Topic created on 28th Sep. 2018 | Page: 4 of 11 | Answers: 109 | Views: 24,828
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Raid against gambling house clan
29th Sep. 2018, at 12:32 am CEST#31
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It's clear that we're all going in circles. Because none of us - apart from casino managers who may be reading or even writing here - can tell even a finger hint who is cheating where and when.
All we know are our own experiences and what is called life experience and logical thinking.
We do not see behind the scenes, we see what we experience.
But what we experience should make us think. It's not as if we walk on pink clouds and have never heard of fraud and rip-offs anywhere.
If certain things keep repeating themselves, there is a pattern behind them. If there is a pattern behind it, it is not a coincidence.
And that's where you simply have to start, first follow your intuition and then start thinking for yourself and include the human factor as well as the technically feasible side.
To take myself as an example: I have long since passed 40, sad as that is. Fortunately, I can call an academic education my own. Although I will never win the science prize in physics, I still imagine that I am not quite so stupid.
My upbringing was almost perfect in retrospect. Never ducking, but never demanding everything either. Adapt where it should be, enforce where it is required. Being tolerant, questioning everything, but also accepting what reality shows. Compromises are sometimes unavoidable.
Before metaphysics comes science, before authority comes tolerance and humanity. Everyone is allowed to be an ass, to miss the mark, to be wrong.
As I've always been told, "Nothing is eaten as hot as it's cooked."
True so far.
What's also true: The obvious can be deceptive. It's what's essential that counts.
There are things that will forever remain hidden from us, but before embracing esotericism, it's better to consider facts.
Conspiracies have always existed, but most of the time they are quite different from what you think.
Corruption has also always existed, but one must not become paranoid.
Think, not believe
On this basis, it is easy to turn on your thinking apparatus.
I have been playing in OCs for years. I never expected much, but I've also been proven wrong.
Back then it was easy to accept when you lost because somehow everything stayed within the usual, within the normal range.
Today that is no longer possible.
You are cheated, lied to, ripped off and screwed over at every turn.
For a while I didn't want to believe it and thought I was seeing too much negativity. But each time I was shown again that both I and others were right. It starts with the electricity Provider, continues with the telephone provider, when suddenly horrendous bills appear, because one supposedly has not paid. If one can prove payments, it is said that one had not paid the year before. If one can also prove this, it was suddenly allegedly the year BEFORE. And before that. And before that.
And even at a time when one was not yet with that provider.
If all this doesn't help, you allegedly made phone calls to Uruguay for 3 hours a day.
It goes on with "advertising calls" predominantly with pensioners, who answer the question "are you Mr./Mrs. Brubbelbazz" with "yes" and suddenly have a yearly subscription for the magazine "Ti**en and other hot machines" at the cheek.
Then manipulated exhaust emissions, poisoned cosmetics, clothing, food, falsified studies on the toxicity of certain insecticides, lies about certain crimes committed by migrants
Food that has inedible ingredients, but for economic reasons do not have to give the necessary information about it.
Then it goes on with corrupt politicians, managers, companies, troll factories from Russia or elsewhere that manipulate public opinion.
Banks gambling away citizens' money.
And so much more that I can't even list.
These are all things that determine our everyday life. Money, profit, unbelievable greed that kills any reason. Because also, among other things, more and more narcissists and psychopaths grow up, which has already been proven for years (by the way, very interesting to read through the studies).
What reason on this planet should there ever be that of all things money machines and greed rag factories like Online Casinos are always serious and honest?
None. Not a single one.
All these things are made of scripts and pixels. People set about writing programs to fool us into thinking we are playing a real slot.
And these people, who both program and offer, don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts, because they are so terribly fond of Kai-Uwe Kuppelbums from Bottrop, Jenny Johnson from Texas and Marcel duBois from Marseilles.
They want money. Nothing else.
Every script, every virtual account, every bit of data on the Internet can be manipulated. There is absolutely nothing to discuss, that is a fact.
And when we see over and over again that nothing works, that our money disappears without a sound, that we have the same experiences over and over again, that patterns repeat themselves constantly, that wins are always the same amount, that losses always follow the clock, that everything only turns to the negative, then something is rotten.
Who is responsible for it, remains the question. How exactly it is done is also a question.
