Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
10th Aug. 2019, at 12:27 am CEST#11
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Advertising is always such a funny thing, I don't think there is even one smoker less just because advertising for cigarettes is banned. It's the same with alcohol, I don't think it has anything to do with whether it's advertised or not, the 70000 who die of liver cancer every year will always be there
We live in a world where you can choose many things and you can get addicted to many things. It doesn't necessarily need a substance that does it, see sex, television, video games or even gambling. But I think advertising to ban brings nothing at all, I have never seen an ad for cocaine or heroin and yet thousands are addicted to it, about grass I do not even want to talk, think there are millions of stoners in Germany
So it's up to the self-responsibility what a person does and what not, and if something becomes a problem then there is a whole army of psycho uncles and thousands of affiliated clinics. Who can not be helped ---- well, everyone must know to the bitterest end.
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Former Member
Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
This has nothing to do with self-responsibility!
Oc outside SH is illegal.
SH has 2.89 million inhabitants, Germany has 80 million.
If they do advertising, then they should do it in SH and I don't have to see it in BW.
But they make advertising Germany-wide, so the remaining 77 million inhabitants are animated for illegal gambling.
The politicians play here the three famous monkeys: see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing!
Fors Player protection nothing is made!
I see 18-19 year olds in the arcades who will gamble their lives away.
Even TR 5.0 which was intended for player protection developed into a nightmare for a player!
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Former Member
Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
10th Aug. 2019, at 02:13 am CEST#13
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wettibernd wrote on 08/10/2019 00:27: Advertising is always such a funny thing, I don't think there is even one smoker less just because the advertising for cigarettes is banned. Same with alcohol, I don't think it has anything to do with whether it is advertised or not, the 70000 that die every year from liver cancer will always be there
We live in a world where you can choose many things and you can get addicted to many things. It doesn't necessarily need a substance that does it, see sex, television, video games or even gambling. But I think advertising to ban brings nothing at all, I have never seen an ad for cocaine or heroin and yet thousands are addicted to it, about grass I do not even want to talk, think there are millions of stoners in Germany
So it is up to the self-responsibility what a person does and what not, and if something becomes a problem then there is a whole army of psycho uncles and thousands of affiliated clinics. Who can not be helped ---- well, everyone must know to the bitterest end.
Yes and no. A lot of studies have been done on the subject of addiction and it looks like addiction is the result of a number of factors. In addition to a disorder of the transmitter balance (reduced dopamine release, dysregulation of the reward system), which may well be genetically determined or, for example, damage to the prefrontal cortex, environmental influences also play a major role. How did a person grow up, which experiences was/is he exposed to (keyword among others post-traumatic stress disorder). The socio-cultural environment makes a decisive contribution. And the experiences that an individual makes in this. In this context, advertising and how it is used naturally plays a role. Unbelievable amounts of money are spent on researching manipulative practices in order to be able to use them for profit maximizing purposes. This does not mean that personal responsibility can be left at the front left at the checkroom, but this in Permanence expressed conviction': "Every human being has the same possibilities to reach a (healthy) decision and who does not use the chance is himself to blame" or the so often used character weakness of the delinquent- reaches in my opinion too short.
P.s.: The fact that there is no advertising for cocaine etc. (which is not true, by the way, because for a while it was contained in Coca Cola, for example, and was advertised quite massively) and nevertheless there are a lot of cocaine addicts running around, is no proof that advertising has/had no (damaging) influence on the behavior of a cocaine addict
Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
10th Aug. 2019, at 05:47 am CEST#14
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redfoxx wrote on 08/10/2019 02:13 PM
Yes and No. A lot of studies have been done on the subject of addiction by now, and as it stands, addiction is the result of a variety of factors. In addition to a disorder of the transmitter balance (reduced dopamine release, dysregulation of the reward system), which may well be genetically determined or, for example, damage to the prefrontal cortex, however, environmental influences also play a major role. How did a person grow up, which experiences was/is he exposed to (keyword among others post-traumatic stress disorder). The socio-cultural environment makes a decisive contribution. And the experiences that an individual makes in this. In this context, advertising and how it is used naturally plays a role. Unbelievable amounts of money are spent on researching manipulative practices in order to be able to use them for profit maximizing purposes. This does not mean that personal responsibility can be left at the front left at the checkroom, but this in Permanence expressed conviction': "Every human being has the same possibilities to reach a (healthy) decision and who does not use the chance is himself to blame" or the so often used character weakness of the delinquent- reaches in my opinion too short.
