Ruhisch Brauner, that was`n joke! Ever heard of it? Is available in various designs and colors, sometimes silly, sometimes crude or ironic and sometimes even black - the main thing is not meant seriously. I'm sorry if that should have arrived wrong. If you do not know fun at all, do not worry, just loosen up and eventually you have it then as if by itself...
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Former Member
4starsgames does not take paysafe
20th Feb. 2019, at 11:26 pm CET#6
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Zwischenmeister wrote on 20.02.2019 at 22:22
Ruhisch Brauner, that was`n joke! Ever heard of it? Is available in various designs and colors, sometimes silly, sometimes crude or ironic and sometimes even black - the main thing is not meant seriously. I'm sorry if that should have arrived wrong. If you don't know fun yet, don't worry, just loosen up and eventually you'll have it by yourself...
What irony, that you want to explain to me what all counts in the category of jokes, but even none Erkennst
Have honestly long thought, but then unfortunately tended to consider that rather serious
On the one hand, because there was no smiley or so that tried to keep me from it, on the other hand, because we both here I think so far had not really what to do with each other and last but not least because, as sad as it may be, the number of total humor fascists here unfortunately felt rather increases than decreases
Whereby still would be to be determined whether this is not perhaps nevertheless in direct connection with the, apparently likewise rising, population group of the Off-topic-Hater, stands...
Until this is scientifically clarified beyond doubt, it will still take a little time - which gives me time to apologize to you because I misunderstood your comment. So sorry, the next time I know then already sooner where I'm at...
4starsgames does not take paysafe
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Is indicated as a means of payment but .
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4starsgames does not take paysafe
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4starsgames does not take paysafe
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4starsgames does not take paysafe
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Shoo shoo, off you go.
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4starsgames does not take paysafe
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Ruhisch Brauner, that was`n joke! Ever heard of it? Is available in various designs and colors, sometimes silly, sometimes crude or ironic and sometimes even black - the main thing is not meant seriously. I'm sorry if that should have arrived wrong. If you do not know fun at all, do not worry, just loosen up and eventually you have it then as if by itself...
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4starsgames does not take paysafe
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What irony, that you want to explain to me what all counts in the category of jokes, but even none Erkennst
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4starsgames does not take paysafe
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On the one hand, because there was no smiley or so that tried to keep me from it, on the other hand, because we both here I think so far had not really what to do with each other and last but not least because, as sad as it may be, the number of total humor fascists here unfortunately felt rather increases than decreases
Whereby still would be to be determined whether this is not perhaps nevertheless in direct connection with the, apparently likewise rising, population group of the Off-topic-Hater, stands...
Until this is scientifically clarified beyond doubt, it will still take a little time - which gives me time to apologize to you because I misunderstood your comment. So sorry, the next time I know then already sooner where I'm at...
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