But who doesn't trust his own eyes and experiences, ignores his experience and his concentrated knowledge and continues to believe in the good in every human being, when it is about tens of billions, about power and competition, which is getting stronger and stronger and which has to be eliminated - well, then no arguments are of any use.
Maybe there really are still honest and reputable casinos. It is possible. But it is not likely.
Because nowadays they don't just open a casino, put in a few machines and hope for the best.
Nowadays they work with psychologists.
You know it from supermarkets, where shelves and goods are placed in such a way that the inclined customer can't help but take something he doesn't even want.
Casinos work with emotional instability, with the psyche of the player. General, but also specific profiles are created about players. It is tailored to everyone who is in the casino.
It is registered who has played what, when and where.
Netent is way ahead with this. Just as an example.
Before you start thinking it's all just coincidence again, remember that it's about your money, not your new hairstyle and your nice words.
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Former Member
Raid against gambling house clan
29th Sep. 2018, at 07:21 am CEST#32
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That was the word for Saturday ?
Very well written, kaffeelicht ?
The only problem with this eternal discussion is that Online Casinos do not host the games themselves. It would be theoretically possible that the game manufacturers manipulate the slots, but then the slots are manipulated in all casinos. The casinos operate profit maximization in other ways (keyword bonus conditions) but not by manipulating slots, which they are not capable of. It would have to manipulate ALL game manufacturers (who are in competition with each other), so that the theories of some people here in the forum would work.
And what do any Arab or Turkish clan rancid gambling houses have to do with online casinos or the game developers? Germany is, as far as the gambling sector is concerned, a third world country and especially in the gaming arcade sector unregulated and uncontrolled as f**k and a Concession gets, as you can see in this case, every small and big criminal. These are not isolated cases, but the use of so-called savings boards has been known for years. However, these boards are more about saving taxes and not about harming the players. Although there are also these cases.
The fact that something is going wrong in Germany does not mean that it has to be even worse in other countries. If I win €5,000 at Dragonara Casino in Malta, then I walk through the streets all the way home afterwards without a care in the world. In some cities in Germany, I wouldn't even walk home carefree without a win. The comparison is somehow absurd.
Above all, there is also the question of how this Manipulation should look at all. Simply worse odds than promised? Then it would not be manipulation but misrepresentation but the RTP is verifiable for everyone and now quite accurate.
Many seem but rather to a kind of "The casino lets me win so much now so that I become weak and so much again verzocken and always come 2 books so that I Deposit again and all casinos communicate with each other how much I may win where and must lose" kind of fraud, which is not only absolutely ridiculous but also actually impossible and a confused player fantasy. Call this designation calmly "from above down" but then I am also from above down if I tell a flatearther annoyed and little understanding that the earth is a sphere
Rip-off by bonus and Verification chicanery and by not paying out wins in the case of Curacao casinos and other junk houses - That is already fraud enough. Losing to a Slot machine is math.
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Topic Creator
Forum posts:688Member has been banned
Raid against gambling house clan
29th Sep. 2018, at 03:23 pm CEST#37
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Daniel, that is merely what the casinos claim. How do you know if that's true?
And what would be wrong with casinos working hand in hand with the manufacturers and letting the AQ sink to the basement for a large part of the players?
I don't understand how one can hold so stubbornly to such a utopia of honesty when the possibilities for fraud are so numerous and so likely.
Bones, how do you know all this? Please provide some evidence, because apparently you are just a gamer and have no access to the background.
Before you claim, please prove it.
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
Raid against gambling house clan
29th Sep. 2018, at 03:48 pm CEST#38
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Bone, then it is fraud.
Read through the StGB.
Main thing again with little idea
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Former Member
Raid against gambling house clan
29th Sep. 2018, at 04:14 pm CEST#39
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Bone wrote on 29/09/2018 at 15:12: Above all, there is also the question of how this Manipulation should look at all. Simply bad odds than promised? Then it would not be manipulation but misrepresentation but the RTP is verifiable for everyone and now quite accurate.
Many seem but rather to a kind of "The casino lets me win so much now so that I become weak and so much again verzocken and always come 2 books so that I Deposit again and all casinos communicate with each other how much I win where may and must lose" kind of fraud, which is not only absolutely ridiculous but also actually impossible and a confused player fantasy.
