I have a problem with wunderino I have won there 10.000,00€.This money did not want to pay me because I made deposits from another bank card which is legally in my possession.I have everything from this person (power of attorney for the use of card,identity card and statement of person in writing and sign)what Wunderino demanded of me and after hundreds of emails I get an answer that I can not pay this money because I have violated ABG 1.8.For several months (6) I try to contact Wunderino and prove my rights, I get no answer via e-mails only way to write to Wunderino is Live Chat in platform but they give no answer what me subject, directly tell me to write an e-mail to Wunderino at which no one does not answer and so in circle.
Can you help me with my problem???
No one will be able to help you.
It is forbidden to Deposit from the bank account of a third person and Wunderino enforces their terms and conditions hardcore....they make no compromises.
Can not you ban such threads right away GJ - TEAM ?
It is annoying when constantly such topics appear here, which is actually clear to everyone who reads the terms and conditions, that he does not get his money ...
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Can you help me with my problem???
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Liked this post: Bucoj123
It is forbidden to Deposit from the bank account of a third person and Wunderino enforces their terms and conditions hardcore....they make no compromises.
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Liked this post: Bucoj123
It is annoying when constantly such topics appear here, which is actually clear to everyone who reads the terms and conditions, that he does not get his money ...
Sorry Bucoj but will be able to forget it!!!
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