Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
25th Feb. 2021, at 06:48 am CET#1
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so what just happened on wunderino exceeds just really everything I have ever experienced when playing in the casino offline or online.
Have recently started to switch from wunderino and Slotty Vegas to hyperino from time to time which was also great at the beginning and I was convinced of the casino.
have initially 300euro or so won which were also ausgezahlöt although not HYPER as announced everywhere but well it came. all good.
From then only extremely strange situations as I find, can not believe it...
First once onlynoch lost, but on the worst (ok can happen ne slots just) where I have never experienced that with individual deposits worth about 240 euro in 10 -30 euro steps not a single time Over dewn Deposit amount comes except vllt 10cent after the, erten spin and all free spins no matter on what bet have given a maximum of 4 euro but ann certainly still occur somewhere gambling ne ^^. But then gibts there the daily freispielbponus with a 20 euro deposit. As far as sogut I had the night before this already used against 2 o'clock in the morning, but then received an email I should deposit but there are free spins in addition, I thought okay and pay one. Free spins are not. on request to support I am told that I had already used in the morning and I would not get any whereupon he ended the chat while I was screaming. (which is also evident when the other tippt.) so then just played again a few times deposited. Am at 12 euro rest. Open book of juno hope for books and full screen on 10cent and set this also. When I start to turn comes at the 2nd vbersuch the message no credit. I wondered what's going on??look at the screen is suddenly 10euo bet drinne so max bet. I still thought ok funny had briefly gelaggt at the spin I thought I was stupidly so came on the max bet buton and wrote the support that it sucks is that by the lagg now the money is gone. (I know sounds like the classic Ausreden gelabber) The Support Mitarbeioterin took me no piece seriously ignored me and said their automats stelemn not by itself. I said it was actually limited to 1nem Euro anyway because I do not know me 100%. She simply ended the chat. I was flabbergasted. Contacted them again and while waiting for connection with a Mitarbbewiter I set the slot back to 10 cents (and for this I could strangle myself) turned and bang the machine turned to 2euro! where I then had a 5 picture which brought 20euro. I was no longer clear. Suppport sent a screenshot and asked how that could be before ar my opinion after that with the euro voirher been active... (I can be wrong but that is at 3 different casinos nothing is what I swear, no idea therefore does not actually) but it is fact that he had set himself the automat and I shared with great surprise the support, during which I was then suddenly sent to the break moidus. and suddenly another employee took over which stood out by extreme nastiness. After my aschilderung came only it can not be he see there no probem and pointed me to it I should but first once sober up before I play and tomorrow wiedfer come.yes he has really taken out the little wretch. Chat closed I confused. I then immediately tried to view my game history, but can not be displayed on the page but you have to request them by email to support (strange). I did that, answer: will be sent. Half hour passes yet nothing there. I of course after the 2nd fiasco spin which brought me 20euro win alsowhy should I lie please?? wanted to point them only to enn error but may not be! absolutely never happen. In the forced 5minuten spielpause immediately set up the cam and filmed what I idiot should have done immediately. (I know that sounds all very sensationalist lied and I cans myself really not believe but I swear on the life of my sick mother have drunk a beer 4 hours ago and do not lie it is 1 to 1 so happened.) now the error was apparently fixed in the attempt no max bet more. I asked the support where the courses remain or whether they would have to before still rumdoctern or what takes so long. Answer: in the course of the morning they would send them to me. where I ask myself why takes here 7h what is permanently einsehar at bwin or slotty??? or on any casino, and I played them all wunderino NetBetWildz bwin tipico unibet LeoVegasSloty vegas ececec. And I pointed out that it was an impertinence how to deal with customers here. I admit the comment that I probably would have broken the nose of the employee who wanted to portray me as a drunken idiot probably in the real casino would not have had to be but I just wanted to point out what this is for an impudence and not at all goes
Seid demist my account locked because of gambling search? have an email where it says you can download programs to block all casinos ahhha thank you and what about my 12 euro rest? or where does this reason??? And all this after such a SYSTEM BUG AT THEM !?!?!?!?!? INCREDIBLE
No idea what to do now email with game info I have imrnoch none. Info about my money also not.