Uh that with the Scattern, vorallem shortly before the end, is nevertheless really so. One should be triggered to pay in again. Everything psychology. That's why psychologists are hired, so that such things flow into the programming.
That casinos of a company create a player profile is somehow logical or not? That Netent creates something like that is also more than likely (had once linked an article).
On the other hand, casinos have no reason to cheat, because they win anyway. That's logical. Their business model is that people lose. The psychological programming just serves to keep people playing.
One more thing: I am not of the opinion that individual casinos really manipulate together with the manufacturers. I am rather of the opinion that it is determined who has a lucky streak and who does not. If it ran times in a casino then really All Slots from all providers. Was the last time so. I took extra 6 different providers in a row and with each came at least x250 in the first 5 spins.
Zockertyp89 wrote on 29/09/2018 at 16:14
Uh that with the Scattern, vorallem shortly before the end, is but really so. One should be triggered to Deposit again. All psychology. That's why psychologists are hired, so that such things flow into the programming.
That casinos of a company create a player profile is somehow logical or not? That Netent creates something like that is also more than likely (had once linked an article).
On the other hand, casinos have no reason to cheat, because they win anyway. That is logical. Their business model is that people lose. The psychological programming just serves to keep people playing.
One more thing: I am not of the opinion that individual casinos really manipulate together with the manufacturers. I am rather of the opinion that it is determined who has a lucky streak and who does not. If it ran times in a casino then really All Slots from all providers. Was the last time so. I took extra 6 different providers in a row and with each came at least x250 in the first 5 spins.
The psychology is of course true. The human psyche takes a near win the same as a win or the reward center is triggered in the same way. Of course, the games are programmed to be addictive and to play with the psyche of the players to make as much money as possible
As for the other, this is extremely unlikely. I've also had winning streaks where it seemed like I could only win. Only there were ALWAYS individual games that gave nothing, where then quickly times 50-100€ were gone, then changed, then won again. Often win series also appear only so because you play higher stakes and 100x Wins already look good
@Kaffeelicht: Some of what I wrote is absolutely for every player to check. For example, you can check which server each game is hosted on. Take Netent for example, a huge gaming Provider that can be found in just about every casino from Malta to Curacao to England. Do you think every petty little casino with Netent slots has unlimited access to their servers? Do you think every casino transmits data, tells the Netent server who should win and how much to trigger further? And in all these years not a single employee of any casino or manufacturer or authority has provided solid evidence? Realistically, more people would know about such a fraud case than about the NSA scandal. The mathematical explanation is much more logical. 10.000 people play Starburst in one hour with an average bet of 1€ and about 1000 spins per hour. With an RTP of 95%, this alone would generate 500,000€. Realistically, there are many more players playing Starburst per hour worldwide, and there are 200 other Netent slots. The big casinos earn themselves silly even without fraud, the game manufacturers live on LICENSE FEES, they have an interest in that as many players as possible play their game and turn as many rounds as possible. Likewise, of course, they have to make sure that the casinos pick up their game as well, which will only happen if the casino makes a long term win with the game. There is massive competition in the industry, both among casinos themselves and among the manufacturers of the games. Either this is the biggest cartel case in human history with several thousand companies involved, or casinos don't cheat and gamblers continue to underestimate the math and come up with other explanations that may seem simple but logically would not be feasible at all
Raid against gambling house clan
Liked this post: s****e
All we know are our own experiences and what is called life experience and logical thinking.
We do not see behind the scenes, we see what we experience.
But what we experience should make us think. It's not as if we walk on pink clouds and have never heard of fraud and rip-offs anywhere.
If certain things keep repeating themselves, there is a pattern behind them. If there is a pattern behind it, it is not a coincidence.
And that's where you simply have to start, first follow your intuition and then start thinking for yourself and include the human factor as well as the technically feasible side.
To take myself as an example: I have long since passed 40, sad as that is. Fortunately, I can call an academic education my own. Although I will never win the science prize in physics, I still imagine that I am not quite so stupid.
My upbringing was almost perfect in retrospect. Never ducking, but never demanding everything either. Adapt where it should be, enforce where it is required. Being tolerant, questioning everything, but also accepting what reality shows. Compromises are sometimes unavoidable.
