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Slotmagie: Slotmagie demands several amounts and threatens to take action in the event of non-payment.

Topic created on 03rd Jul. 2024 | Page: 1 of 2 | Answers: 19 | Views: 915
Hello, I have a problem with SlotMagie. I received an email that €320 was outstanding because I had received it but had made a chargeback. I have already proven with my bank statements that this is not the case. Nothing was ever debited or charged back by me or the bank. Otherwise it would have been noted on the bank statement. After I sent them the account statements, they replied...... All the amounts we requested are not shown on the account statement, so I should transfer them immediately or they will take action against me. And I should give them the reason why I canceled the payments. I often have problems depositing there. I release a contribution at my bank and then the red cross Deposit not possible appears or I am redirected back to the homepage without having received a credit. They don't even respond to the statement. They only gave me the date, time and amount. No booking number or which Provider I deposited with. Nothing. Your information should be enough for me. I hope someone can give me some advice or has had the same problem before. I have been writing countless emails for days and I have the feeling that the emails are not being read properly, no matter what I write or explain, I always get numbers or measures.

Edit by Julian: Font color has been adjusted

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You cannot revoke a bank transfer.
Depositing by direct debit (which you can revoke within 4 weeks) is not possible at all...
Sounds to me like your bank has a block on paying to Slotmagie...? Give your bank a call and tell them about the German casino whitelist. Tell them to do some research ...

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Max_Bet wrote on 03.07.2024 at 11:36 am: You can't revoke a bank transfer at all.
You can't Deposit by direct debit (which you can revoke for 4 weeks)...
Sounds to me like your bank has a blockade to pay to Slotmagie...? Give your bank a call and tell them about the German casino whitelist. Tell them to do some research ...

It's not quite right, some banks offer to sort online transfers for a certain amount of time, some do it themselves, some only on contact, but as a rule it works

The background is simple: when you authorize a transfer, the store only receives a confirmation, but the money is still only sent after a few hours during the bank's opening hours if you have now used providers such as Sofort or others, the money is sent to their bank as normal, which means you have some time to stop or try to stop the whole thing, depending on the authorization, usually costs € 10 without 100% promise of success

The only exception is Giropay as this is a Provider of the banks, an authorization is binding there unless it is illegal and the bank cancels it itself but everything else you can cancel if you are fast

But it doesn't matter because either way it will be on the bank statement and if the account number is the one from where the money is claimed and no chargeback/cancellation is visible on the statements, SlotMagie should take steps will not help them no matter what their documents say your statements prove the opposite, no Debt collection can do anything and they will be 10000 % stuck with the costs!

I mean, what are statements for, they are supposed to prove transactions and if there is nothing there, what do they want to demand? So sometimes I really think what kind of heroes work there in the departments

And if it's the bank's fault because they canceled something and that's why it's not on the statements, which doesn't make sense either, but let's assume it's like that, they should argue with them, I'd really like to see casino vs. bank hahahaha the bank slaps them away with the lawyers: D

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Max_Bet wrote on 03.07.2024 at 11:36 am: You can't revoke a bank transfer at all.
You can't Deposit by direct debit (which you can revoke for 4 weeks)...
Sounds to me like your bank has a blockade to pay to Slotmagie...? Give your bank a call and tell them about the German casino whitelist. Tell them to do some research ...


Payments were made on the days before and after. Therefore, no block has been placed. It is only the amounts that they are now claiming. They don't appear anywhere. I had a return direct debit, that's correct, but it was debited on the same day by a repeat direct debit. Here you can see the booking/return direct debit and recurring direct debit on the account statement. With booking number.

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gamble1 wrote on 03.07.2024 at 11:50 am:
Is not quite correct some banks offer to be able to sort online transfers for a certain time some even constantly some only on contact but usually it is already possible

The background is simple if you authorize a transfer the store only gets a confirmation the money still only goes off after a few hours during the opening hours of the bank if you now use providers like Sofort or others the money is sent to their bank as normal means you have some time to stop or try to stop the whole thing depending on the authorization usually costs 10 € without 100% promise of success

The only exception is Giropay as this is a Provider of the banks, an authorization is binding there unless it is illegal and the bank cancels it itself but everything else you can cancel if you are fast

But it doesn't matter because either way it will be on the bank statement and if the account number is the one from where the money is claimed and no chargeback/cancellation is visible on the statements, SlotMagie should take steps will not help them no matter what their documents say your statements prove the opposite, no Debt collection can do anything and they will be 10000 % stuck with the costs!

I mean, what are statements for, they are supposed to prove transactions and if there is nothing there, what do they want to demand? So sometimes I really think what kind of heroes work there in the departments

And if it's the bank's fault because they canceled something and that's why it's not on the statements, which doesn't make sense either, but let's assume it is, they should argue with them, I would really like to see casino against bank hahahaha the bank slaps them away with the lawyers

I explained that to them what felt like 1000 times, that it should be on the bank statement somewhere. The answer I got was.... I should look in my player account in the history, that's where the amounts are. My account is blocked, among other things. Can't get in there at all. 😂 I think it's more likely that all my failed depositors were also entered as booked in the history, although I was never credited for them. That would explain it. But no one goes into the failed depositors and the constant server problems.