P.s.: The fact that there is no advertising for cocaine etc. (which is not true, by the way, because for a while it was contained in Coca Cola, for example, and was advertised quite massively) and nevertheless there are a lot of cocaine addicts running around, is no proof that advertising has/had no (damaging) influence on the behavior of a cocaine addict.
The advertising sets additional triggers for it, if one says one does not play today and sees it in the advertisement. Then the first reaction is depreciating, but in the subconscious it looks completely different and that leads to the fact that one animates at a later time by it <es doch nochmal probiert>. This happens in a flash, is deposited in seconds and from then on it is usually too late.
It has nevertheless much to do with willpower and self-control, that behind it many factors are I do not dispute. Unfortunately, these people can not be helped before the total crash, it is always warned but mostly you have to watch a ship sinking. Some realize it sooner and some only when they can no longer get a loan anywhere and can no longer pay anything.</es>
Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
11th Aug. 2019, at 12:41 pm CEST#15
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So to me, this is still not about mature adults, but about adolescents.
An 18 year old who is fully capable of contract cannot be compared to a 30 year old in terms of judgment, discipline etc..
And as I said, I think that not all people know that there are online casinos.
Sure you know casinos, but they are usually far away.
The WWW is available 24/7!
And if something is illegal to advertise that, I still do not understand.
Then the addition under it must be illegal in all other countries.
Of course I know that there is money behind it and it is therefore tolerated, but in this day and age that should be legally contestable and politics should also keep an eye on it. After all, the increasing poverty is complained about, the casinos are certainly not conducive.
One assumes an 18 year old, with 410 euro training salary logs on again and wins 800 euro. What will he probably do? Rejoice and say, wow luck had, I take with me and since gambling is addictive, I'll never do that again?
Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
11th Aug. 2019, at 11:18 pm CEST#16
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Crazy4U wrote on 08/11/2019 12:41 PM: So to me, this is still not about mature and mature adults, but adolescents.
An 18 yr old who is fully competent is not to be compared in judgement, discipline etc as a 30 yr old.
And as I said, I think that not all people know that there are online casinos.
Sure you know casinos, but they are usually far away.
The WWW is available 24/7!
And if something is illegal to advertise that, I still do not understand.
Then the addition under it must be illegal in all other countries.
Of course I know that there is money behind it and it is therefore tolerated, but in this day and age that should be legally contestable and politics should also keep an eye on it. After all, the increasing poverty is complained about, the casinos are certainly not conducive.
Take an 18 year old, with 410 euros training salary logs on again and wins 800 euros. What will he probably do? Rejoice and say, wow luck had, I take with me and since gambling is addictive, I'll never do that again?
You can't generalize like that. Most gamblers are not only older players because of the 18 years rule. Young people are usually more naive and have less experience, but they learn faster.
Advertising becomes a very bad influence when you are influenced with it in the developmental age. A 3 year old who sees it every day from his father or mother will later be strongly influenced by it unconsciously. Therefore, never let children watch and the partner should not mention it in front of the children.
Nevertheless, I am against gambling advertising, because adults want to play because of the wins and teenagers or young people see that and want to win like xy and play vllt also same games.
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
12th Aug. 2019, at 12:17 am CEST#17
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The same crap as watching sports with all the betting providers. In addition, in every city ne tipico branch. And on sport1 these call broadcasts. There is also already in the breakfast television so ne call quiz stuff. The main thing is to pull the money out of people's pockets. Normally you would have to sue the broadcaster that you have become addicted to gambling by the crappy advertising
Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
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We live in a world where you can choose many things and you can get addicted to many things. It doesn't necessarily need a substance that does it, see sex, television, video games or even gambling. But I think advertising to ban brings nothing at all, I have never seen an ad for cocaine or heroin and yet thousands are addicted to it, about grass I do not even want to talk, think there are millions of stoners in Germany
So it's up to the self-responsibility what a person does and what not, and if something becomes a problem then there is a whole army of psycho uncles and thousands of affiliated clinics. Who can not be helped ---- well, everyone must know to the bitterest end.