Before metaphysics comes science, before authority comes tolerance and humanity. Everyone is allowed to be an ass, to miss the mark, to be wrong.
As I've always been told, "Nothing is eaten as hot as it's cooked."
True so far.
What's also true: The obvious can be deceptive. It's what's essential that counts.
There are things that will forever remain hidden from us, but before embracing esotericism, it's better to consider facts.
Conspiracies have always existed, but most of the time they are quite different from what you think.
Corruption has also always existed, but one must not become paranoid.
Think, not believe
On this basis, it is easy to turn on your thinking apparatus.
I have been playing in OCs for years. I never expected much, but I've also been proven wrong.
Back then it was easy to accept when you lost because somehow everything stayed within the usual, within the normal range.
Today that is no longer possible.
You are cheated, lied to, ripped off and screwed over at every turn.
For a while I didn't want to believe it and thought I was seeing too much negativity. But each time I was shown again that both I and others were right. It starts with the electricity Provider, continues with the telephone provider, when suddenly horrendous bills appear, because one supposedly has not paid. If one can prove payments, it is said that one had not paid the year before. If one can also prove this, it was suddenly allegedly the year BEFORE. And before that. And before that.
And even at a time when one was not yet with that provider.
If all this doesn't help, you allegedly made phone calls to Uruguay for 3 hours a day.
It goes on with "advertising calls" predominantly with pensioners, who answer the question "are you Mr./Mrs. Brubbelbazz" with "yes" and suddenly have a yearly subscription for the magazine "Ti**en and other hot machines" at the cheek.
Then manipulated exhaust emissions, poisoned cosmetics, clothing, food, falsified studies on the toxicity of certain insecticides, lies about certain crimes committed by migrants
Food that has inedible ingredients, but for economic reasons do not have to give the necessary information about it.
Then it goes on with corrupt politicians, managers, companies, troll factories from Russia or elsewhere that manipulate public opinion.
Banks gambling away citizens' money.
And so much more that I can't even list.
These are all things that determine our everyday life. Money, profit, unbelievable greed that kills any reason. Because also, among other things, more and more narcissists and psychopaths grow up, which has already been proven for years (by the way, very interesting to read through the studies).
What reason on this planet should there ever be that of all things money machines and greed rag factories like Online Casinos are always serious and honest?
None. Not a single one.
All these things are made of scripts and pixels. People set about writing programs to fool us into thinking we are playing a real slot.
And these people, who both program and offer, don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts, because they are so terribly fond of Kai-Uwe Kuppelbums from Bottrop, Jenny Johnson from Texas and Marcel duBois from Marseilles.
They want money. Nothing else.
Every script, every virtual account, every bit of data on the Internet can be manipulated. There is absolutely nothing to discuss, that is a fact.
And when we see over and over again that nothing works, that our money disappears without a sound, that we have the same experiences over and over again, that patterns repeat themselves constantly, that wins are always the same amount, that losses always follow the clock, that everything only turns to the negative, then something is rotten.
Who is responsible for it, remains the question. How exactly it is done is also a question.
But who doesn't trust his own eyes and experiences, ignores his experience and his concentrated knowledge and continues to believe in the good in every human being, when it is about tens of billions, about power and competition, which is getting stronger and stronger and which has to be eliminated - well, then no arguments are of any use.
Maybe there really are still honest and reputable casinos. It is possible. But it is not likely.
Because nowadays they don't just open a casino, put in a few machines and hope for the best.
Nowadays they work with psychologists.
You know it from supermarkets, where shelves and goods are placed in such a way that the inclined customer can't help but take something he doesn't even want.
Casinos work with emotional instability, with the psyche of the player. General, but also specific profiles are created about players. It is tailored to everyone who is in the casino.
It is registered who has played what, when and where.
Netent is way ahead with this. Just as an example.
Before you start thinking it's all just coincidence again, remember that it's about your money, not your new hairstyle and your nice words.
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Raid against gambling house clan
Liked this post: K****t
Very well written, kaffeelicht ?
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Raid against gambling house clan
Liked this post: K****t, s****e
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Raid against gambling house clan
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Not only grumble on casinos, but do something against it.