No one can do the text wall. Best come down, format the text sensibly and post again. But is probably only again "mimimi, I've lost, but they must beschei**en"
So I can understand your anger I also played in far too many Online Casinos and peak at audacity his uncle was drueckglueck these kack birds!!! First I was excluded from all bonus offers what I was also shit no matter then I deposited twice by immediately there also at night and dss money was credited to me in both cases only after two days wild e Mail traffic what the all have labert I had Garnicht deposited and it was Garkein account on my etc. I screenshot of my online banking sent then again any excuses until they finally gave in thank God I have won nothing I think that had also turned with the fact that I would have blocked for insult... Next film Vera and John and under InterCasino!! With both mostly daily around the 50-100 euros deposited sometimes more and with both vip status had and my girlfriend pays there times quite sporadically when she asks in chat for some bonus credit or free spins zack get with me I was then made aware of the promotions haha I thought they want to f**k with me.... Or rizk.com there I have timelang only won was 3k in the plus from one day to the next only sell slots run funny I find and about Deposit one comes also as good as never maybe of 10eibzahlungen once over 50 euros and then it goes down again... Wildz and Caxino exactly the same dirt... sunmaker just as first only in the plus and now fat minus there is the chat also the very last of the last his father I swore it to you this Christian this miserable...... ... Have complained no reaction no matter can now also blow me a right now I'm almost exclusively only at Videoslots.com alone because of the fast payout but even so I find that the quite fair with losing and winning are looking at how long still basically all the dirt and we ourselves to blame that we play there but what want to do you know dat but
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Former Member
Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
25th Feb. 2021, at 09:58 am CET#5
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Joa, at sunmaker / sunnyplayer and the Rootz Casinos this is standard; first you may win a few bucks and maybe even pay out and that's it; from one day to the next there's only Deadspins in the hundreds pack...
You know yourself sometimes you win mostly you lose
I have this month also first well won and then meanwhile over 4 k verballert in the plus I was nevertheless each time and if it only few euros have been
As if it would make a difference whether the slots take you off immediately or let you double the Deposit first
Zero significance of this deposits run down Casino X stupid Casino Y stupid it is simply so
Winning is almost always higher winning balanced much higher winning rarely and extremely high winning almost never
This is complaining in other dimensions like you would take out a loan and then complain that you pay high interest that is in the nature of things just like it is also in gambling you lose almost always
Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
26th Feb. 2021, at 01:23 am CET#7
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Hidaruma wrote on 02/25/2021 at 09:38: Whew.
Can't anyone do that wall of text to themselves. Best come down, format the text sensibly and post again. But it's probably just "mimimi, I lost, they must be cheating" again
that's the point icjh ds is not the case my dear and I have bushrt imernoch no Spielberichter yes not even a statement on the remainder of my balance get. I have not lost at all that st yes the joke ic hhabe jha with the bug also still 8euro plus made dseshalb I do not understand the reactions yes. Ausserdfem if you do not like it no one forces you to read it or? ... Sorry if I spoiled your day
Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
26th Feb. 2021, at 01:34 am CET#8
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I think that came vielleichct wrong across and have in my first Aufregeung vilelicht written a little too much about the Spielverlauf der is nebensächluich that's not what it's about, the main focus is on said Eisatz regelung of the Auttomat ie that he simply turns on maxbet instead of 10cent... have also won enough and lost enough to know how that works. Bspw at slotty from a 10er of Gamomat Turnierr 1000ausgezahlrt so is the halt if one wins must lose many das hatz but nothing to do with the progblem here! I have ja gewomnnen at the 2. error why should I dnenn make up what would I have of it?? And why should I do it 2 times hinterteinernader ... ichc myn sppielverläfen is evident that I max on 2 euro stake piele when I have some hunderrt on the clock einfch this is my way to play. I find it an impudence then to be dismissed as a drunken full idiot a we check that would have been ok!!! At bwin that would certainly not passierrt so. But above all why then imertnoch no SPielvbericht? the msollte be sent over 20h.... had still residual money on the account echtgelt dazu nichteinmal ekne nfo bekomenodersonst something that's nciht normal . I can argue in Edeka also with the branch manager andIhn insult (even if that was ier less the case I found my reaction honestly not exaggerated! and would be happy to make up for it now.... ) However, the dajnmn may certainly n
not confiscate my wallet if he bans me from the house or sejh I what wrong? I think not
Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
26th Feb. 2021, at 01:50 pm CET#10
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So it looks diggah I call now gamomat if the registrys or so from the time there iwas raushauen can and if it's the last thing I do the Josh or how the Bello is called should be away from the window or fly out xD Somehow I have to be able to prove it I find iwas f**k me so ab have always cam mitlaufen ne the one time net because pc abgeschmiert is a std before -.- can ma her iwie attachments hochladen peil the menu here net
Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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so what just happened on wunderino exceeds just really everything I have ever experienced when playing in the casino offline or online.
Have recently started to switch from wunderino and Slotty Vegas to hyperino from time to time which was also great at the beginning and I was convinced of the casino.
have initially 300euro or so won which were also ausgezahlöt although not HYPER as announced everywhere but well it came. all good.
From then only extremely strange situations as I find, can not believe it...
