Chrizzi wrote on 16.02.2021 at 17:06
Sorry must still briefly what clarify I give briefly an example of " this is not for everyone "
I was once after a severe depressive phase in a clinic. In order to endure this myself, I resorted to anesthesia at that time and was also assigned to such a ward in the clinic (for detoxification). Since I only needed it myself due to my current condition, I did not know my way around and was accordingly wrongly placed. Many there pushed the argument in the conversation with therapists or stress moment in front of "Do they actually know how hard I had it"
In the situation itself, this also has a small percentage relevance if you include the way
Had the impression it was with many a pretext or excuse to push the current situation on it
Only I noticed that people who were confronted with the idea that susceptibility is hereditary and thus they are not responsible in their eyes for their behavior, use this as an excuse and since others handle it differently, I wrote (also for fellow readers) that can not be dealt with the issue immediately.
Did not know until now that you had to see early dark sides of the human psyche and may in no way equate or compare this with my experience
Just wanted to note that even reading or listening to such connections to their own addiction really does not bring everyone forward
From my own experience and sorry if it's too early for that... Forgetting doesn't work for something like this
They are not to blame for what you are or currently have to bear
They made a terrible contribution to it, for which I hope they got their comeuppance
YOU, however, can always change your situation again if you don't like it
YOU know other ways are right.
YOU through your actions, your way out of the current situation the entgegengegentritts and them at least a little space in the head away try to take away, you understand certainly...
Here again all the best and much strength Peter
Strong from you that you talk about it, knows exactly what you mean.
I also did a detox once
I was offered drugs that I refused, awesome I found that the doctor wanted to persuade me to take them
Said that they are not addictive I should not be afraid...but I said no.
There were people who were looking forward to the medi issue, one shouted out loud smarties time...
I was freaking out inside...and in the conversations it was like you say, everyone was looking for the blame somewhere else but never on themselves
Bro this shit the state makes money with the sick, and the sick are happy to get free drugs..when I saw all this and understood the system I wanted to puke
Ahh so it is not with me
I look for the blame at no one
It just happened
Whether it's my fault or whoever's fault
For me it does not matter
Saphira wrote on 15.02.2021 at 16:39: Family is everything! Wishing you the best on your journey and keeping my fingers crossed that you manage to quit permanently. Glad you have so much support along the way. That's half the battle.
Peter8 wrote on 16.02.2021 at 19:38
Strong of you that you talk about it, knows exactly what you mean.
I also did a detox once
I was offered drugs that I refused, awesome I found that the doctor wanted to persuade me to take them
Said they are not addictive I should not be afraid...but I said no.
There were people who were looking forward to the medi issue, one shouted out loud smarties time...
I was freaking out inside...and in the conversations it was like you say, everyone was looking for the blame somewhere else but never on themselves
Bro this shit the state makes money with the sick, and the sick are happy to get free drugs..when I saw all this and understood the system I wanted to puke
Ahh so it is not with me
I look for the blame at no one
It just happened
Whether it's my fault or whoever's fault
For me it does not matter
Thanks bro💙
Something similar I had met in the general smoking area. People who meet for "klapsen" every 3 months there. I mean the are also not without reason for the 1st time gone there and know me for example with Borderline and so not from and can not judge but that was too abgespacet me then...
My first thought was first, they take others evtl places away. Ultimately, however, it is just as you say that it is made cash... pity somehow
Now it's time to get serious! No more gambling
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Strong from you that you talk about it, knows exactly what you mean.
I also did a detox once
I was offered drugs that I refused, awesome I found that the doctor wanted to persuade me to take them
Said that they are not addictive I should not be afraid...but I said no.
There were people who were looking forward to the medi issue, one shouted out loud smarties time...
I was freaking out inside...and in the conversations it was like you say, everyone was looking for the blame somewhere else but never on themselves
Bro this shit the state makes money with the sick, and the sick are happy to get free drugs..when I saw all this and understood the system I wanted to puke
Ahh so it is not with me
I look for the blame at no one
It just happened
Whether it's my fault or whoever's fault
For me it does not matter
Thanks bro💙
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Now it's time to get serious! No more gambling
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Thank you Saphira
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Now it's time to get serious! No more gambling
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Something similar I had met in the general smoking area. People who meet for "klapsen" every 3 months there. I mean the are also not without reason for the 1st time gone there and know me for example with Borderline and so not from and can not judge but that was too abgespacet me then...
My first thought was first, they take others evtl places away. Ultimately, however, it is just as you say that it is made cash... pity somehow
On the other hand.
Geile attitude, keep it up
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Now it's time to get serious! No more gambling
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Anyone who encounters people with this disorder should quickly run for the distance.
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