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Raid against gambling house clan
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And what do any Arab or Turkish clan rancid gambling houses have to do with online casinos or the game developers? Germany is, as far as the gambling sector is concerned, a third world country and especially in the gaming arcade sector unregulated and uncontrolled as f**k and a Concession gets, as you can see in this case, every small and big criminal. These are not isolated cases, but the use of so-called savings boards has been known for years. However, these boards are more about saving taxes and not about harming the players. Although there are also these cases.
The fact that something is going wrong in Germany does not mean that it has to be even worse in other countries. If I win €5,000 at Dragonara Casino in Malta, then I walk through the streets all the way home afterwards without a care in the world. In some cities in Germany, I wouldn't even walk home carefree without a win. The comparison is somehow absurd.
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Raid against gambling house clan
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Many seem but rather to a kind of "The casino lets me win so much now so that I become weak and so much again verzocken and always come 2 books so that I Deposit again and all casinos communicate with each other how much I may win where and must lose" kind of fraud, which is not only absolutely ridiculous but also actually impossible and a confused player fantasy. Call this designation calmly "from above down" but then I am also from above down if I tell a flatearther annoyed and little understanding that the earth is a sphere
Rip-off by bonus and Verification chicanery and by not paying out wins in the case of Curacao casinos and other junk houses - That is already fraud enough. Losing to a Slot machine is math.
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Raid against gambling house clan
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And what would be wrong with casinos working hand in hand with the manufacturers and letting the AQ sink to the basement for a large part of the players?
I don't understand how one can hold so stubbornly to such a utopia of honesty when the possibilities for fraud are so numerous and so likely.
Bones, how do you know all this? Please provide some evidence, because apparently you are just a gamer and have no access to the background.
Before you claim, please prove it.
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Raid against gambling house clan
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Read through the StGB.
Main thing again with little idea
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Raid against gambling house clan
Nobody has liked this post so far
Uh that with the Scattern, vorallem shortly before the end, is nevertheless really so. One should be triggered to pay in again. Everything psychology. That's why psychologists are hired, so that such things flow into the programming.
That casinos of a company create a player profile is somehow logical or not? That Netent creates something like that is also more than likely (had once linked an article).
On the other hand, casinos have no reason to cheat, because they win anyway. That's logical. Their business model is that people lose. The psychological programming just serves to keep people playing.
One more thing: I am not of the opinion that individual casinos really manipulate together with the manufacturers. I am rather of the opinion that it is determined who has a lucky streak and who does not. If it ran times in a casino then really All Slots from all providers. Was the last time so. I took extra 6 different providers in a row and with each came at least x250 in the first 5 spins.
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Raid against gambling house clan
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The psychology is of course true. The human psyche takes a near win the same as a win or the reward center is triggered in the same way. Of course, the games are programmed to be addictive and to play with the psyche of the players to make as much money as possible
As for the other, this is extremely unlikely. I've also had winning streaks where it seemed like I could only win. Only there were ALWAYS individual games that gave nothing, where then quickly times 50-100€ were gone, then changed, then won again. Often win series also appear only so because you play higher stakes and 100x Wins already look good
@Kaffeelicht: Some of what I wrote is absolutely for every player to check. For example, you can check which server each game is hosted on. Take Netent for example, a huge gaming Provider that can be found in just about every casino from Malta to Curacao to England. Do you think every petty little casino with Netent slots has unlimited access to their servers? Do you think every casino transmits data, tells the Netent server who should win and how much to trigger further? And in all these years not a single employee of any casino or manufacturer or authority has provided solid evidence? Realistically, more people would know about such a fraud case than about the NSA scandal. The mathematical explanation is much more logical. 10.000 people play Starburst in one hour with an average bet of 1€ and about 1000 spins per hour. With an RTP of 95%, this alone would generate 500,000€. Realistically, there are many more players playing Starburst per hour worldwide, and there are 200 other Netent slots. The big casinos earn themselves silly even without fraud, the game manufacturers live on LICENSE FEES, they have an interest in that as many players as possible play their game and turn as many rounds as possible. Likewise, of course, they have to make sure that the casinos pick up their game as well, which will only happen if the casino makes a long term win with the game. There is massive competition in the industry, both among casinos themselves and among the manufacturers of the games. Either this is the biggest cartel case in human history with several thousand companies involved, or casinos don't cheat and gamblers continue to underestimate the math and come up with other explanations that may seem simple but logically would not be feasible at all
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