Games of chance
A game of chance is a game in which money is usually wagered and a win depends solely or at least predominantly on chance. A distinction can be made between pure games of chance without a skill component (e.g. Slot machines, lotteries) and games of chance with a skill component (e.g. Blackjack, sports betting). Occasionally, games of chance are also referred to as hasard games.
In casinos and other land-based casinos, a basic distinction is made between the small game and the big game. The small game is the so-called one-armed bandits, i.e. classic slot machines. The big game is, for example, blackjack, Poker or roulette. Strictly speaking, however, the term "gambling" can be interpreted much more broadly. For example, lottery booths at fun fairs, tossing a coin (heads/numbers), Yahtzee and classic lotteries are all games of chance.
In legal terms, gambling is an activity in which certain assets are wagered on the outcome of a certain situation. The outcome of the game depends primarily on the principle of chance and not on the skill of the player. According to a study conducted by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) in 2015, around one in three Germans (37.3%) participate in games of chance.
Criminal liability for unauthorized gambling
In Germany, the unauthorized organization of a game of chance is punishable. For example, §284 StGB states:
"Anyone who publicly organizes or holds a game of chance or provides the facilities for this purpose without official permission shall be punished with imprisonment of up to two years or a fine."
Other terms related to the topic "Casino in general"