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Nicki1976 wrote on 03.07.2024 at 12:54 pm:

I have explained this to them 1000 times that it should be somewhere on the account statement. I got the answer...should look in my player account in the history, there are the amounts. My account is blocked, among other things. Can't get in there at all. 😂 I think it's more likely that all my failed depositors were also entered as booked in the history, although I was never credited for them. That would explain it. But nobody goes into the failed depositors and the constant server problems.

Yes, that may be, but their faulty system or their faulty bookkeeping is not your problem either!

Therefore, if you are sure that you have not received any money or have not gambled away any bookings on your account that have not been received by them, just wait and see if a nasty letter from a Debt collection agency comes, then simply reply, preferably by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt

Then write something like "I dispute the claim as a whole as I have never received any payment from your client - I have already communicated this several times in advance and documented it with account statements"

Then you will probably receive a reply where they want the bank statements from period XXX, which you then send again and the thing is through and SlotMagie is a few 100 € poorer

The important thing is to save the messages to the heroes so that you can tell the debt collector what kind of heroes they are when one arrives

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And if you were to cancel a depositor, why are they demanding this now? Was it booked and did you play with the amounts? If you have not played and the money has not been received, then you can safely ignore the claim. They can't force you to make a depositor. And if they let you play, on credit so to speak, then it's their own fault because the terms and conditions state that you can only play with money that you have deposited.

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Frankey wrote on 03.07.2024 at 15:03: And if you were to cancel a depositor, why are they demanding it now? Was it posted and you played with the amounts? If you have not played and the money has not been received, then you can safely ignore the claim. They can't force you to make a depositor. And if they let you play, on credit so to speak, then it's their own fault because the terms and conditions state that you can only play with money that you have deposited.

So Frankey, sometimes I really wonder if you don't read the threads before you reply haha

If she really deposited money and played with it and then canceled it, it could even be a fraudulent misuse of services because it was then a deliberate attempt to screw the Provider at a DE casino, this can even theoretically be collected with the GV because the GTC's don't itch much

But it doesn't matter, she says she hasn't canceled anything and hasn't received anything

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This just came by mail, on my statement ...neither debit nor return debit is clearly recognizable that there is none....unbelievable...
Lisa (SlotMagie)
3. July 2024, 16:16 CEST
Hello Nicole!

If your bank statement doesn't show the depositors that were withdrawn, it means that you played with money that you didn't pay.

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Nicki1976 wrote on 03.07.2024 at 17:10: This just came by mail, on my statement ...neither direct debit nor return debit is clearly recognizable that there is none....unbelievable...
Lisa (SlotMagie)
3. July 2024, 16:16 CEST
Hello Nicole!

If your bank statement doesn't show the depositors that were withdrawn, it means that you played with money that you didn't pay.

Just ignore these stupid crooks. Seriously, I get so annoyed by these completely stupid conversations with casinos where apparently no one with an IQ over 40 works. And it really is the same thing over and over again and the same with almost all casinos.

If they don't even know how to read a bank statement, then don't write to them at all. First of all, they have to tell you the exact day, the exact time and also the transaction number etc.. Just wait until they send you a letter from a lawyer or Debt collection agency and then you can take action against them. Before that, I wouldn't do anything and I wouldn't send them any sensitive documents such as bank statements. It's simply none of their business.

They want something from you, so they have to prove for the first time that they are right and not the other way around. They probably just can't find the money because of some mistake by your bank or because it simply got lost in the thousands of transactions. Who knows, but don't let them put you under any pressure. As long as nothing official comes from them, just don't do anything.

I've only ever had the stupidest conversations/discussions with casinos, who couldn't understand the simplest things despite repeating them umpteen times. Fortunately, I haven't been gambling for a few weeks now and it's staying that way for good. I've become so fed up with all the greedy casinos that treat their customers like supplicants and shower them with infantile advertisements. You'll get more appreciation at almost any online store where you spend €30 than at any casino where you've lost thousands of euros. Any shady street vendor who has his "real" gold hidden inside his jacket now looks more reputable to me than any online casino.

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I fully agree with that. It's just their incompetent standard answers, which are apparently also stored in the system, that are annoying. That's why I wrote yesterday evening that they should take action and I won't pay and if anything comes, I'll hand it over to my lawyer. I have neither the time nor the inclination for these pointless discussions and what comes as an answer...... I have demonstrably gambled away the money and not paid. My bank statements also prove this. I should Deposit the amount in the following account.

As proof, I should look at the history in my player account. Even there you can see how clever they are. SlotMagie has blocked my account. I can't get in anymore.

Ignore it now. If something comes, I'll give it to my legal protection as I said. .

I'll stop playing too. It's really too exhausting for me. I've already had Wunderino closed and I'll close SlotMagie as soon as it's sorted out. I still have credit in my account. Around €50.

