, reputable does not mean good
This comment is also a prime example of your non-existent intellect. It confirms your limited thinking ability, moreover you provoke me again to commit a rule offence, by which I should publish the photos again.
It is absolutely unacceptable that you accuse both me and the owner of the forum of slander .
Already mentioned before, your comprehension is miserable
To A.
Due to copyright law, the scenes in question are muted
To B.
This is really depressing and shameful for me. Hey Tolga, the streams are not automatically deleted by Twitch after a few days. The replays can be available on the channel for several years.
You took that out of context beautifully
You fail miserably at yourself, it is simply pathetic how you behave here. That you humiliate yourself here in public like this must humiliate you. Please do not start barking again, because even a dog has more pride than you.
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who actually invented this internet? lol, the answers get longer and longer with every post here --> even if i had the time i would only read it briefly (you must really have a lot of time --> sense?)
i (maybe most of the others as well) don't care if a streamer has bots, if he is paid with millions of real money or by the oc with monopoly money --> only the show is interesting or not and there he failed unfortunately.
good night johnboy
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And in the end, that's exactly what people are talking about
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In which then ? Whenever I zapp purely runs there nen VOD as a continuous loop. Maybe it's just coincidence but I see every time only VOD of sometime ...
You don't need any proof for that, if the chat activity doesn't match the number of viewers. A functioning brain is enough to see that.
Well, I don't want to harm him, but I would be happy if I can keep other people who might believe this brazen advertising event from falling for this pathetic event
Does this also apply to the said Deposit which led to the compliant at Askgamblers or was he in Asia at that time ? In this respect it has relevance...
And if you were familiar with Twitch, you would know that the copyright issue was only problematic for clips - earlier streams were also muted before the copyright issue and were not objected to at all.
Right, it is not forbidden. However, you dump a huge pile of garbage into the net in the hope that one or the other fish gets stuck. Real content creators make it about quality (or at least try to deliver something halfway acceptable) - and that has insofar to do with this discussion that also this gebaren typical for the species "Bauernfänger" like you is.
Then you could write that you only want to harm Royal, or to cast doubt on his credibility. With evidence that's a thing, but with enough circumstantial evidence you can also do without you - is worldwide at the courts quite common.
For me, for example, there is enough evidence to believe that you and Max are in cahoots and that you're just out to somehow get a little attention from morons whom you can foist your affilinks - (oh no that was the ingenious SEO plan to get on top of Google).... and that without any evidence
A 1000€ Slottyvegas Bonushunt has become a meme of the English slot streamers and means nothing else than fake. This is not said so openly because you probably do not want to harm the industry, but so some streamers have given clear signs how this is to be understood.
Interestingly, I found in the context that the same streamers who made fun of it then 1000 € Raw Bullets had LeoVegas in the program. I mean can be, but several of the larger streamers .... all ne 1000€ Bullet .?.. all zocken your Rawbullet at LeoVegas ? Mysterious stuff Coincidence ? Questions about questions and no answers ;-D
I see it that way too - honest small streamers are worth more to me than the whole gang with any kind of casino allowance. Even money given would be okay for me if it is also said so in the stream.
Even electric blanket salesmen who transport pensioners hundreds of kilometers by bus and want to dupe you deliver a show. Call-in TV on Sport1 is also a show - the problem is: when is it entertainment and when is it rip-off?...
Good night Mary-Allen
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Ultimately, the whole biz was just about making money, ripping off, satisfying your own addiction
Very rarely I got something from Mabuse, which also worked. But always as one of the last. Nevertheless, thank you for it.
And today it's no different, the coating just has to be more serious through the facecam on Twitch. But in the end, of course, it's still about the coals. And people still dish it out behind the scenes
I can understand Royal, in his forward movement and one can only thank Latino and Royal, for all interested a look behind the scenes to have made possible. 👍
My Tip though would be to let it go now. Anyone with a bit of brain should have the sufficient level of intelligence to put this puzzle together
And there's nothing wrong with that either.
That's why I still enjoy watching streams with good content
But when you're in your mid-30s, you're out of this adolescent fuss.
And another PS to Royal
I think your clarification is great, but you should protect yourself more. You can be easily "identified" based on your info... At least that's what I think. Greetings ✌
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And I like to remind again your screenshot... if this is not ramba zamba, I do not know any better
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