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
Liked this post: Anonym,
Oc outside SH is illegal.
SH has 2.89 million inhabitants, Germany has 80 million.
If they do advertising, then they should do it in SH and I don't have to see it in BW.
But they make advertising Germany-wide, so the remaining 77 million inhabitants are animated for illegal gambling.
The politicians play here the three famous monkeys: see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing!
Fors Player protection nothing is made!
I see 18-19 year olds in the arcades who will gamble their lives away.
Even TR 5.0 which was intended for player protection developed into a nightmare for a player!
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
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Yes and no. A lot of studies have been done on the subject of addiction and it looks like addiction is the result of a number of factors. In addition to a disorder of the transmitter balance (reduced dopamine release, dysregulation of the reward system), which may well be genetically determined or, for example, damage to the prefrontal cortex, environmental influences also play a major role. How did a person grow up, which experiences was/is he exposed to (keyword among others post-traumatic stress disorder). The socio-cultural environment makes a decisive contribution. And the experiences that an individual makes in this. In this context, advertising and how it is used naturally plays a role. Unbelievable amounts of money are spent on researching manipulative practices in order to be able to use them for profit maximizing purposes. This does not mean that personal responsibility can be left at the front left at the checkroom, but this in Permanence expressed conviction': "Every human being has the same possibilities to reach a (healthy) decision and who does not use the chance is himself to blame" or the so often used character weakness of the delinquent- reaches in my opinion too short.
P.s.: The fact that there is no advertising for cocaine etc. (which is not true, by the way, because for a while it was contained in Coca Cola, for example, and was advertised quite massively) and nevertheless there are a lot of cocaine addicts running around, is no proof that advertising has/had no (damaging) influence on the behavior of a cocaine addict
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
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The advertising sets additional triggers for it, if one says one does not play today and sees it in the advertisement. Then the first reaction is depreciating, but in the subconscious it looks completely different and that leads to the fact that one animates at a later time by it <es doch nochmal probiert>. This happens in a flash, is deposited in seconds and from then on it is usually too late.
It has nevertheless much to do with willpower and self-control, that behind it many factors are I do not dispute. Unfortunately, these people can not be helped before the total crash, it is always warned but mostly you have to watch a ship sinking. Some realize it sooner and some only when they can no longer get a loan anywhere and can no longer pay anything.</es>
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
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An 18 year old who is fully capable of contract cannot be compared to a 30 year old in terms of judgment, discipline etc..
And as I said, I think that not all people know that there are online casinos.
Sure you know casinos, but they are usually far away.
The WWW is available 24/7!
And if something is illegal to advertise that, I still do not understand.
Then the addition under it must be illegal in all other countries.
Of course I know that there is money behind it and it is therefore tolerated, but in this day and age that should be legally contestable and politics should also keep an eye on it. After all, the increasing poverty is complained about, the casinos are certainly not conducive.
One assumes an 18 year old, with 410 euro training salary logs on again and wins 800 euro. What will he probably do? Rejoice and say, wow luck had, I take with me and since gambling is addictive, I'll never do that again?
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
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You can't generalize like that. Most gamblers are not only older players because of the 18 years rule. Young people are usually more naive and have less experience, but they learn faster.
Advertising becomes a very bad influence when you are influenced with it in the developmental age. A 3 year old who sees it every day from his father or mother will later be strongly influenced by it unconsciously. Therefore, never let children watch and the partner should not mention it in front of the children.
Nevertheless, I am against gambling advertising, because adults want to play because of the wins and teenagers or young people see that and want to win like xy and play vllt also same games.
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Advertising for online casinos on free TV | Statement from the broadcaster
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