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According to the standard answer from the casino and your opening post, I understand it a bit differently.

Could it be a payment you made and played with that is not visible on your bank statement?

As you wrote, you have often had problems with depositors. Therefore, it is not completely out of the question that there was a transaction that...

- you have made
- was made temporarily to the casino due to the technical problem
- could be used in the casino
- but was not debited from your account (and therefore does not appear on your account statement).

It is best to request all the gaming sessions from the Provider again.
Then you can compare the gaming sessions with the bookings on your bank statement.
If there are gaming sessions for which there is no entry on your account statement, this could clarify the matter.

The first point of contact should then be your bank, which will have to check the incorrect/unrecorded transaction.

The chargeback you mentioned in post #4 - was that an RLS and a new collection from/to
Slotmagie or another provider?

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Nicki1976 wrote on 04.07.2024 08:20:

I'll stop playing too. It's really too exhausting for me. I have already closed Wunderino and I will also close SlotMagie as soon as this has been resolved. I still have credit in my account. Approx. 50€.

Nicki1976 wrote on 03.07.2024 at 11:22 am:. Nothing was ever debited or charged back by me or the bank.

How did the 50€ get on your balance if you have no debits?

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Butterbrezel wrote on 04.07.2024 at 12:52: According to the standard answer from the casino and your opening post, I understand it a bit differently.

Could it be a payment you made and played with that is not visible on your bank statement?

As you wrote, you have often had problems with depositors. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible that there was a transaction that...

- you have made
- was made temporarily to the casino due to the technical problem
- could be used in the casino
- but was not debited to your account (and therefore does not appear on your account statement).

It is best to request all the gaming sessions from the Provider again.
Then you can compare the gaming sessions with the bookings on your bank statement.
If there are gaming sessions for which there is no entry on your account statement, this could clarify the matter.

The first point of contact should then be your bank, which will then have to check the incorrect/unrecorded transaction.

The chargeback you mentioned in post #4 - was that an RLS and a new collection from/to
Slotmagie or another provider?

Butterbrezel wrote on 04.07.2024 at 12:52: According to the standard answer from the casino and your opening post, I understand it a bit differently.

Could it perhaps be a payment you made and played with that is not visible on your bank statement?

As you wrote, you have often had problems with depositors. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible that there was a transaction that...

- you have made
- was made temporarily to the casino due to the technical problem
- could be used in the casino
- but was not debited to your account (and therefore does not appear on your account statement).

It is best to request all the gaming sessions from the provider again.
Then you can compare the gaming sessions with the bookings on your bank statement.
If there are gaming sessions for which there is no entry on your account statement, this could clarify the matter.

The first point of contact should then be your bank, which will then have to check the incorrect/unrecorded transaction.

The chargeback you mentioned in post #4 - was that an RLS and a new collection from/to
Slotmagie or another provider?

I often had the problem that I gave the bank approval, but then did not receive a credit at SlotMagie and therefore could not gamble. The message depositor has failed came from Slotmagie. Not from my bank, and this often happens. They also have server problems all the time.

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Butterbrezel wrote on 04.07.2024 at 12:52: According to the standard answer from the casino and your opening post, I understand it a bit differently.

Could it be a payment you made and played with that is not visible on your bank statement?

As you wrote, you have often had problems with depositors. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible that there was a transaction that...

- you have made
- was made temporarily to the casino due to the technical problem
- could be used in the casino
- but was not debited to your account (and therefore does not appear on your account statement).

It is best to request all the gaming sessions from the Provider again.
Then you can compare the gaming sessions with the bookings on your bank statement.
If there are gaming sessions for which there is no entry on your account statement, this could clarify the matter.

The first point of contact should then be your bank, which will then have to check the incorrect/unrecorded transaction.

The chargeback you mentioned in post #4 - was that an RLS and a new collection from/to
Slotmagie or another provider?

Butterbrezel wrote on 04.07.2024 at 12:52: According to the standard answer from the casino and your opening post, I understand it a bit differently.

Could it perhaps be a payment you made and played with that is not visible on your bank statement?

As you wrote, you have often had problems with depositors. Therefore, it is not entirely impossible that there was a transaction that...

- you have made
- was made temporarily to the casino due to the technical problem
- could be used in the casino
- but was not debited to your account (and therefore does not appear on your account statement).

It is best to request all the gaming sessions from the provider again.
Then you can compare the gaming sessions with the bookings on your bank statement.
If there are gaming sessions for which there is no entry on your account statement, this could clarify the matter.

The first point of contact should then be your bank, which will then have to check the incorrect/unrecorded transaction.

The chargeback you mentioned in post #4 - was that an RLS and a new collection from/to
Slotmagie or another provider?

I often had the problem that I gave the authorization at the bank, but then did not receive a credit at SlotMagie and therefore could not gamble. The message depositor has failed came from Slotmagie. Not from my bank, and this often happens. They also have server problems all the time.

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Hot Topics6th Jul. 2024 at 11:52 am CEST

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