In the meantime, there are a variety of Roulette strategies. In addition to the Labouchere roulette system, the so-called Fibonacci system is now also known to many players. Characteristic for the Fibonacci system is the fact that it is a betting system with negative progression. Here, bets are placed according to the Fibonacci sequence. It is generally recommended to start with lower stakes in order not to reach the table limit in the further course.
The Fibonacci sequence is an infinite sequence of natural numbers. This sequence starts twice with the number 1 and the other numbers are the sum of the two previous numbers. Accordingly, the Fibonacci number sequence looks like this:
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, etc.
In order to implement the Fibonacci strategy in the Casino, a betting unit is chosen in the first round of play. In the second round of play, again one betting unit is chosen. In the third round of play, two betting units are placed, and so on. The core of the strategy is that after each loss the Bet is increased. However, if the Player wins, the betting starts again from the number 1.
A great advantage of this roulette strategy is that the system is very easy to apply. Moreover, no higher mathematics is required. It is recommended to start with a comparatively low bet, as the bet amount will quickly increase as you progress a bit in the number sequence in the Fibonacci system.
Who developed the Fibonacci system?
This sequence of numbers can be traced back to Leonardo Fibonacci. This is a popular mathematician who wanted to use the number sequence to describe the growth of a population of rabbits in 1202.
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