First once onlynoch lost, but on the worst (ok can happen ne slots just) where I have never experienced that with individual deposits worth about 240 euro in 10 -30 euro steps not a single time Over dewn Deposit amount comes except vllt 10cent after the, erten spin and all free spins no matter on what bet have given a maximum of 4 euro but ann certainly still occur somewhere gambling ne ^^. But then gibts there the daily freispielbponus with a 20 euro deposit. As far as sogut I had the night before this already used against 2 o'clock in the morning, but then received an email I should deposit but there are free spins in addition, I thought okay and pay one. Free spins are not. on request to support I am told that I had already used in the morning and I would not get any whereupon he ended the chat while I was screaming. (which is also evident when the other tippt.) so then just played again a few times deposited. Am at 12 euro rest. Open book of juno hope for books and full screen on 10cent and set this also. When I start to turn comes at the 2nd vbersuch the message no credit. I wondered what's going on??look at the screen is suddenly 10euo bet drinne so max bet. I still thought ok funny had briefly gelaggt at the spin I thought I was stupidly so came on the max bet buton and wrote the support that it sucks is that by the lagg now the money is gone. (I know sounds like the classic Ausreden gelabber) The Support Mitarbeioterin took me no piece seriously ignored me and said their automats stelemn not by itself. I said it was actually limited to 1nem Euro anyway because I do not know me 100%. She simply ended the chat. I was flabbergasted. Contacted them again and while waiting for connection with a Mitarbbewiter I set the slot back to 10 cents (and for this I could strangle myself) turned and bang the machine turned to 2euro! where I then had a 5 picture which brought 20euro. I was no longer clear. Suppport sent a screenshot and asked how that could be before ar my opinion after that with the euro voirher been active... (I can be wrong but that is at 3 different casinos nothing is what I swear, no idea therefore does not actually) but it is fact that he had set himself the automat and I shared with great surprise the support, during which I was then suddenly sent to the break moidus. and suddenly another employee took over which stood out by extreme nastiness. After my aschilderung came only it can not be he see there no probem and pointed me to it I should but first once sober up before I play and tomorrow wiedfer come.yes he has really taken out the little wretch. Chat closed I confused. I then immediately tried to view my game history, but can not be displayed on the page but you have to request them by email to support (strange). I did that, answer: will be sent. Half hour passes yet nothing there. I of course after the 2nd fiasco spin which brought me 20euro win alsowhy should I lie please?? wanted to point them only to enn error but may not be! absolutely never happen. In the forced 5minuten spielpause immediately set up the cam and filmed what I idiot should have done immediately. (I know that sounds all very sensationalist lied and I cans myself really not believe but I swear on the life of my sick mother have drunk a beer 4 hours ago and do not lie it is 1 to 1 so happened.) now the error was apparently fixed in the attempt no max bet more. I asked the support where the courses remain or whether they would have to before still rumdoctern or what takes so long. Answer: in the course of the morning they would send them to me. where I ask myself why takes here 7h what is permanently einsehar at bwin or slotty??? or on any casino, and I played them all wunderino NetBet Wildz bwin tipico unibet LeoVegas Sloty vegas ececec. And I pointed out that it was an impertinence how to deal with customers here. I admit the comment that I probably would have broken the nose of the employee who wanted to portray me as a drunken idiot probably in the real casino would not have had to be but I just wanted to point out what this is for an impudence and not at all goes
Seid demist my account locked because of gambling search? have an email where it says you can download programs to block all casinos ahhha thank you and what about my 12 euro rest? or where does this reason??? And all this after such a SYSTEM BUG AT THEM !?!?!?!?!? INCREDIBLE
No idea what to do now email with game info I have imrnoch none. Info about my money also not.
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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Seriously, if you really had a problem, then just be friendly, the people who sit there in the chat can simply nothing for it.
If you come like with ner steamroller approached I would also rauschmeissen you quite honestly...
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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krabbe666, T****s
No one can do the text wall. Best come down, format the text sensibly and post again. But is probably only again "mimimi, I've lost, but they must beschei**en"
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
Liked this post: Anonym,
You know yourself sometimes you win mostly you lose
I have this month also first well won and then meanwhile over 4 k verballert in the plus I was nevertheless each time and if it only few euros have been
As if it would make a difference whether the slots take you off immediately or let you double the Deposit first
Zero significance of this deposits run down Casino X stupid Casino Y stupid it is simply so
Winning is almost always higher winning balanced much higher winning rarely and extremely high winning almost never
This is complaining in other dimensions like you would take out a loan and then complain that you pay high interest that is in the nature of things just like it is also in gambling you lose almost always
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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that's the point icjh ds is not the case my dear and I have bushrt imernoch no Spielberichter yes not even a statement on the remainder of my balance get. I have not lost at all that st yes the joke ic hhabe jha with the bug also still 8euro plus made dseshalb I do not understand the reactions yes. Ausserdfem if you do not like it no one forces you to read it or? ... Sorry if I spoiled your day
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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not confiscate my wallet if he bans me from the house or sejh I what wrong? I think not
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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Hyperino absolutely indescribable. Deceived his watch grandfather
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